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Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

103]. However, it is fair to say that "the semantic value of the term can be widened to set the shape of the moral pattern common for the society" [ibid].

In both cases, the text unit (epilogue/morality) forming a framework of the play has semantic content determined by the author's world view and outlook. The author does not come in the direct contact with the audience within the text of the play, but here he gets an opportunity to express his own point of view, summarize and evaluate the issues raised earlier in a fine form.

Text fragments of both kinds are characterized by a poetic form that provides a compositional contrast to the main text. The canonical poetic form of the sonnet (14 lines) has a strict rhythmic pattern that differs from the main text of a dramatic work. From the point of view of typography an epilogue as well as morality is located after the main text of the work and is marked by the contextual titles (Epilogue). What is more, the typographical space, which is "a text pause, a peculiar means of author's division of the text" [5; p. 105] is obligatory.

According to the composition of the play, an epilogue, along with the author's afterword, the table of contents and notes, belong to the final components of the text frame. Similar examples of the author's metatext units are aimed at the systematization of the information obtained from the text, and, in the case of notes, for clarification of details left unknown to the reader.

Thus, to summarize, we would like to denote that in the framework of the theatrical discourse the text of the play, which is a printed basis for the theatrical adaptation of the dramatic works was considered. The text of the play represents a set of the character text (dialogues and monologues) and the author's metatext (the side text), which contributes to the presentation of the author's vision and understanding of what is happening is the play. Metatextual units, being directed at a professional reader, contribute to the correct interpretation of the meaning of the characters’ lines and the orientation of the director and actors in the space of the future performance. Consequently, the functionality and the graphical allocation of metatextual components in the printed edition (visual support for the reader due to the italic font and position outside the characters’ text) allow us to consider the author's metatext as a guiding system. In turn, typographic features (highlighting the text in italics, spacing, a variety of fonts, graphemes, capitalization), are typical of the printed version of the theatrical text that is required for the stage presentation of the play.

Bibliographic list

1.Borbot'ko L.A. Avtorskij metatekst kak orientirujushhaja sistema v kommunikativnom prostranstve teatral'nogo diskursa [Tekst]: dis. … kand. filol. nauk: 10.02.19 / L.A. Borbot'ko. – M., 2015. – 197 s.

2.Anisimova E.E. Lingvistika teksta i mezhkul'turnaja kommunikacija [Tekst]: ucheb. posobie / E.E. Anisimova. – M.: Akademija, 2003. – 128 s.

3.Vasil'ev S.L. Forma periodicheskogo izdanija kak orientirujushhaja sistema: strukturnyj i funkcional'nyj analiz [Tekst]: dis… d-ra filol. nauk: 10.01.10 / S.L. Vasil'ev. – Voronezh, 2011. – 496 s.

4.Kelejnikov I.V. Tipografika knigi [Tekst]: ucheb. posobie / I.V. Kelejnikov. – M.: MGUP, 2008. – 104 s.

5.Vikulova L.G. Paratekst francuzskoj literaturnoj skazki: Pragmalingvisticheskij aspekt [Tekst]: dis… d-ra filol. nauk: 10.02.05 / L.G. Vikulova. – Irkutsk, 2001. – 336 s.

6.Borbot'ko L.A. Kategorii teatral'nogo diskursa kak institucional'nogo obrazovanija [Tekst] / L.A. Borbot'ko // Nauchnyj vestnik Voronezh. gos. arh.-stroit. un-ta. Sovremennye lingvisticheskie i metodiko-didakticheskie issledovanija. – 2014. – vyp.3 (23). – S. 113-122.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

7.Oxford Dictionaries [electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com, svobodnyj.

8.Kubrjakova E.S. Jazyk i znanie. Na puti poluchenija znanij o jazyke: Chasti rechi s kognitivnoj tochki zrenija. Rol' jazyka v poznanii mira [Tekst]: ucheb. posobie / E.S. Kubrjakova. – M.: Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury, 2004. – 560 s.

