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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

UDC 811.133.1



E.V. Kashkina

Voronezh State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor French Philology Department of VSU

Elena V. Kashkina e-mail: uelha@bk.ru

Statement of the problem. Our focus will be on the consideration of interference phenomena in the French language of Moroccan bilinguals under the influence of the Arabic language and its dialect form affecting morphology and syntax. In this connection, the following goals and objectives were set: to carry out the classification of the collected factual material; to fill the term “interference” with specific language material; to explain the reasons for the interference of various structural elements; to formulate general and particular conclusions; to give methodical recommendations for the creation of a practical training manual for deepening and improving the process of learning to translate.

Results. The collected factual material can serve as a basis for drawing up exercises for understanding language material, its consolidation, control and testing. The practical significance of this study lies in the fact that it can be used to deepen and improve the process of teaching students to translate and create educational-methodical manuals to better assimilate the difference between the oral French Arabic and the French standardized language.

Conclusion. Morphosyntactic interference affects all morphology units (parts of speech) that get their meaning in the syntactic structure of the utterance. The grammatical structure of the Arabic language has its own distinctive features in the form-content relationship of all grammatical units, which is observed in the interference inherent in the speech of Moroccans using the French spoken language. In oral spontaneous speech, such phenomena are numerous, as a result, they can shake the norm.

Key words: multilingualism, bilingualism, translation and interference, morphosyntactic interference, Moroccan French.

For citation: Kashkina E.V. On the overcoming the language interference in teaching translation (on the example of the French language of Mоroccans) / E.V. Kashkina // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical- and-didactic Researches”. – 2018. - №4 (23). – P. 45-56


The expansion of cooperation, coordination of joint activities between states, companies, organizations, the acceleration and non-linearity of the development of these processes, our country's involvement in them, require translators to know about the features of the functioning of the French language outside the metropolis. Modern translators have to work in African countries, including North Africa, where the French language retains its traditionally strong position [1].

Of all the countries of the Maghreb, the Kingdom of Morocco today represents the most interesting and difficult language situation, where multilingualism is an integral part of it [2]. Three main languages function and interact in the country: Arabic, French and Berber, each of which is divided into sublanguages and dialects with different status and functional features.


© Kashkina E.V., 2018


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

French in Morocco has existed since the beginning of the twentieth century, it has no official status, but it is rooted in all the most important spheres of life of Moroccan society, de facto French is the language of diplomacy, administration, contracts with foreign companies. French is the main language of instruction in the higher education system of Morocco.

Due to the fact that the French language functions simultaneously with local languages and dialects, a linguistic situation arises that inevitably leads to interference, i.e. "To the use of elements belonging to one language, while speaking or writing in another", according to the definition of W. Mackay [7, p.97].

Berber or tamazigt, the native language of the indigenous population, despite the official status of the state (since 2011), has not yet performed the function of formal, written communication, and has not become the language of education and fiction. Consequently, its influence on the French language in Morocco is not yet obvious. Therefore, the focus will be on the Arabic language and its interaction with the French language.

Arabic is the official state language of Morocco, the language of education, science, media, etc. The Arabic language exists in a three-component model, which is characterized by the simultaneous use of its three varieties: literary language (in its two forms: classical and modern); dialect language (darija); middle language (which is considered as a dialect language used colloquially on a limited range of topics.) [3].

Even before the start of the protectorate in Morocco, there was diglossia - Arabic classical / Arabic dialect. Literary Arabic is not native to anyone in Morocco, it is starting to be taught in elementary school. Its dialect form is Darija, the native language of Moroccans. It does not yet have official status and well-established writing. However, dialect speech, assimilated by the population first in the family, increasingly goes beyond oral communication in everyday life and penetrates into technical and cultural spheres. Many complex grammatical constructions are not peculiar to the spoken language, some of the vocabulary in the dialect is either not used or exists in a form that is far from the norm. Arabic literary language is practically not used in speech in everyday life or family, or in informal situations; this area is almost exclusively assigned to the local dialect. The place of the dialect in education and public space has recently been discussed in Morocco [4].

