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7. Прочитайте и запомните неизвестные вам слова:

appearance [q'pIqrqns],n - внешний вид

exclude [Iks'klHd],v- исключать

flow [flqu],v- течь

frothy ['frOTI],adj- пенистый

intervene [Intq'vJn],v- вмешиваться

intervening - промежуточный

lower ['lquq],v-понижать

quantity ['kwOntItI],n-количество

release [rI'lJs],n -освобождение

retain [rI'teIn],v-удерживать

separate ['seprIt],v-разделять (от)

soapsuds ['squpsAds]-мыльная пена

suppress(or) [sq'pres(q)],v,n- мешать, подавлять, глушитель

water supply ['wLtq] [sq'plQI]- водоснабжение

8. Внимательно прочитайте текст и переведите его:


Foam is a frothy product which is similar in appearance to soap-suds. It is so light that it flows in any liquid. Foam is the most effective extinguishing agent for fires of liquids which are not mixed with water, e.g. petrol, paraffin, spirit, paints, oils and many others.

Fire fighting foam is effective as an extinguishing agent and vapor suppresser because it can float freely over a surface of the liquid to form a blanket; resist heat, flame and wind; retain its water content for a long period.

Foam extinguishes and prevents fire in several ways:

  • smothering: preventing air and flammable vapors from combining;

  • separating: intervening between the fuel and the fire;

  • cooling: lowering the temperature of the fuel and adjacent surfaces;

  • suppressing: preventing the release of flammable vapors.

In general, foam works by forming a blanket on the burning fuel. The foam blanket excludes oxygen and stops the burning process.

There are two classes of foam: chemical and mechanical. Chemical foam is produced by a chemical reaction. Mechanical foam does not involve any chemical action in its preparation.

Foams in use today are of mechanical type, that is, they must be proportioned and aerated (mixed with air) before they can be used.

It is known that foam has many advantages over vaporizing liquids. Although foam is particularly well suited to fires of liquids, it may also be useful on fires of ordinary combustible materials, such as paper, textiles and so on, when the water supply is limited.

9. Выпишите из текста слова, образованные суффиксальным способом и проанализируйте их:

Например: ‘extinguishing’ – Participle 1- образовано от глагола ‘to extinguish’ при помощи суффикса –ing; ‘flammable’ – adjective – образовано от существительного ‘flame’ при помощи суффикса –able.

10.Вставьте нужное по смыслу слово:

1. Only some of the (extinguished, extinguishing, extinguisher) agents are suitable to fires of liquids. 2. Fire fighting foam is an (effective, effectiveness, effecting) extinguishing agent. 3. (Cooler, cooling, cooled) is one of the ways of fire preventing. 4. Suppressing prevents the release of (flaming, flammable, flamed) vapors. 5. Foam works by (former, formless, forming) a blanket on the burning fuel. 6. Chemical foam is produced by a chemical (reaction, reactor, reactive). 7. Foam may be used on fires of ordinary (combustion, combustible, combusting) materials. 8. Fire fighting foam is an effective vapor (suppressor, suppressed, suppressing). 9. Foam has many advantages over (vaporized, vaporizable, vaporizing) liquids. 10. The foam blanket stops the (burning, burner, burned) process.