9.Karasik V.I. Jazykovaja matrica kul'tury [Tekst] / V.I. Karasik. – M.: Gnozis, 2013.

320 s.

10.Encycl. Univers. Encyclopaedia Universalis: En 23 vol. – Paris: Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1993.

Analyzed sources

1*. Wilde O. Plays [Text] / O. Wilde. – SPb.:Antologija, 2010. – 256 s.

2*. Shaw B. Widower’s Houses. Mrs. Warren’s Profession [Text] / B. Shaw. – Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1950. – 172 p.

3*. Shakespeare W. As You Like It [Text] / W. Shakepeare. – London: Penguin Books, 1994. – 126 p.

4*. Shakespeare W. The Works of Shakespeare: The Tempest. A Midsummer-Night'S Dream. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. The Merry Wives of Windsor. Measure for Measure [Text] / W. Shakepeare. – M.: Print-on-Demand, 2011. – 458 p.

5*. Stoppard T. Plays [Text] / T. Stoppard. – London: Faber & Faber, 1998. – 264 p. 6*. Pinter H. Complete Works, Vol.2 [Text] / H. Pinter. – New York: Grove Press,

1994. – 248 p.


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

UDC 811.111’374

Ivanovo State University

PhD in Philology, Lecturer of the English Phylology Department Vera Gennadjevna Pertseva e-mail: vera.perczewa@yandex.ru

V.G. Pertseva




The article is focused on the peculiarities of political discourse in dictionaries of political quotations. The language in its turn becomes an instrument in the speeches of politicians who use different phonetic, lexical and stylistic means for public persuasion, struggle for power, etc. The author of the article gives the definition of political discourse, reveals its main peculiarities and analyzes the concrete dictionaries of political quotations. Special attention is paid to the definition and functions of a quotation. It is revealed that the dictionaries of politicians’ quotations not only take part in the formation of users’ linguocultural competence but also in introduction them to the political life. Such a dictionary may be called a universal one because of the wide range of its functions: descriptive, prescriptive, didactic and cultural.

Key words: political discourse, politician, quotation, Lexicography, dictionary, intertextuality, glossary, megastructure, macrostructure, microstructure.

Nowadays the attention of researchers is attracted by the issue of interaction between the language and the society. The study of the peculiarities of political discourse presents much urgency in modern science, since recently politics has been more and more penetrating in people’s lives and the political literacy of population has been increasing, that is highly promoted by the mass media.

Politics, being mostly in the focus of study of political science, has a significant impact on the language, because the language is the system open to changes. Hence the linguists’ interest is attracted by the layer of the social and political vocabulary entering the everyday life due to the global politicization and by the quotations and speeches which become the part of history, language and culture. The urgency of our research is connected with the fact that the concept of political discourse is being studied actively, and the branch of political linguistics has emerged which is concerned with the peculiarities of political discourse, political communication, the issues of interaction between the language, culture and society [1, p. 5 – 10]. A lot of conferences, monographs, theses and articles are devoted to discourse. Despite the numerous scientific works reflecting the peculiarities of the political discourse, each one contributes some special viewpoint on its specificity. The purpose of the article is to give the definition of political discourse, reveal its main peculiarities and analyze the concrete dictionaries of political quotations.

The modern researchers mark that it is necessary to study the discourse in general and the political one in particular from the point of view of the interdisciplinary approach which includes the integration of the humanities and takes into account the complex relations between the language and the society, being based upon the issues of the intercultural communication, sociology, psychology, medialinguistics, cognitive linguistics, etc.


© Pertseva V.G., 2015


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

The study of political discourse becomes a part of the discourse-analysis combining the methodology of different disciplines [2, p. 90]. It is especially important to study it relying on the general points of the discourse theory and text theory, since all its characteristics (axiologiness, institutionality, expressivity, informativeness, metaphoricity, intertextuality, the significance of parameters “own – strange”, etc.) are peculiar for others discourse and textual formations [3, p. 21].

