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Кафедра иностранных языков

Гольцева О.Ю.

Соколова А.Б.



Под редакцией заслуженного деятеля Высшей школы России, профессора, к.ю.н. И.А.Горшеневой


Методические рекомендации для обучающихся по организации самостоятельной работы.

Данные методические указания направлены на формирование умения самостоятельного чтения литературы по юридической специальности с целью извлечения информации. Для развития подобных навыков следует уделять особое внимание работе над текстом, а устный и письменный перевод текста на русский язык необходим для контроля понимания прочитанного и в качестве возможного способа использования полученной информации.

Письменный текст как средство восприятия и передачи информации

Текст имеет внутреннюю организацию, он состоит из слов и предложений, объединенных смыслом.

Прежде всего текст имеет дескриптивную структуру, он создан для описания факта, явления, понятия, действия и т.п., т.е. каждый текст, описывая что-то, несет информацию, а части этой информации связаны друг с другом единой логикой, единым смыслом. Таким образом, свойством текста выступают его дескриптивность, информативность и логичность.

В своей структуре текст как носитель информации содержит информативные единицы. Выделяя их в тексте, мы можем представить структуру текста следующим образом:

основная мысль текста, формирующая понятие о предмете высказывания;

основные темы текста, отражающие важные положения, изложенные в тексте;

основные факты текста, разъясняющие и иллюстрирующие главные положения текста;

детали и подробности текста.

Поисковое чтение - вид чтения для извлечения необходимой информации - самый распространенный вид работы с учебной литературой. Для формирования навыков ориентирования в тексте рекомендуются следующие учебно-тренировочные действия:

сжатие информации отдельных текстовых элементов;

вычленение несущественной информации;

выделение основных теоретических положений;

определение главной идеи текста;

изложение содержания в собственной интерпретации;

составление аннотации, реферата, конспекта на основе содержания текста.

При чтении аутентичного английского текста следует использовать следующие стратегии:

-тренировать навыки «языковой догадки» - догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по контексту, созвучию с родным языком; словообразовательным элементам;

-не принимать во внимание незнакомые слова, не занимающие в тексте ключевые позиции;

-использовать имеющиеся в тексте опоры (ключевые слова, иллюстрации, пояснения);

-пользоваться справочной литературой и разного рода словарями.

Врезультате обучающиеся должны научиться извлекать информацию из аутентичных текстов, не обращаясь к словарю при каждой встречи с незнакомым словом или языковым явлением.

Для этого обучающиеся должны усвоить несколько правил работы с текстом:

1. Читать текст на английском языке – значит пытаться понять его содержание, а не переводить каждое слово.

2.Чтобы понять текст (или спрогнозировать, о чем будет идти речь в этом тексте), необходимо обратиться к помощи заголовка, дат, имен собственных

иразличного рода схематическому материалу, содержащимся в нем.

3.При чтении текста важно опираться в первую очередь на то, что понятно в нем (знакомые слова, выражения), и затем, опираясь на них, пытаться спрогнозировать содержание всего текста, и догадаться о значении незнакомых слов;

4.Обращаться к словарю следует лишь в тех случаях, когда все прочие возможности понять значение новых слов исчерпаны.

Если в процессе самостоятельной работы над изучением текстового материала или при выполнении заданий для самоконтроля у обучающего возникают вопросы, разрешить которые самостоятельно не удается, необходимо обратиться к преподавателю для получения у него разъяснений или указаний.











2. The US Legal System



Basic Concepts of the U.S. Constitution






The Bill of Rights



Types of the US Police



Categories and Classes of Offenses







Proving a Criminal Offense


8 . The Probable Cause Affidavit






10. Report


11. Global Police Cooperation




12. Keys


13. References








The US Legal System

Law is a form of social control or a method of encouraging people to behave in a certain way. Other forms of social control include morality and religion. Religious concepts such as sin are often the basis for criminal law. In a simple society written laws are unnecessary. The behavior of the inhabitants is controlled by more primitive means such as violence or removal from the community. As societies became more complicated, written laws were necessary to maintain order. The rules of the society, which developed naturally, were codified by being written down. This natural development of law is sometimes referred to as common law. The American legal system is based primarily on English common law. In addition to maintaining order, laws also serve to protect ownership of property, regulate certain businesses.

