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Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches. Lukina L.V., Sternina M

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Education Agency

Scientific Journal



Voronezh State Technical University

The journal has been publishing since 2012

Issue 4 (23), 2018


Fyodorov V.A. Introductory remarks by Editor-in-chief of the Scientific Journal «Modern

linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches»......................................................................




Lukina L.V., Sternina M.A. New trends of comparative lexicography ...................................


Knyazeva D.A., Paloiko L.V. Artistic detail as a tool of creating the antagonist image in the

novel “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier.....................................................................................


Ivanova А.G. The role of functional stylistic factor in defining grammatical homonymy........



Buryakova S.Yu., Voronkova I.S. Teaching French for specific purposes: variety of contexts,

unity of principles........................................................................................................................


Kashkina E.V. On the overcoming the language interference in teaching translation (on the

example of the French language of Marokkans) .........................................................................


Orlova S.N., Smirnova I.V. Forming prosodic skills of non-linguist students: some guidelines .57

Popova S.N. Contemporary methods of teaching modern youth (in the context of English

language teaching).......................................................................................................................


Golukovich A.Y., Antonova L.A. Gesture as a nonverbal component of communication in

virtual pedagogical discourse (on the video lessons of English without feedback)....................




Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093




Malyuga E.N., Petrosyan G.O. Peculiarities of prosodic speech design in English business



Tsurikova L.V., Zavialova L.A. Application of the compliment strategy in intercultural

interaction via e-mail exchange...................................................................................................


Erokhina Anna M. Subtext as a language phenomenon of literary text: levels of subtext .....


Solodovchenko L.N., Solodovchenko S.A. intercultural competence as a factor of adaptation of

foreign students to the terms of training in a Russian University .............................................


Ghezaili N. Consolidation and activation of the idiomatic and aphoristic units in the Algerian

audience at an advanced stage of training .................................................................................




Berg E.B., Kit M. Compilation of test materials for evaluation of translator’s skills: cognitive

aspect .........................................................................................................................................


Abramova E.I. Allusion and wordplay in English ergonims...................................................




Lukina L.V. Scientific information about anniversary international symposium «Lempert

Readings – XX» ........................................................................................................................


INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS .................................................................................





INFORMATION ON SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS ......................................................



Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Introductory Remarks by Editor-in-chief of the Scientific Journal

«Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue 4 (23) of the Scientific Journal contains the following sections: "Linguistics", "Methods and Didactics", "Intercultural Communication", "Theory and Practice of Translation". The fortieth series presents 15 articles.

This issue of the Scientific Journal (SJ 4 (23), 2018) offers our honorable readers to learn about the results and promising trends of scientific researches in the area of linguistics, methodology and didactics of foreign languages teaching, intercultural communication, the issues of theory and practice of translation, studied not only as a process, but also as a result. It is an important objective for any linguist to approach to the truth of science. The works represented in this issue of the journal contribute to attain it.

The section “Linguistics” concerns the new series of bilingual dictionaries made and published by Voronezh theoretical-linguistic school of comparative researches and the possibility to use them for foreign language teaching and practice of translation (L.V. Lukina and M.A. Sternina), possible ways of interpretation of the image of the antagonist are distinguished (D.A. Knyazeva, L.V. Paloiko), prospects of functional-stylistic factor in grammatical researches are determined (Aryuna G. Ivanova).

The section “Methods and Didactics” contains the article on the material of teaching French for specific purposes at the master's level in the context of language and technical education (S.Yu. Buryakova, I.S. Voronkova). Of special attention is the article about such multiple-valued linguistic phenomenon as interference conducted on the material of French, Arabic and partially Moroccan French (E.V. Kashkina). In the methodical recommendations of the section “Methods and Didactics” the author`s approach on prosodic skills formation of non-linguist students is represented (S.N. Orlova, I.V.Smirnova). The article of this section is related to the issue of digital foreign language teaching in the modern linguistic circumstances, requiring the application of new methods (S.N. Popova). The final article of this section concerns a nonverbal component of communication in virtual pedagogical discourse (A.Y. Golukovich, L.A. Antonova).