The language is not just a mirror reflecting social and political changes but an instrument actively used by political figures for the purpose of manipulating and affecting the masses, struggling for political power and by journalists as well for the purpose of interpreting events from the definite viewpoint. “The pragmatic intention to create the positive image presupposes the actualization of the features of a political leader which meet the electorate’s demands”, consequently, the language means take the primary role in creation of the politician’s image” [4, p. 109]. So, L.I. Grishaeva considers that the successful political activity, the image of the politician, his power and the degree of his influence on other actors of the political activity in own and/or strange political sphere depends on the politician’s skill to use the language means adequately to constantly changing discourse conditions [1, p. 7].

“The word has become the instrument of power, the weapon of suppression and subordination, the mean of seizure, distribution and retention of power” [4, p. 117]. Hence, there are numerous research works devoted to the stylistic peculiarities of political communication, for instance, to political metaphor which is mostly regarded from the viewpoint of the national discourse (American, German, English, etc), but there are also publications which reflect metaphors of the international character and compare the metaphoric worldviews of different nations. This fact transfers the given researches to a new level of the cross-cultural approach to the language study. That is the reason why linguists show so much interest to such discourse means of influence as an allusion and a quotation which are the ways to implement the intertextuality in political speech and serve for straight and covert expression of the author’s thoughts, intentions and evaluation” [4, p. 122].

The concept of political discourse is interpreted by researches in different ways. A.N.

Baranov and E.G. Kazakevich consider that the political discourse is the totality “of all the speech acts used in political discussions and rules of public politics which are traditional and tested by experience” [5, p. 6]. According to E.I. Sheigal, the political discourse is a discourse having two dimensions – real and virtual. Under the real dimension she regards the current speech activity in a definite social space and the speech products appearing as a result of the given activity. They are regarded in interaction of linguistic, paralinguistic and extralinguistic factors. The virtual dimension is a semiotic space which includes verbal and nonverbal signs denoting the world of politics, thesaurus of utterances, the set of models of speech actions and genres specific for communication in the given sphere [6, p. 9]. In her turn, S. A. Manik underlines the correlation of the discourse and ideology: “Discourse is a point where the language and ideology meet. Discourse is ideologized since it includes such components, which support the definite type of social relations, express the speaker’s strategy and articulate the preference of various values” [7, p. 136 – 137].

In the foreign literature there are different definitions of the political discourse as well. So, T. van Dijk defines the political discourse as the totality of texts arising in the process of communication of politicians or political institutes, such as presidents, prime ministers and other members of a government, a parliament and political parties on the local, national and international levels [8, p. 12 – 14]. T. van Dijk also regards the political discourse as the totality of genres defined by the sphere of politics. They include parliamentary debates, programmes of parties, politicians’ speeches, etc. According to C. Shäffner, political discourse is a subdiscourse underlaid by two criteria: functional and thematic. Political discourse is a result of politics and it is defined by historical and cultural facts. According to different kinds of political activity, the functions of the political discourse vary, it is concerned with


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

the functional criterion. The thematic criterion is associated with the fact that the given discourse is defined by the sphere of politics [9, p. 27].

On the base of the mentioned above definitions it is evident that the researchers regard the political discourse mostly in its institutional forms sometimes studying its relations with other kinds of institutional discourse (social, military, scientific, etc.) as well as in noninstitutional ones. Within the institutional political discourse the addresser appears as a representative of this or that political institute adhering to the definite status, role, situational and communicative norms, while the distance between the addresser and addressee of the political discourse is increasing. Noninstitutional forms of expression of the political discourse extend its definition, since in these forms of communication at least one of the components – a subject, an addresser or the contents of the message – refers to the sphere of politics [6, p. 35].