Analysis of various communicative situations with which students met (while studying) in Morocco in 2017-2018, showed the need for a brief acquaintance with the most frequent examples of deviations present in French under the influence of the Arabic language and its dialect form. A three-week linguistic practice was held at a university in the city of Fez. Communication with students of the host university, with the administration, in stores, in the markets and while traveling around the country, provided an opportunity to notice the peculiarities of the French language and collect language material for further analysis. The practice was held by six thirdyear students of Voronezh State University, the faculty of Romance-Germanic philology, who study French as the first foreign language and Arabic as the second. Direction of preparation: translation and theory of translation; specialization: linguistic support of interstate relations.

French / Arabic bilingualism is a feature of today's language picture in the country. It is in bilingual groups of speakers that one language system comes into contact with another, and in these groups contact-related deviations from the language norm, called W. Weinreich interference, occur for the first time, which later go beyond the bilingual groups [5, p. 18]. The influence of one language on another is most clearly manifested in interference, which is characterized by


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

deviations committed involuntarily in a second language under the influence of the first. This phenomenon is caused by the use of certain grammatical structures of the first language, in speaking or writing in the second. Interference is a linguistic phenomenon, a consequence of the contact of languages [6]. A. Martinet believes that there are only a few virtuosos who are able to speak two or three languages, without creating a phenomenon called interference in linguistics [8].

Interference can occur at all levels of the language: phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical, semantic, and even at cultural levels. Phonetic interference in Morocco has a number of features associated with the features of Arabic phonetics and phonology, but it affects the accent and intonation more without distorting the French language to a large extent. Moreover, lexical interference even has a positive dynamic; it enriches French with new lexical units that go back to the nature of Moroccan identity.


The subject of our observations was morphosyntactic interference, as the most numerous one. Nearly one thousand examples of interferences were collected by the continuous sampling method by the students during their practice in Morocco, and our own analysis showed that one third concerns morphology and syntax. An empirical basis for the study was the recording of oral speech in various cities of Morocco. The material included simple common utterances used in oral speech by arabophones.

We must separate the differences / similarities that occur in historical, objective circumstances and are associated with linguistic structures that are deeper (systemic). Violation of the word order, the mismatch of the subject with the predicate, and definitions with the word being defined, errors associated with the use of pronouns, denial, and a number of other deviations often make the statement not meeting the requirement of accuracy, which does not allow deviations.

The works of many foreign and domestic scientists, traditionally, are divided into two parts, corresponding to two levels of grammar: morphology and syntax (Rigaulet A., Wagner R.L., Pinchon J., Wartburg W., Referovskaya E.A., Steinberg N.M., Gak V.G. and others.). The French scientist G. Gougenheim, Système grammatical de la langue française [9] stands alone in this series. In his work, 50 pages are assigned to morphology and 250 pages to syntax. All units of grammar, morphemes and parts of speech are described in terms of form and morphology, and their meaning and functioning in syntax [10, p. 257]. We share the point of view of J. Hugeneme on the dominance of the syntactic level in the structure of the language, since the meaning is formed syntactically [11, p.195-197]. Therefore, we will talk about morphosyntax, since the form has a certain content.

In this article we set the following goals and objectives: 1) to carry out the classification of the collected factual material; 2) to fill the term “interference” with specific language material;

3) explain the reasons for the interference of various structural elements; 4) to formulate general and particular conclusions; 5) to give guidelines.

To achieve our goals, we used: comparative and transformational methods, method of contextual analysis, as well as such logical procedures as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Research results

In French Arabic phonus, a large role belongs to the endings that make the connection between words. They present some difficulties for the listener, which are associated with pronunciation. In the phonetic system of the Arabic language and its dialect, there are no nasal sounds. We saw that, according to the phonetic rules, the nasal [ã] and [έ] (= an, in) can give [a] or [a + n] in French to Moroccan. This feature is explained in terms of gender attribution, that is, there is a predominance of the functioning of the Arab morphosyntactic system; when the word masculine is used in French, and it becomes feminine in Arabic. This happens at the moment when the denazalized ending becomes [a], which is typical of feminine words in Arabic.

