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Иностранный язык учебный год 2022-23 / топики к зачету на 2 СЕМЕСТР.docx
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  1. 6) Categories of crimes in the uk.

There are three categories of crimes in the UK: indictable, summary, either-way crimes. Indictable offences are the most serious ones. They are heard in the Crown Court. Summary offences are the least serious ones. They are heard in magistrates courts. Either-way offences can be heard in the Crown Court or in magistrates courts.

The prosecution has to prove two elements in most crimes. They are actus reus and mens rea.

There are types of serious crimes in most jurisdictions. They are arson, theft, sexual offences, terrorism. Arson is setting fire to the dwelling of another person. Theft is the physical removal of an object without the consent of the owner. Burglary is any entry by an individual into a building with intent to commit theft. Robbery is the commission of theft in circumstances of violence.

  1. 7) Criminal Procedure in the uk.

Pretrial stage. At the first stage the crime is reported and investigated. Criminal charges must be lodged against the defendant. In the USA most cases are resolved without a trial. Attorneys for the defence and prosecutions usually reach a plea bargain.

Burden of proof. In civil cases plaintiff merely needs a preponderance of the evidence. It is the duty of the attorneys for both parties to examine and cross-examine witnesses.

The order of proceedings. The session is opened by the court called to order by the Clerk of the Court. In English law a person is innocent until proven guilty. This means that burden of proof is on the prosecution. After closing arguments judge sums up evidences and jury retires to jury room to consider the verdict.

Evidence. There are numerous, complex rules about what evidence is admissible and how it may be introduced. The jury’s verdict is to be based solely on the evidence properly brought out at the trial.

Appeals. The appeal is a petition for review of a case that has been decided by a court of law. The appeal system is mostly for the benefit of the defendant, but it is possible for the prosecution to appeal for a retrial. Appellate courts cannot overturn a verdict simply because they disagree with it.

  1. 8) Types of punishment.

There are several kinds of punishment. They are fine, term of imprisonment, probation, parole, community service. Crimes are punished according to their seriousness.

Fines are often used when offence is not a very serious. For more serious crimes the usual punishment is imprisonment. The length of sentences varies from a few days to a lifetime. Probation is the suspension of jail time. Parole is the supervised release of prisoners before the completion of their sentence in prison. They may be returned to prison if they violate the conditions of their parole.

Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that involves the deliberate infliction of pain. This kind of punishment is still employed in Pakistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Community service requires the offender to do a certain amount of unpaid work. Restricting freedom in the form house arrest as a new alternative type of punishment in the RF.