The specificity of the political discourse is mainly expressed by the following lexical and stylistic means of influence: the usage of allusions, references to the facts known to the audience, direct and indirect quoting, terminology and strictly specialized vocabulary, metaphors and metonymies, irony and humour, proverbs and sayings and rhetorical questions [10, p. 98].

Summing up the mentioned definitions it is necessary to regard the political discourse as verbal communication established by a definite context. At the same time the sender and the recipient are given the definite social roles in the political life, which is the subject of communication.

Being a special type of discourse, having its stylistic, lexical, syntactical and phonetic peculiarities and being implemented both in home and foreign activity the political discourse is an area of interest of separate branches of linguistics, and one of them is lexicography as a science about dictionaries.

The principle of quoting underlies a lot of authoritative dictionaries, because the compilers often use quotations as the illustrative material to the headwords. They give the context of lexical usage so that the user could avoid mistakes connected with the lexical combinability, semantics, stylistic peculiarities, etc. However, there are dictionaries in which a quotation is a key component of the entry. Among them the reference books, devoted to quotations and sayings of different political figures, play an important role. The dictionaries of such a type can be addressed to linguists, journalists, political scientists and ordinary users interested in famous personalities’ sayings, students and learners who can use quotations in different kinds of written papers. Along with dictionaries of the writers’ language and ones devoted to the masters of the fiction literature the dictionaries of political quotations are worth of being regarded as heritage dictionaries which are considered to be the treasury and keepers of the national culture and make a great contribution to the development and formation of the literary language [11, p. 11].

In Russian lexicography there are mainly multipersonal reference books of quotations, for instance, The Big Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs, The Dictionary of Modern Quotations by K. Dushenko, The Dictionary of Russian Political Metaphors by A. Baranov and Y. Karaulov [1**, 2**, 3**]. In the Soviet period the linguists worked on the global project of compilation the dictionary devoted to Lenin’s language but they didn’t implement it. The foreign lexicographers’ experience is much richer in this field, they have compiled monographic dictionaries of quotations of many famous politicians, for example, W.

Churchill’s (Quotes by Churchill Winston, Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations by R. Langworth и т.д.) [4**, 5**], T. Roosevelt’s (Quotes by Roosevelt, Theodore и т.д.) [6**], M. Thatcher’s (The Margaret Thatcher Book of Quotations by Iain Dale and Grant Tucker, Quotes by Thatcher Margaret и т.д.) [7**, 8**], B. Obama’s (The Greatest Gift I Could Offer: Quotations from Barack Obama on Parenting and Family .by


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

Olivia M. Cloud, The Wit and Wisdom of Barack Obama: A Book of Quotations by Igal Meirovich и т.д.) [9**, 10**] and many others.

Such a high interest in registration of politicians’ quotations is determined by the fact that a quotation is a text which represents a part of the national cultural space and demonstrates the particular epoch in life of the country. Being an extract from the political speeches, memoirs, debates, a quotation allows gives an opportunity to analyze the speech peculiarities of every politician individually and the political discourse as a whole, to define the stylistic and ideological orientation of a speech, to create an image of a politician himself and evaluate his or her role on the political arena. Besides, a quotation is a verbal instrument of the political communication, a mean of intertextuality, manipulation and expressing the implicit information. Nowadays the pragmatical aspect of a quotation is studied not only by literature studies, but also by linguistics.

R.Bart defines a quotation as “any borrowing of the pretext by the text-recipient” [12, p. 418]. Being a borrowing, a quotation provides the text-recipient with an extra semantic colour which is not characteristic for the source text. A quotation is a language mean often used for authority as an evidence of the author’s ideas and thoughts. O.M. Karpova and O.V. Korobejnikova define a quotation as “a culturally specific language material, known to the representatives of a particular society, the acquaintance with which is necessary for understanding of the cultural background that determines the existence and functioning of a word in texts of different orientations” [13, p. 34].