For example: l e j a r d i n

- t h e g a r d e n sounds like

[jərda] zh .;l e c i m e n t – c e -

m e n t , sounds like [sima] zh. ;

l e s e g m e n t s e g m e n t ,

sounds like [shagma] zh. At the

same time l e j o i n t - c o m p o u n d ; joint sounds like [jwan] or f r e i n brake, pronounced like [fran], – remain masculine, falling out of the general rule. The reduction of the final consonant in the written text (official letter) was also noted, since it is not pronounced, and the preservation of “n”, which is also not pronounced, is explained by the desire to spell-connect with the French cliché, for example:

c i - j u i n [sijwa] – here is J u n e , instead c i - j o i n t [sijwέ]- a t t a c h e d .

There is no inflection system in dialect Arabic, words are often pronounced without endings. However, signs of the genus exist: the ending a means feminine gender, and they are superimposed completely on the integrated vocabulary of the French language, the masculine and feminine vocabulary:

l ' b a t i m a b u i l d i n g ; l ' c a s s r o l a p a n ; l ' m a c h i n а a m a c h i n e

This means that the endings themselves do not play any role in the differentiation of the category of gender in the utterance of a unit of oral speech. In addition, the ending of et and in dialectic Arabic means the plural of feminine nouns. Therefore, we observe:

l e s

m a c h i n e s m a c h i n e r y – l ' m a c h i n e t a m a c h i n e

l e s

c a s s e r o l e s p a n s – l ' c a s s е r o l e t p a n

The basic syntactic structure of the Arabic language and Darizhi uses mainly the scheme: predicate + subject + addition. Sentences that begin with a verb are called grammar verbs. On the contrary, at the beginning of the French sentence the verb is put only in the interrogative construction, with the inversion of the subject, and in the imperative mood. Influenced by the verb sentences of the Arabic language, the French phrase of the Moroccan bilingual is constructed according to the scheme:

é c r i t M a r i a m s o n e x e r c i c e - w r i t e s m a r y a m e x e r c i s e


norm of French: M a r i a m é c r i t s o n

e x e r c i c e - M a r y a m w r i t e s

e x e r c i s e

v i e n t c e g a r ç o n à t e m p s - t h i s b o y c o m e s o n t i m e


norm of French: c e g a r ç o n v i e n t à

t e m p s - t h i s b o y c o m e s o n

t i m e




Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

When interpreting, such sentences can cause certain difficulties and result in a loss of speed (which is important for simultaneous translation), since they set the listener to a question or order, advice, because in the imperative mood in the French phrase the verb stands at the beginning and is used without the pronoun — subject.

Also, in the Arabic language there is no verb-bunch similar ê t r e - « be ». Therefore, there is interference in the French sentence type:

j e

s u i s m a l a d e I a m s i c k (norm), which is transformed into m o i m a l a d e

м е н я -

m e s i c k (usus).

This reduction is peculiar to the French language in general and applies to French-speaking countries. In this scheme, the verb-bunch (être-to) is omitted and the unstressed personal pronoun of the 1st person is replaced by the shock one, which is put in front of the nominal part of the predicate. The reduction of the verb “to be” is also characteristic of the Russian language, the presence of reduced constructions fits into the theory of A. Martin (A. Martinet, La linguistique générale) about two tendencies in the language: the desire for “economy of linguistic efforts” and redundancy [12, 20 ]. These contradictory tendencies coexist in language, since they are manifestations of the action of the philosophical law of unity and the struggle of opposites. The statement with reduced members does not cause difficulties in understanding, since the surface structures are easily transformed into a full, deep scheme.

The interfering influence of the Arabic language affects almost all parts of speech in the French sentence.