The section “International Communication” contains the article on the role of prosodic discourse characteristics in professional communication (E.N. Malyuga, G.O. Petrosyan). In the next article of the section the discourse analysis of electronic letters is represented, types of the complimenting strategy differentiated in accordance with the communicative aims pursued by the speaker are identified (L.V. Tsurikova, L.A. Zavialova). The next article reveals the problem of the importance of the category of subtext as one of the main forms of information transfer in literary text (Anna M. Erokhina). It is followed by the article on intercultural communication as factor of adaptation of foreign students to the terms of training in a Russian University (L.N. Solodovchenko, S.A. Solodovchenko). The final article of the section concerns the prospects of the phraseological and aphoristic material study by the foreign students (N. Ghezaili).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

The section “Theory of Practice of Translation” contains two articles on topical issues. The first one presents the idea of compilation of test materials for evaluation of translator’s skills (E.B. Berg, M. Kit), the second one concerns allusion and wordplay in English ergonims (E.I. Abramova).

The linguistic section presents the article of Ph.D. (Linguistics), Associate Professor Lyudmila V. Lukina (Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh) and Doctor of philological science, Professor Marina A. Sternina (Voronezh State University, Voronezh). The research is conducted by Voronezh theoretical-linguistic school of Zinaida D. Popova on the material of comparison of English-Russian and Russian-English lexical groups of the three new series of dictionaries. It analyses the main peculiarities of each series by means of new comparative-par- ametric method of linguistic research. The use of this method gave the dictionary compilers an opportunity to rely on objective numerical data thus overcoming the subjectivism of lexicographic description. It contributed to determine the prospects of each of the series development as well as those of comparative lexicography. Nonequivalent lexis of the Russian and English language and Russian and English lacunas are analyzed that will be interesting for linguists, translators and Foreign language teachers.

The article of PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Daria A. Knyazeva and PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Liudmila V. Paloiko (Samara State Technical University, Samara) concerns defining the concept of "the object image" and mechanism of creation effect of «suspense». Linguistic and stylistic analysis is conducted. Lexical, syntactical and figurative and expressive means are distinguished to describe the image of the antagonist in the novel of Daphne Du Maurier “Rebecca". It is noted that the study of artistic description of the characters, surrounding antagonist, the things in all their full display contributes to creating the objective assessment of image of the antagonist and to the readers understanding of the real situation. The correct approach to interpretation of belle-letters works in consideration with the technique «suspense» is quite promising and may set an example for the following analyses of belle-letters works.

The final article of “Linguistic” section by PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor Aryuna G. Ivanova (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia) concerns the grammatical homonymy functional and stylistic aspect. On the material of scientific article, fairy tale and news report passages research in the English and Russian languages scientific and conversational styles are opposed to reveal grammatical homonyms from semiological clasters and basic parts of speech. Typological differentiation in functional aspect depending on the language is defined. The tendencies in defining semiological classes of words and basic parts of speech in different functional styles differ and depend upon language. Therefore, famous statement about two or more morphological principles which function in one and the same language is proved. Analysis of correlation of the units of different language levels is supposed to be promising.

The section “Methods and Didactics” starts with the article of Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Svetlana Yu. Buryakova (Voronezh State University, Voronezh) and Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Irina S. Voronkova (Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Voronezh). Different components of linguistic and professional competence formation on analysing the courses of the French language are revealed. In future it is suggested to determine the unified conception for foreign language for special purposes teaching.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

The range of aspects of such phenomena as interference in the French language under the influence of Arabic and the French language of Moroccan are analyzed in the article of Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena V. Kashkina (Voronezh State University, Voronezh). Each of the studied languages has its own differences and similarities. The collected factual material can serve as a basis for interference in morphology and syntaxes, the correlation of these levels of language system is pointed out. Phonetic system of the French and Arabic languages has also been substantially changed in the result of mutual influence.

Methodic recommendations, made by Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Svetlana N. Orlova and Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Irina V. Smirnova (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow) concern students teaching of phonetics, namely, prosody - the section of suprasegmantal level. Despite the prosodic models in language, teaching intonation, rhythmic of speech has always been accompanied with certain difficulties. The offered complex approach of step-by-step prosody skills formation by the students of non-linguistic specialties in consideration with extralinguistic and paralinguistic factors will help to perfect the quality of teaching prosody aspect of phonetics.

The article of the section "Methods and didactics" of PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer Svetlana N. Popova (Peoples 'Friendship University of Russia, Moscow) analyzes a number of different techniques and approaches that increase students' motivation in teaching a foreign language, which is especially important when development of digital technologies in modern society are quite rapid. This requires creation of new optimal teaching methods that are aimed at comprehensive development of the personality, combining language skills and abilities with knowledge of the culture, traditions and customs of the country of the target language.