Despite the variety of definitions for the term “quotation”, most of the researchers underline such its qualities as literalness, discontinuity and an exact indication to the source. A quotation embodies the “strange” voice which includes the additional notional information. In modern science, actively using the linguocultural approach, a quotation is treated as a channel of the definite cultural information important for the language community and sometimes understandable only for the representative of a particular culture. In this connection its stylizing, symbolic and cognitive functions are distinguished. The stylizing function is connected with the ability of a quotation to create the colour of a definite historical period and to express the atmosphere of this or that epoch. The symbolic function means that a quotation is not limited with the frames of the source text but becomes a sign of the vast cultural layer. Finally, the cognitive function is in expressing the cultural experience of a society. Besides, quoting is an appeal to authorities, demonstration of erudition and wide reading and speech ornamentation [13, p. 93].

Consequently, summing up the above mentioned definitions, one can conclude that there are three main approaches to defining a quotation in linguistics: structural and functional (I. Galperin, O. Moscalskaya), which states that a quotation is a mean of the compositional arrangement of the text, communicative (V. Androsenko, G. Salova, V. Chernyavskaya) connecting the characteristics of a quotation with the communicative tasks it fulfils, and linguocultural one (Y. Lotman, Z. Mints, Y. Philonova) which treats a quotation as a cultural symbol [14, p. 39 – 40].

Recently there have been more and more researches which study the role of quotations in the political discourse in particular and not in the artistic one where a quotation has specific functions. “Intertextuality is widely used in mass media, advertisement and political figures’ speeches. The speakers and writers interpret quotations attaching to them such a character and tone which mostly correspond to their purposes at the given moment” [13, p. 91]. E.V. Ustinova finds the powerful effecting potential in a quotation that turns it into a verbal instrument of influence and impact on the society, especially if a quotation is used in a politician’s speech. Using quotations in politicians’ texts, the so-called speechwriters actualize its manipulative potential with the help of such qualities as emotionality and interpretability. A quotation gives an opportunity to affect the feelings, beliefs, ideals, preferences and values of the electorate. Being aimed at implementing of the manipulation task, a quota-


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

tion accomplishes several functions: 1. Attractive (the attraction of the attention); 2. Axiological (the evaluation of the past and present condition of the society); 3. Prognostic (the prognosis of the future condition of the society); 4. Agonal (negative evaluation of political actions) [15, p. 124 – 125]. A quotation lets a politician get the social approval both as a personality and an adherent of his/her political course. Speaking about the manipulative function of a quotation, it is important to mention the term “quote manipulation category” by Ch. de Landtsheer [7, p. 132].

Due to the significant role of quotations in the political communication lexicographers are trying to register this kind of head words in reference books of different types. Having emerged out of the writer’s lexicography, the dictionaries of quotations overcame the long way of development as a separate branch of lexicography. A dictionary of quotations is at the meeting point of writer’s and linguocultural lexicography and combines the features of linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries, since it reflects two semiotic systems – language and culture. These dictionaries are aimed at accomplishing several functions: prescriptive, descriptive and didactic. Being oriented at formation of a user’s linguocultural competence, a dictionary of quotations reflects the cultural information about quotations. So, O. M.

Karpova and O. V. Korobejnikova mention that “creation of modern dictionaries of quotations is determined by the necessity to arrange the enormous fund of quotations for creation of the cultural and literary fund of the nation” [13, p. 95]. Hence, one can conclude that the dictionaries of political quotations provide users with the fund of quotations referring to the political discourse.