So, the article is present in the grammatical system of Arabic and French. Categories of certainty and uncertainty in French are expressed by definite, indefinite and partitive articles.:

l a t a b l e – u n e t a b l e ; d u b e u r r e t a b l e - t a b l e , o i l

A characteristic feature of a definite article in Arabic is that it makes up one word with a noun, it is graphically written together, pronounced as [l ']. Therefore, in the above examples, we see a truncated definite article, in the words l ' c a s s r o l a , l ' m a c h i n a , - p a n , m a c h i n e which joins a french noun.

It is important for an interpreter an to know thjis feature. Difficulties in interpreting appear also in cases when the article is omitted in French:

I l e s t t o u b i b H e i s a d o c t o r

In this example t o u b i b - this is the nominal part of the predicate, before which the article is not always used. Design I l e s t u n t o u b i b – He is a doctor presupposes the presence of a characterizing adjective after a noun with an indefinite article, which may affect the incorrectly chosen intonation and lead to the crumpled phrase. In French, you can say:

I l e s t t o u b i b ; I l e s t u n t o u b i b e x p é r i m e n t é ; I l e s t l e m e i l l e u r t o u b i b d u q u a r t i e r .


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

H e i s a d o c t o r ; H e i s a n e x p e r i e n c e d d o c t o r ; H e i s t h e b e s t l o c a l d o c t o r .

In the Arabic language, there is no diversity in the choice of the article, and the article is not omitted.

Reduction in words. In dialectic Arabic, words usually consist of two (more rarely of three) syllables. We observe that the French words underwent a reduction of vowels, consonants and whole unstressed syllables. As a result, this leads them to Arabic two-word words. Spelling prevails over phonetics. for example:

I b r a h i m – B r a h i m [bra-im] Ibrahim - Brhgim; I d r i s s e – D r i s s e [dris] Idris - Drys; s i g a r e t t e – g a r o [ga-ro] cigarette - cigarette; a u t o m o b i l e - t o m o b i l e [to- mo-bil] car - car

When translating, difficulties may arise, also related to the understanding of “truncated” words.

Determinatives (possessive, demonstrative, indefinite) are also subject to the interfering influence of Dariži and Arabic.

Possessive determinatives in French are consistent with the noun to which they refer:


I l a p p o r t e

s a c h a i s e H e c a r r i e s h i s c h a i r


I l a p p o r t e

s o n c h a i s e H e c a r r i e s h e r c h a i r

Norm: E l l e


v e n d u

s o n l i v r e S h e s o l d h e r b o o k ;

Uzus: E l l e


v e n d u

s a l i v r e – S h e s o l d h e r b o o k

In Arabic, the genus of the determinative depends on the genus of the person’s holder, and not on the genus of the subject, therefore unexpected forms arise.:

E l l e a v e n d u s a l i v r e , where sa own perceived as a mistake from the point of view of the French norm, since word книга – male. Distortion of meaning in translation is also possible because in French there is a word l a l i v r e lb; conversational pound; currency unit

female. In this case, we observe various syntagmatic connections in French and Arabic. In French, this is the level of the phrase (son + livre), in Arabic it is the level of the syntactic construction: subject-person + possessive determinative, consistent with it in gender and number. This distinction is important because such examples have a high level of frequency.

The same interfering effect of the Arabic language also affects the correct use of undefined adjectives. For example, the adjective "t o u t " – "all, all"и "t o u s " – pronoun «all», who are close to hearing, do not always differ in Arabic speaking French. As a result, the adjective is often inconsistent, by analogy with the pronoun, with the noun in gender and number, and it

remains the same:


t o u t l a v i l l e - w h o l e c i t y , different from the norm t o u t e

l a v i l l e - t h e w h o l e

c i t y , lack of concord in gender.


Uzus: S e l o n l a C o n s t i t u t i o n , t o u t p e r s o n n e a l e

d r o i t d e p r é s e r v e r

s o n i d e n t i t é n a t i o n a l e .




Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018

ISSN 2587-8093

Norm: S e l o n l a C o n s t i t u t i o n , t o u t e p e r s o n n e a

l e d r o i t d e

p r é s e r v e r s o n i d e n t i t é n a t i o n a l e .


A c c o r d i n g t o t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n , a n y o n e h a s t h e r i g h t t o p r o t e c t t h e i r n a t i o n a l i d e n t i t y .

In this example, when interpreting, the incorrect sound of an indefinite adjective “tout” can cause a slowdown in the translation, and the combination:

Par tout la ville по всему городу may sound like a contamination (contraction of 2 words into one): p a r t o u t l a v i l l e , which is consonant with the adverb partout (everywhere) - city everywhere. This leads to a distortion of meaning.

Indicative determinants in the Arabic language is an immutable form, followed by the article. From here in French Moroccan type designs appear:

c e t t e

l a

f i l l e - t h i s t h i s g i r l , instead: c e t t e f i l l e - t h i s g i r l

or c e

l e

g a r ç o n t h i s t h i s b o y , вместо: c e g a r ç o n - t h i s b o y

Similar constructions were peculiar to the old French language. Last example «c e l e » a bilingual sometimes sounds like «s e u l » – « the only, one », contamination changes the meaning of the phrase.

Denial encompasses the lexical-semantic and syntactic aspects of the language. The fact that this semantic category is available in all languages indicates how important it is. It should be noted that the lexical and grammatical status of negation does not always apply to the whole semantics of a sentence. In other words, the place of negation in Arabic does not automatically indicate which sentence sentence the negative relates to. In the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary, negation is characterized as one of the original, semantically indecomposable semantic categories, peculiar to all languages of the world, which cannot be defined through simpler semantic elements. [1** , p. 354-355].

Consider examples:


J e n ’ a i p a s d é j e u n é . I d i d n o t e a t d i n n e r


Р а s d é j е u n é . D i d n ' t e a t d i n n e r .

In the spoken French language of the Arabic phone, there is a reduction of the personal unstressed pronoun of the 1st person, the auxiliary verb avoir in the 1st person and the first negative particle ne. Only that part of the complex form of the predicate remains, which has lexical meaning. Omitted members do not interfere with understanding, because the design is easily transformed into a full, normalized one. The context, the situation helps to refer this statement to the 1st person. If such a reduced construction is a question sentence, another context will appear: a dialogue with a request for information.

Uzus: Р а s

d é j е u n é

? Р а s d é j е u n é – No lunch? Do not eat lunch

Norm: J e

n ' a i p a s

d é j e u n é ? – I did not eat dinner? J e n ' a i p a s d é j e u n é -

I did not eat dinner!





Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

In other words, interrogative and narrative statements appear in different situations, in question or response replicas. Intonation should also be considered in such cases. When translating this interference should be borne in mind, because in normalized French, the personal form is always accompanied by a personal pronoun. The following example is of the same kind, but there may be a problem with determining the face`:

Norm: I l n e c o m p r e n d p a s . H e d o e s

n o t u n d e r s t a n d

Uzus: ( i l ) ( - ) c o m p r e n d p a s . D o e s

n o t u n d e r s t a n d .

Pronoun. A particular difficulty for Moroccans is the complex system of personal pronouns: unstressed, shock, direct and indirect additions. The unstressed (j e , t u , i l ... I, you, he) only accompany the personal form of the verb, since in oral speech, the ending in the singular does not express a person.

For example: [parl] in oral speech corresponds to the following persons: je, tu, il, elle, ils, elles.- me, you, he, she, they. Pronouns are not stressed and form a single phonetic word with the verb: [typarl] with the last stressed vowel. Shock pronouns moi, toi, lui, elle me, you, him, her etc. appeared because of the need to single out the face phonetically, with the help of stress or use them in an independent form.

M o i j ' a i c o m p r i s ; q u i a f a i t c e l a ? – M o i . And I, I understood; who did this? - I.

