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dieval Russian traditions. The visitors eyed the colorful decorations on the four pillars upon which were depicted four Russian princes: Andrey Bogoliubsky, laroslav Vsevolodovich. Alexander Yaroslavovich and Daniil Alexandrovich, who founded the Princedom of Muscovy. Muscovite princes buried in the cathedral are depicted on its south wall. There are 46 tombs in the necropolis and 56 people buried therein. The tombs of Ivan IV and his sons. Ivan Ivanovich and Feodor Ivanovich, are specially placed close to the altar. Most people stood long and pensively before Ivan's sarcophagus, then marveled at that of Prince Dmitry that stands under a baldachin and behind a metal lattice. All the Muscovite Grand Princes between the early 14lh and early 18th centuries (until Peter the Great) were buried in the Archangel Cathedral. The first one was Ivan Kalita, the famous gatherer of the Russian lands.

As I recounted the life stories of the master-masons and nameless icon painters who created this masterpiece of Russian architecture, I looked at the sea of faces before me. What I saw amazed me: many people were crying and crossing themselves, some kissed the icons and tombs, and one old woman fell to her knees. After I finished speaking 1 remained quiet for about ten minutes and let the visitors look around in total silence. Every 3040 minutes hundreds of new visitors entered, and the influx did not relent until closing....

Meanwhile, at the Armory Chamber Museum, the crowds overwhelmed Director Zakharov. How can you give a tour when there are hundreds of people inside and thousands more on the street? Admission was free and unlimited -you came when you felt like it.

When I got home that night I told my whole family about the first day, about the visitors and their reactions. Suddenly my grandmother asked if the silver donation cups were still attached to the tombs. I had to admit that 1 couldn't remember. So the next day we looked for these cups. It turned out that they were full of money left by the first religious visitors. But this didn't last - the authorities soon sealed the cups.

And so, the Kremlin opened its gates to the public-How happy we. the staff, were! Before that you had had to move around the Kremlin grounds along carefully demarcated paths. For example, you couldn't cross Ivanov Square to reach the Savior Gates without permission from the Kremlin Commandant's Office. In fact, there were a lot of things you couldn't do,

I'm a historian, but when I began to work in the Armory Chamber I quickly realized my incompetence: a university degree was simply insufficient to lead informative excursions through the Chamber, the Palace and the cathedrals and along the Kremlin streets. All the guides studied medieval Russian art. architecture, handicrafts, state history, local history and much more. Famous academics gave lectures. For example, the Historical Museum's Senior Research Professor Postnikova-Loseva introduced us to the


history of western European silver. That's the very same “Madame Postnikova” whose appearance at antique auctions caused a stir – all she had to do was examine a silver product up for sale and its price doubled! Pact of the Chamber's enormous silver collection is a unique exhibit of English silver masterpieces. No other museum in the world has anything comparable, including British collections. (Cromwell requisitioned most of the silver from castles, mansions and churches to mint coins.) In addition, the museum has some unique pieces, each of which hides a fascinating story, a riddle or sometimes even a mystery. For example, one of my favorite pieces is a silver fruit bowl decorated with realistic engravings of plants. It dates from the 16th century when Russia established diplomatic and commercial relations with England and many English doctors, soldiers and engineers began to travel to Muscovy. According to tradition, the Czar personally received each one of these missions and received ambassadorial gifts. I used to hold the priceless bowl in my hands and try to imagine how during a feast in the Granovitaya Palace Ivan the Terrible eyed this gift from foggy Albion with Byzantine cunning. Or maybe they never used gifts and deposited them directly into the Armory Chamber? Who knows?

You can'! really understand Moscow unless you've strolled through Red Square, looked around inside the Kremlin, visited its cathedrals and museums. When British Foreign Minister Geoffrey Howe made an official visit to Moscow he visited the Kremlin. As soon as he entered Lenin's office he headed straight for the window that has an exceptional view of the Kremlin complex. Г explained to him what he saw: “In the distance is Cathedral Square, where Russia's main cathedral - Assumption Cathedral -stands. A little further, hut you can't see it from here, is the Armory Building with the world's greatest collection of hand-made objects from many countries. There are many silver gifts from the British royalty. Even England itself doesn't possess so many silver items.” The Foreign Minister carefully examined Lenin's library and discovered that George Bernard Shaw had sent Lenin a copy of Back to Methuselah with a famous dedication: “To Nicholas Lenin (ed: as one of Lenin's pseudonyms, N. Lenin, was deciphered in the West), the only European leader whose talents, character and knowledge are appropriate to his position. From Bernard Shaw 16June I921.” Mr. Howe began to thank me after the tour. “Does the Minister have any questions?” His answer stunned me: “Tell me. you're not related to Lenin's family, are you?” I answered that I wasn't. “How do you know all this history?” “I've worked here for 30 years,” I said. "My God, how old are you?” I smiled and answered: “Minister, even Soviet women shouldn't be asked such questions.” Everyone laughed. “Have you ever been to London?” “Yes. I visited a few years ago,” I replied. “And what do you like about it?” I replied: “London…” The Minister laughed and said: "That's an answer worth remembering.”


That's how we parted. And I'd like to think that when Geoffrey Howe returned to England he answered in a similar way: “In Moscow I loved Moscow!”

(Aeroflot Inflight magazine, 3(12) May/June 2006, by Klara Mashtakova).


adj – adjective – имя прилагательное adv – adverb – наречие

ger –gerund – герундий

n – noun – имя существительное pl – plural – множественное число v – verb – глагол


1.М.А. Васильева, Е.И. Закгейм, Обучение реферированию научной литературы. – М., 1976.

2.Корнеева М.С. Учебное пособие по развитию навыков аннотирования и реферирования для студентов старших курсов. – М., 1993

3.Копылова О.В. Аннотирование и реферирование. Конспект лекций и методические указания. – М., 1992

4.Славина Г.И. Аннотирование и реферирование. Пособие по английскому языку. – М., 1991.

5.“English Teaching Forum”, October 2003

6.“English Teaching Forum”April 2004

7.“Studies in Mathematics Education”. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural organization. Paris, 1984

8.“Beijing Review”, June 2004

9.“International Power Generation”, May 2005

10.“The inflight magazine of the Transaero Airlines”, June/ July 2005

11.“Aeroflot Inflight magazine”, May/ June 2006

12.“Political Affairs”, May 2004

13.“Journal of Contemporary Analysis”, May-June 2004





Белова Екатерина Павловна


Учебное пособие для студентов 5 курса специальности 031001 «Филология»

В авторской редакции Технический редактор Е.Е. Бабух Набор текста Е.П. Белова

Верстка, оригинал-макет Е.П. Белова, Е.В. Черноусова

Подписано в печать 20.02.2008 г.

Формат 61*86/16. Печать цифровая. Гарнитура Times New Roman

Авт. л. 4,45. Уч.-изд. л. 4,8. Усл. печ. л. 4,73

Тираж 35 экз. Заказ № 25


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