Thus, a dictionary of H. Clinton’s quotations Hillary Clinton in Her Own Words by Lisa Rogak is a monolingual registrative dictionary [11**]. Since the dictionary is addressed to the narrow circle of users and covers the quotations of one famous personality, connected with the political discourse, this dictionary is highly specialized. It is mostly designed for the political scientists studying H. Clinton’s role on the political arena and also the users interested in her political career. The given dictionary is a printed one and doesn’t have an Inter- net-version. The introduction and the biographical section (Timeline) give the users an opportunity to learn more about this politician’s personality. The targets of the dictionary are defined on its first pages and the author underlines that the dictionary primarily fulfils the educational function:

In this way, Hillary Clinton In Her Own Words accomplishes several purposes…

First, the book will appeal to politically minded readers who can learn where she’s stood on a wide variety of issues over the years; it will serve as a refresh course for those who have followed her life…as well as provide an introduction for younger readers who may be acquainted with the former First Lady only as a world diplomat. Next, her words will educate businesspeople who want to learn about her philosophies on leadership. Finally, Clinton’s words will motivate and inspire people around the world… [11**, p. 4].

The arrangement of the megastructure is thematic (Abortion, America, Being First Lady, etc.). It is necessary to mention that the presentation of the material according to the conceptual principle turns this dictionary into the ideographic (ideological) one. As a whole, the dictionary includes 164 topics, according to which the quotations are arranged. The order of topics is organized alphabetically to optimize the search of the necessary one. The megastructure of the dictionary is closed by the list of the sources from which the quotations and the extralinguistic information were borrowed. The microstructure of the dictionary undoubtedly has its specific peculiarities and is presented by the topic and the list of quotations reflecting it. The references to the sources of the quotations turn the dictionary into a reliable and trustworthy resource of information.


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

Let us analyze one of the quotations registered in the corpus in order to regard the stylistic devices used by H. Clinton and aimed at producing the emotional impact on the audience:

America’s Role in the World

Our country is not only the leader of the world, but we are expected to be by countless nations around the globe. And yes, we have challenges here at home, but these are challenges that we can meet. I’m very confident and optimistic about what America is capable of. I’ve lived through in my life a lot of ups and downs in our country, but you can never count America out and you should never bet against America.

The Today Show, October 12, 2011 [11**, p. 20].

First of all, the politician often uses the pronoun we which underlines the feeling of unity with her people and profound interest in the fate of the country. The usage of the personal pronoun I also underlines that H. Clinton’s life, her ups and downs are closely connected with the success and failures of America. This device, undoubtedly, creates a patriotic image. The lexical repetition of the words challenges and America is aimed at making the speech more expressive. The politician uses the syntactical repetition as well, that is a contrast created by the conjunction but, which is aimed at attracting attention to the important, from her point of view, ideas which imply that America must be the leader among other countries, it is sure to overcome the difficult period and the leading role of America on the world arena mustn’t be questioned. Thus, the given quotation of H. Clinton is a bright example of the quote manipulation which is characteristic of the political discourse and has been reflected in the dictionary.

The source of the most of the dictionary articles is the mass media, for instance, the American daily show Today Show (Today), news agencies Reuters and CNN, the editions of

The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, H. Clinton’s personal memoirs Living History, a monthly magazine for women Marie Claire, her oral speeches at Democratic Primary Debates, NARAL ( National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League), Pro-Choice America, etc. The list of sources reflects the interconnection of the political discourse and media discourse, which in the modern world has become the only channel of performing of the political communication. The dictionary image is also supplemented with the means of the polygraphic semiotics: different ways of designing of the head word, the quotation and the reference.

As a whole, the given dictionary meets the demands of modern users being oriented to the convenient search of information and the urgency of the language material. However the dictionary lacks the stylistic labels and those that would reflect the author’s attitude to the quotation, for example, irony. We regard the lack of such markers as a disadvantage.