In the first case, we see redundancy, since 1st person is expressed twice. But this is justified by the desire to highlight it. In colloquial French, there is a reduction of an unstressed pronoun. And there is a new pattern of expression: the stressed pronoun + personal form of the verb:

l u i t r a v a i l l e , t o i é c r i s m a l , m o i f a i s d e s e x e r c i c e s . it works, you write badly, and I do the exercises

Sayings become more "economical", but lose nothing in terms of content. Arabic has only one personal pronoun, which is associated with the shock form. So we meet the following statements:

Uzus: C e s

d e u x

t a b l e a u x

q u i

o n t t o u c h é m o i T h e s e

t w o

p i c t u r e s

t o u c h e d

m e .








Norm: C e s d e u x

t a b l e a u x

q u i


m ’ o n t t o u c h é T h e s e

t w o

p i c t u r e s

t o u c h e d

m e .








Conversation is the “simplification” of the norm, and the choice of the form moi instead of me allows you to avoid the word order rules (before the personal form of the verb). Such interference is constantly observed, since the frequency of using personal pronouns is high and does not need to be calculated..


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (23), 2018 ISSN 2587-8093

Prepositions in dialect Arabic function in the same way as in literary, and, in general, have the same characteristics. It should be noted that in the Arabic system of prepositions there is no preposition corresponding to the widespread French à, which has a high degree of abstractness.

In French, it has different meanings: temporary, spatial, etc. It can play the role of a transposer to another part of speech or be only a means of subordination in the structure of "signified + meaning" (according to F. de Saussure) [13]. The preposition à is multifunctional. Unlike fullvalued words, it is not “translated” from one language to another, but it finds equivalents existing in another language with the same meaning.

The preposition à is most often interfered with when a preposition is found with a more specific meaning:

S u r l e s m u r s d e l a c h a m b r e i l a

O n

t h e

w a l l s

o f t h e

r o o m

h e

s a w

Norm: A u x m u r s d e l a c h a m b r e i l

O n

t h e

w a l l s

o f t h e

r o o m

h e

s a w

v u d e s b e a u x t a b l e a u x – usus. b e a u t i f u l p i c t u r e s .

a v u d e s b e a u x t a b l e a u x . b e a u t i f u l p i c t u r e s .

The preposition sur (= on) appears by analogy with the Arabic language, which tends to a specific position in space..

In French, there are also prepositions that are attached to a specific verb (the so-called "control"), and which cannot be replaced. These include such as: s e s o u v e n i r d e ; d o n n e r

à ; p e n s e r à , d e ; c o m p t e r s u r ; , u n s u r d i x ; c o u r i r a p r è s ; s u r l ' h o n n e u r

remember about, give, think about someone, about something; count (rely) on; one of ten; chasing down; by honor and others. Thus, some prepositions obey verbs or nouns. (à c h e v a l , à l ’ h e u r e , p a r h a z a r d – on horseback, on time, by chance. Each preposition in French has its syntagmatic (combinational) connections, which are broken under the influence of Arabic. So instead of the preposition à, the Arabic phone uses pour.

Norm: d o n n e r q q c h à q q n . – G i v e s o m e t h i n g t o s o m e o n e .

Usus: d o n n e r

p o u r

q q n . – G i v e f o r s o m e o n e .

Norm: p a r l e r

d e

q q c h

. – T a l k a b o u t s o m e t h i n g .

Usus: p a r l e r

s u r

q q c h – S p e a k s o m e t h i n g .

As a result of interference, a preposition appears that is closer in meaning in Arabic..

In French, there are a large number of verb combinations according to the “verb + preposition + verb” pattern. They have no equivalent combination in Arabic, and two independent sentences appear in their place.:


I l c o m m e n c e à

t r a v a i l l e r H e

s t a r t s w o r k i n g .

Usus: I l

c o m m e n c e . I l t r a v a i l l e

– H e s t a r t s . h e w o r k s .


V o u s ê t e s p r i é s

à d î n e r

Y o u

a r e i n v i t e d t o h a v e l u n c h .

Usus: P r i e r d î n e r – A s k

f o r d i n n e r .