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4. От данных глаголов образуйте существительные при помощи суффиксов и переведите их:

а) –ment;

extinguish, accomplish, remove, base, establish, displace;

б) –(t)ion;

interrupt, produce, reduce, dissipate, dilute, concentrate, introduce, separate, eliminate

5. А) Назовите русские слова, имеющие те же корни, что и следующие английские:

theory, based on, ingredients, temperature, chemical, reaction, phase, options, proportion, methods, process, to produce, normal, inert gases, application, collapse, adequate, form, a negative balance, effectively, gaseous, solid, atmosphere, concentration, area, separating, materials, metals, agents, parts, potential, safe, actions;

б) Подберите к русским словам английские эквиваленты, данные выше:

температура; процесс; газообразный; методы; теория; применение; концентрация; вещества; материалы; фаза; базируется, основывается; химическая реакция; составляющие; ингредиенты; форма; производить; инертные газы; пропорция, соотношение; атмосфера; нормальный; соответствующий; отрицательный баланс; эффективно; твердый; зона; отделяя; металлы; части, партии; потенциальный; варианты; разрушение; безопасный; действия.

6. Отработайте произношение новых для вас слов и запомните их:

accomplish [q’kOmplıS ], v - достигать

“blanket” [‘blæŋkıt] , n – одеяло

blanket , v – покрывать одеялом

cause [kO:z], v – служить причиной

common [‘kOmqn], adj – обычный

cool [ku:l], v - охлаждать

dilution [daı’lju:Sn] ,n - разбавление

displace [dıs’pleıs], v – замещать, вытеснять

dissipate [‘dısıpeıt], v - рассеивать

flash [flæS ], n – вспышка

fuel [‘fjHql], n - топливо

include [ın’klu:d], v – включать

interruption [ıntq’rA pSqn], n - прерывание

introduce [ıntrq’dju:s], v – внедрять, вводить

necessary [‘nesısrı] , adj – необходимый

oxygen [‘OksıGqn], n - кислород

possible [‘pOsıbl], adj - возможный

reduce [rı’dju:s], v – снижать, сокращать

remove [rı’mu:v] , v – удалять, устранять

self-oxidized [self’OksıdQızd] –самоокисляющиеся

smother [‘smAðq], v – тушить, подавлять

source [sLs], n - источник

surround [sq’raund], v – окружать

tend [tend], v – иметь тенденцию, склонность

transfer [‘trænsfq], v - передавать

try [traı], v - пытаться

7. Внимательно прочитайте текст и переведите его:

Обратите внимание на названия химических веществ, встречающиеся в тексте:

Carbon tetrachloride


Methyl bromide


The extinguishing theory of fire is based on an interruption of one or more fire ingredients which are necessary to fire. They are fuel, oxygen and heat. The

collapse of one of them will cause the fire to go out. Before starting extinguishing fire the fireman must decide which of the factors he will try to remove. It is often possible to use more than one method at the same time.

One of the most common methods of extinguishment is cooling with water. It cools the fuel to a point where it does not produce sufficient vapour to burn. Solid and liquid fuels with high flash points can be extinguished by cooling. Low flash point liquids and flammable gases cannot be extinguished by cooling with water.

Then, a fire is effectively extinguished by removing the fuel source. It is often possible to transfer property from parts of a burning building to a safe place. Аnother method of fuel removal is to allow the fire to burn until all fuel is consumed. These or similar actions may be of great value in reducing the potential losses, but they do not usually work against the fire. Smothering or cooling is more useful.

Examples of smothering include the use of sand to displace the air surrounding a fire. Such “blanket” is temporary because gases tend to be dissipated. Then some chemical extinguishing agents such as carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide and chlorobromomethane are used when it is possible.

The method of extinguishment by oxygen dilution is the reduction of the oxygen concentration necessary for supporting fire. A reduction of oxygen proportion in the atmosphere from the normal 21% to less than 15% will extinguish most fires, but in some cases the percentage of oxygen must be reduced to 0. This can be accomplished by introducing an inert gas into the fire or by separating the oxygen from the fuel. But this method will not work on self-oxidized materials or on certain metals.