In the reference book The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Political Quotations by F. Metcalf which is a multipersonal and diachronic one, the quotations are arranged in a thematic way as well. The specificity of this work consists in the fact that, unlike in the dictionary of H. Clinton’s quotations, its main function is not a reference or didactic one, but entertaining. The edition will be especially interesting for judges of good humour and those users who would like to diversify their speech with humorous sayings in order to produce more effect on the audience. For the user’s convenience the topics are arranged alphabetically. The dictionary covers more than 20 groups of quotations, such as Agriculture, America and Americans, Banks and Banking, Nationalism, Nuclear Weapons, etc. The megastructure of the dictionary is limited by the introduction and the corpus. The compiler doesn’t include the separate list of the quoted sources into the megastructure, because he doesn’t emphasize the educational orientation of the reference book. Nevertheless the microstructure offers the ref-


Scientific Newsletter of Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

erences and chronological information giving the opportunity to learn the context of the usage of the sayings and their sources which are mostly the mass media. The dictionary also registers the sayings the authorship of which is not determined. Apart from the politicians’ sayings the corpus includes the quotations of writers, philosophers and other famous people, their content refers to the political topic.

It is necessary to mention that a joke is one of the most important instruments of influence in the political discourse. The comic effect in the political communication is often aimed at forming the politician’s image. Since the political discourse is characterized by the reference, a joke can cause the definite attitude to the politician playing a significant role in the “own-strange” opposition. Let us analyze one of the quotations registered in The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Political Quotations:

He is a modest little man with much to be modest about.

Winston Churchill [12**, p. 8].

In this quotation the comic effect is achieved by means of the pithiness and the structure of the phrase in which the key role belongs to the lexical repetition of the word modest. The given stylistic device creates the effect of unexpectedness and antithesis. In the first part of the sentence the word modest produces the effect of the praise which is destroyed afterwards.

On the one hand, the dictionary has a lot of advantages: the focus on the user’s convenience, the urgent language material, the availability of references which turns the dictionary into the trustworthy source of information, the arrangement of quotations according to the thematic principle which is more appropriate for dictionaries of quotations than the alphabetical one. However, in our opinion, there are some disadvantages in this edition, among them is the absence of the informational labels revealing the context of usage of sayings that doesn’t correspond to the communicative orientation of the dictionary. Besides, the issue of selection of the quotations arises, since some of them were not humorous in their original context. Let us regard T. Jefferson’s quotation, for example:

I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just [12**, p. 3].

The context of the saying is connected with his reflections on slavery and violation of the human freedom, and the speech was utterly serious. This example shows the importance of the extralinguistic labels within the dictionary article.

Thus, we can make a conclusion that a quotation is an important component of the linguocultural space of the English language. Having overcome the long way of evolution from the illustrative material to the head word of the author’s dictionary, a quotation turned into the independent linguistic category the study of which gives the deep understanding of the intertextuality phenomenon, the peculiarities of the emotional impact peculiar for quoting, the issues of semantics and many other questions that trouble both the linguists and literary critics. A political quotation has become one of the most popular kind of quotations, while the dictionaries registering politicians’ sayings are turning into the original treasury of the political wisdom preserving the cultural and language property of the nation. Various printed lexicographic editions and – with the development of the computer technologies – Internet-dictionaries, covering the political topic in their totality, form the general picture of the political discourse and its peculiarities.

The dictionaries of politicians’ quotations not only take part in the formation of users’ linguocultural competence but also in introduction them to the political life. Such a dictionary may be called a universal one because of the wide range of its functions: descriptive, prescriptive, didactic and cultural. Taking into account the achievements of modern Lexi-


Series «Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches»

Issue № 4 (11), 2015

cography in making dictionaries of quotations, every user can find the necessary reference book according to the lexicographic form, the volume of the corpus, the way of quotation description, target users and other parameters due to which the dictionary market offers such a great variety of dictionaries.

Bibliographicheskij spisok

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Spisok slovarej

1**. Dushenko K.V. Bol'shoj slovar' citat i krylatyh vyrazhenij. – M.: Jeksmo, INION RAN, 2011. – 1216 s.

2**. Dushenko K.V. Slovar' sovremennyh citat. – M.: Jeksmo, 2006. – 650 s.