The final article of the section "Methods and didactics" of PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Alla Y. Golukovich and PhD in Philology, Assoc. Professor Lyudmila A. Antonova (Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh) is devoted to non-verbal communication, which plays an important role in the process of achieving understanding between communicators. On the material of the virtual video lessons the authors analyze the phatic and imperial functions of gestures that are used in pedagogical discourse, their role in communication and possible prospects of further comparative studies of the gestures of Russian and English teachers for their practical use in teaching.

The article of Doctor of Philology, Prof. Elena N. Malyuga in collaboration with Gayane O. Petrosyan, Assistant at the Department of Foreign Languages (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow), on phonetics about prosodic speech design in professional communication based on the material of the English language will open the section “Intercultural Communication”. Acoustic analysis of the prosodic organization of discourse (rhythm, stress, intonation, pauses, tempo, etc.) makes it possible to single out its characteristic features that seem to be important in various business communication situations for achieving well-defined goals.

The next article on the material of the English language in the section "Intercultural communication" about the use of the strategy of complimenting in the intercultural interaction of Doctor of Philology, Prof. Lubov V. Tsurikova and postgraduate student of the Department of English Philology Lilia A. Zavialova (VSU, Voronezh) is devoted to the discursive analysis of e-mails. The discourse approach in analyzing the content of business correspondence allows us to speak about the special role that the compliment performs in situations of communication through e-mails. In this case one can talk about the use of a separate communication strategy -


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

the strategy of complimenting, which allows the use of various kinds of compliments to achieve harmony in communication and the purpose of communication.

The subtext in the literary text is in the center of attention of the research of the Candidate for a degree of the Russian Language Department Anna M. Erokhina (Federal State Budgetary

Educational Institution of Higher Education “Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University”,

Novgorod). The author considers the cognitive levels of information extraction from the literary text, on which the selection of subtext depends. The subtext itself is seen as an important form of information transfer when extracting implicit meanings. The highlighted levels of subtext contain information necessary for understanding the artistic image.

The next article in the section "Intercultural communication" is one of PhD in Pedagogy, Assoc. professor Lyudmila N. Solodovchenko and PhD in History, Assoc. professor Svetlana A. Solodovchenko (VSPU, Voronezh). The difficulties of adapting foreign students to the Russian realities are examined on the example of communication between students studying at the Voronezh State Pedagogical University. A number of problems of intercultural communication are identified and possible solutions are proposed.

The section "Intercultural communication" is finished by the article of Doctor of Philology, Assoc. professor of the Department of Turkish and Russian languages of the Faculty of Arabic Philology and Oriental Languages N. Ghezaili (Algiers University 2 named after Abu Elkassem Saad Allah, Algiers, Algeria), which proposes a series of exercises (preparatory, linguistic, communicative) that contribute not only to the assimilation of phraseological and aphorisms selected for studying for Algerian students, but also to the practical application of these lexical units in oral and written discourse.

The section “Theory and Practice of Translation” begins with the article of PhD in Philology, Assoc. Professor Elena B. Berg (Ural State Law University) and PhD in Technical sciences Mark Kit (Language Interface, USA), which proposes criteria for assessing the qualifications of an interpreter in the form of control tests, taking into account the ideal model, which allows us to give a real picture of the cognitive knowledge of a specialist for work in international organizations. The next, final article of the section “Theory and Practice of Translation” is of PhD in Philology, Assoc. Professor Elena I. Abramova (Moscow Region State University, Moscow). Allusion and language game in English ergonyms are considered. The ratio of ergonym, language game and allusion is revealed. A special role is assigned to allusion when decrypting information designed to achieve the desired impact on the English-speaking consumer.

The scientific review of PhD in Philology, Assoc. Professor Lyudmila Lukina (VSTU) provides information on the annual international scientific and methodological symposium Lempert Readings - XX: “Didactics of languages and cultures: problems, searches, solutions”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Nikolai V. Baryshnikov at Pyatigorsk State University.

This issue of the journal contains relevant works of domestic scientists working in different Universities: Moscow (Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, Moscow Region State University), Samara (Samara State Polytechnic University), Novgorod (Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University), Voronezh (Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh State Technical University). The journal also presents an article by the Doctor of Philology from Algeria (Algiers University 2 named after Abu Elkassem Saad Allah), as well as a joint article by scientists from the Ural State Law University and the USA (Language Interface).


