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7. Отработайте произношение новых для вас слов и запомните их:

accept [q‘ksept], v - принимать

behaviour [bı’heıvjq], n - поведение

both ... and, cj - как … так и …

combustible [kq m’bAstıbl], adj –горючий

combustion [kq m’bA sCqn], n -горение

desired [dı’zaıqd], adj - желаемый

direct [daı’rekt],adj - прямой

directly [daı’rektlı], adv - прямо

fire stream – пожарная струя

half-dozen [‘hRf’dAzn], - пол-дюжины

in such a way as – так, чтобы

indirect [ındı’rekt], adj - косвенный

influence [‘ınfluqns], v - влиять

involved [ın’vOlvd], adj - вовлеченный

it is generally accepted – общепринято

molten [‘m ult n], adj - расплавленный

reach [rJC], v - достигать

relate (to) [rı’leıt], v – относиться к …

simultaneously [sımq l’teınıqslı], adv –одновременно

stream [strJm], n – поток, струя

suited [‘sjHtıd], adj – пригодный, подходящий

violently [‘vaıqlqntlı], adv – сильно, очень

8. Внимательно прочитайте текст и переведите его. Обратите внимание на название химического вещества, встречающееся в тексте:

Carbon dioxide [‘kabn] [daı’oksaıd] – двуокись углерода



There are four basic principles that influence on how to attack a fire. The selection of a fire control agent is dependent upon the classification of the involved

fuel and the desired mechanism of extinguishment. The classification of a fuel creates a criterion for agent selection because each fuel type has reactions to different agents. There are four classes of fuels and therefore four classes of fires and perhaps a half-dozen agents to select from.

Class A combustibles are normally extinguished best by an agent that provides cooling. Water is the best agent to perform this task. However, it should be noted that even water has limitations on Class A combustibles. It sometimes requires an additional chemical to reduce its resistance to penetration.

Class B combustibles are extinguished best by gases like carbon dioxide. Also, a Class B fuel can be extinguished by foams and dry chemicals.

Class C combustibles are actually Class A or B fuels that have been energized. While they are energized, they can not be effectively attacked with any agent that is a conductor of electricity. Once the fuel is de-energized, the normal rules of extinguishment are applied. Usually, the best agent for attack on Class C fires is a gas or dry chemical.

Class D combustibles are extremely difficult to extinguish. The agents best suited for attack on them are those that do not react violently with the material while they are used to blanket the molten mass.

The stage of the fire is the determining factor in deciding which method of attack to employ.

It is generally accepted that there are three methods of fire attack. Each is directly related to fire behavior. They are: the direct method, the indirect one and the combination method.

The first method presupposes applying a fire stream directly onto the fuel involved in the combustion process. The key to the success of this method is the ability to reach the seat of the fire.

The indirect method is applying a fire stream to an area of the fire in such a way as to interfere with the combustion process without direct reaching the source of the heat. In structural fires this means applying water to the concentration of heat above burning fuel in such a way as to blanket the fire area with stream.

The combination method is applying a fire stream to both the burning fuel and to other areas of concentrated heat simultaneously, resulting in a cooling of the fuel and cooling of the atmosphere.