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Иностранный язык учебный год 2022-23 / топики к зачету на 2 СЕМЕСТР.docx
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  1. 9) Russian police.

The organizational structure, methods and traditions of the police of the Russian Federation differ from the police of western countries. One unique feature of policing approach in Russia is the system of territorial patronage over citizens.

The duty of a policeman is to maintain close relations with the residents of his district. He is also responsible for tackling minor offences like family violence, loud noise, residential area parking etc.

Police personnel carry firearms, but are not permitted when they are off duty. Women are widely represented among investigators, juvenile crime inspectors, clerks. They are usually not permitted to full positions that carry risks.

Another unique feature is the use of conscripted soldiers from the Internal Troops for regular urban policing.

The police reform. Which began in 2011, is aimed at improving the efficiency of the Russia’s police.

  1. 10) British police.

The police have many functions in the legal process. They gather information for offences, arrest, search, question people and control the actions of members of the public during demonstrations and meetings. The presence of the police is a factor in deterring people from committing offences. A legal system needs honest police force.

However, the police are responsible for their actions. For example, police officer may be prosecuted for any wrongful act committed in carrying out duties.

Britain has no national police. There is a separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the country is divided.

All members of the British police must gain a certain level of academic qualification at school and undergo a period of intensive training. There is a career structure in the British police force. In London the Head of the Force is called the Metropolitan Commissioner.

The British police generally do not carry firearms, except in Northern Ireland. The police now use modern equipment: motorbikes, squad cars, helicopters, access to the Police National Computer, facilities of the Forensic Science Service and sophisticated laboratories.

The British police were criticized for denying civil liberties, for failing to catch criminals. These cases have had a profound effect upon the police and the manner in which they carry out their duties.

  1. 11) Foundation principles of civil legislation of the rf.

Civil legislation is founded on the recognition of the equality of participants in the relations.

Citizens and legal persons acquire and exercise law rights through their own free will and in their own interest. Civil law rights may be limited on the basis of federal law and only to the extent that is necessary for purposes of defending the foundations of constitutional order, public morality.

Goods, services and capital shall vote freely throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. Limitations on the movement of goods and services may be imposed in accordance with federal law.