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

We hope that the fortieth issue of the journal (№ 4 (23), 2018) will be interesting and useful for a wide number of linguists, foreign language teachers, culture experts, experts in literature, philosophers, post-graduates and students. We invite domestic and foreign scientists to publish the results of their researches in subsequent issues of our journal.

Editor-in-chief of the Scientific Journal “Modern linguistic and methodical-and-didactic researches” of Voronezh State Technical University, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Head of the chair of foreign languages and translation technology

Valery A. Fedorov


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093


UDC 81'374


L.V. Lukina, M.A. Sternina


Voronezh State Technical University

Ph.D. (Linguistics), Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages and Technology of Translation Department

Lyudmila V. Lukina

e-mail: lookyna@gmail.com

Voronezh State University

Doctor of philological science, professor,

Head of the English Chair for Science Departments Marina A. Sternina

e-mail: sternina@vmail.ru


Statement of the problem. The article basing on the analysis of the three new series of dictionaries published by Voronezh theoretical-linguistic school: English-Russian dictionaries of nonequivalent lexis, dictionaries of communicative relevance of the sememes of the most frequent Russian and English words of different parts of speech and contrastive semes dictionaries of English and Russian lexical groups reveals new trends of modern comparative lexicography.

Results. The main peculiarities of English-Russian dictionaries of nonequivalent lexis, as well as dictionaries of communicative relevance of the sememes of the most frequent Russian and English words of different parts of speech and contrastive semes dictionaries of English and Russian lexical groups are analyzed, their application in teaching and translation is described. The prospects of each of the series development as well as those of comparative lexicography in general are outlined.

Conclusion. Due to the wide expansion of comparative linguistics comparative lexicography is now witnessing the period of its rapid development, which became most intensive in the middle of the XXI century first decade with the advent of the new comparative-parametric method of linguistic research. Using this method gave the dictionary compilers an opportunity to rely on objective numerical data thus overcoming the subjectivism of lexicographic description.

Key words: lexicography, new trends of comparative lexicography, series of dictionaries, dictionary of nonequivalent lexis, dictionary of communicative relevance of the sememes, contrastive semes dictionary, comparative-para- metric method.

For citation: Lukina L.V., Sternina M.A. New trends of comparative lexicography / L.V. Lukina, M.A. Sternina //

Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2018. - №4 (23). – P. 11-16


Today in the period of wide development of comparative studies, there is a great interest in the creation of new types of bilingual dictionaries and series of dictionaries. Especially actively new series of bilingual dictionaries are being developed by representatives of the Voronezh School of Comparative Studies, which has emerged as a separate area within the Voronezh theoretical-linguistic school of professor Z.D. Popova. Only for the last 15 years scientists of this school have prepared and published several series of bilingual dictionaries of new type which are of undoubted interest for both linguists as well as for teachers and translators.


© Lukina L.V., Sternina M.A., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

In the article, the object of the study is a new series of bilingual dictionaries, prepared and published by the representatives of the Voronezh school of comparative studies since the midfirst decade of the XXI century. The subject of the study is the lexicographic peculiarities of each series of dictionaries and the possibility of using these dictionaries in the practice of teaching foreign languages and translation activity.

The aim of the study is to identify new trends in the development of comparative lexicography.

Three series of dictionaries prepared by the Voronezh school of comparative studies in the framework of the Voronezh theoretical-linguistic school are analyzed in the article: English-Rus- sian dictionaries of nonequivalent lexis, dictionaries of communicative relevance of the sememes of the most frequent Russian and English words of different parts of speech and contrastive semes dictionaries of English and Russian lexical groups.

Comparative, contrastive and comparative parametric methods are used in the analysis.

Research results

We present the results of the analysis of each of our series of dictionaries. In the series of dictionaries of nonequivalent lexis three dictionaries are published [1, 2, 3].

These dictionaries are aiming to give a complete list of possible substantive, adjective and verbal lexical units of the English language that do not have correspondences in Russian. Since the concepts of non-equivalence and lacunarity are closely related to each other (a unit that is non-equivalent in one language is a lacuna in the compared language), the dictionaries included in this series are at the same time dictionaries of English-Russian non-equivalent lexis and dictionaries of Russian-English lacunas.

All dictionaries are formed according to the alphabetical principle, and they include both non-equivalent lexemes and non-equivalent lexical-semantic variants of words. For example, classman – student passed the examination with honours or clingstone – peach with non-sepa- rable bone are non-equivalent lexemes, а countermine – plot frustrating (someone's) intrigues or conquest – a woman or a man whose favour was conquered are non-equivalent lexical-semantic variants, since the corresponding lexemes in addition to the above given meanings have other meanings that are not non-equivalent.

The English-Russian dictionary of substantive non-equivalent lexis contains 6170 entries, English-Russian dictionary of adjective non-equivalent lexis - 3349 entries, and English-Russian dictionary of verbal non-equivalent lexis - 5373 entries. The special features of the meanings and usage of words peculiar to the British variant of the English language are not recorded in these dictionaries, while the similar features of other variants of the language are marked with the corresponding notes. As an example, we give two lexemes that are characteristic of American English: childrenese –Amer. language spoken by adults with children and contestee – Amer. one of the candidates for the elective office.

It should be noted that the analyzed dictionaries of non-equivalent lexis can be considered linguistic and cultural dictionaries, since their task is to reflect the national-cultural features of the semantics of the English lexemes.

The considered series of dictionaries, as have been already mentioned covers the EnglishRussian non-equivalent lexemes of three main parts of speech: a noun, an adjective and a verb, and each dictionary is created on the alphabetical order.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

In the continuation of this series of dictionaries A.A. Makhonina and M.A. Sternina on the material of substantive lexis prepared for publication English-Russian thematic dictionary of non-equivalent lexis [1**] (M.: FLINT, 2019. - 480 p.). This dictionary is based on the already mentioned English-Russian dictionary of substantive non-equivalent lexis in order to facilitate the use of the presented non-equivalent units in the practice of teaching English.

We’d like to note that the thematic groups identified by the authors of the dictionary differ significantly from each other by nominative non-representation, which refers to the number of lacunar meanings recorded in the thematic group describing a certain sphere of reality. In this connection when developing the method of presenting the material in the dictionary, the authors considered two options - arrange all groups in descending order of nominative non-representa- tion, or arrange them in alphabetical order. The authors found it necessary to use the alphabetical order of presentation of thematic groups as the most common in lexicographical practice.

The thematic classification presented in the dictionary covers almost all subject areas, however some thematic groups, such as “Elections”, “Education”, “Household Items”, “Professions and Occupations”, turned out to be quite extensive in composition, while other groups such as "Substances", "Taste and Smell", "Stationery", etc. are rather small. But due to the peculiarities of the semantics of these groups the authors did not combine them with others and found it necessary to present these groups as independent units.

In carrying out the thematic classification in some cases there were also difficulties related to the assignment of a lexeme to a particular thematic group. On this point the authors found it necessary in such cases include the same non-equivalent unit in several thematic groups. For example, lexeme amputee – a person with an amputated arm or leg due to the peculiarities of its semantics is included by the authors into two thematic groups: Man and Health.

Completing the analysis of this series of dictionaries, we emphasize its uniqueness and relevance both for linguistic purposes and for the purposes of teaching Russian and English as foreign languages.

One more new series of dictionaries proposed by the Voronezh school of comparative studies is a series of dictionaries of communicative relevance of the sememes of the most frequent Russian and English lexemes. This series also includes three dictionaries [4, 5, 6].

The necessity to create this series of dictionaries is caused by the need of both teachers and linguists for the information about the frequency of the use of separate sememes. Such information is currently almost absent, since the available frequency dictionaries of Russian and English languages just fix the frequency of words, rather than their individual meanings.

Each dictionary of the series under consideration includes one hundred English and one hundred Russian most frequent lexemes of the corresponding parts of speech selected from the Dictionary of frequency by O.N. Lyashevskaya, S.A. Sharov [2**] and frequency lists of the lexemes of the British National Corpus. To determine the frequency of sememes from the National Corpus of Russian and English languages for each lexeme was selected 1000 examples of its use, and then each of the selected examples were analyzed and compared with the specific sememe of the considered semanteme.

In order to determine the frequency of the meanings, the index of communicative relevance of the sememes introduced by L.A. Krivenko was used, i.e. - “the ratio of the number of the recorded occurrences of this sememe to the total number of investigated occurrences of a lexeme”

[7, p.8].