Types of Law in America

There are several types of law that govern the way they live in the United States. Constitutional law defines the form of government Americans have established for themselves; the Constitution defines their representational government and its three-branch structure (executive, legislative, and judicial). Through constitutional law, they can identify the powers and limitations of each branch. Additionally, constitutional law consists of standards set forth in the Constitution and of court decisions or interpretations of the Constitution handed down by U.S. District and Supreme Courts.

Statutory law is written laws enacted by Congress, state legislatures, or local governing authorities in response to a perceived need to clarify the function of government. Statutory law includes civil, criminal, administrative, and regulatory laws.

Statutes enacted by a municipal (city) or county government are known as ordinances. Local governments create ordinances which regulate matters of narrow application such as curfews for minors, restrictions on the hours when alcohol may be sold, or parking regulations. Ordinances apply only within the jurisdiction of the governmental entity that enacted them. Some ordinance violations are criminal, while others are civil infractions. These laws cannot conflict with state or federal law, including case law.

Within statutory law, some provisions define unacceptable behaviors and government prosecution of those who commit them. These statutes are called

criminal law and must clearly describe the unacceptable behavior and set a punishment for it.

The body of law formed by the decisions of the court system (the judicial branch) is called case law. These court-imposed decisions are based on the court's interpretation of constitutional provisions, and they clarify the meaning of a statute or rule as applied to a specific set of facts.

Civil law pertains to legal action a person takes to resolve a private dispute with another person. The courts provide a forum for the parties to resolve disputes through legal action. In civil lawsuits, the person filing the lawsuit must have a recognized cause of action. A cause of action is to a civil case what a criminal statute is to a criminal case. In many situations, crime victims also have causes of action that allow them to sue the perpetrators of the crimes. Sometimes, law enforcement's actions in enforcing a law can generate a civil lawsuit.

Exercise 1. Find these words and word combinations in the text.

a)поддерживать порядок

b)общее право

c)структура из трех ветвей власти

d)исполнительная власть

e)законодательная власть

f)судебная власть

g)статутное право

Exercise 2 . Say if the sentences are true or false.

1.Law is a form of social control to encourage people to behave in a certain way.

2.The American legal system is based primarily on English criminal law.

3. Constitutional law consists of standards set forth in the Constitution only.

4. Statutory law includes civil, criminal, administrative, and regulatory laws. 5. Local governments create ordinances which regulate such matters as curfews for minors, restrictions on the hours when alcohol may be sold, or parking regulations

Exercise 3. Complete these sentences.

1.The Constitutional law defines ………………..

2.Statutory law is ………………....................................

3.Ordinances are ………………...........................

4.Civil law pertains to …………………………….

Exercise 4. Answer these questions

1.What do laws serve to?

2.What must the statutes called criminal law describe?

3.What is called case law?

4.What can generate a civil lawsuit?

Total : 20

Your score :_________________


Basic Concepts of the U.S. Constitution

Law enforcement officers are required to abide by the limitations that the Constitution sets and the case law decisions that interpret those limitations. Certain amendments are particularly relevant to law enforcement. The Constitution protects individuals from governmental abuse of power and defines law enforcement's authority to act.

In any situation, an officer must be able to determine how to follow the law. According to the U.S. Constitution, all people stand equal before the law and therefore share certain rights. These rights, such as freedom of speech, protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, and prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment, are described in the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which are known as the Bill of Rights. Although many of these amendments focus on the courts and the legislature, some, such as the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, focus on law enforcement activities.

The purpose of government is to secure and protect these rights. The government is the agent of the people, not their master, and a law enforcement officer represents the law. The U.S. Constitution sets parameters within which the government operates and establishes laws. The decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court and other appeals courts resolve issues or conflicts which arise under the Constitution. The Articles of the Constitution form the Constitution's main body. Their purpose is to form a contract between the people of the United States and the United States government that spells out the responsibilities and authority of the three branches

of government.

The supremacy clause is a significant idea incorporated into the Constitution by the founding fathers. Set forth in Article VI, the supremacy clause states that when laws conflict, federal law generally overrules state and local law. State law can be more restrictive than federal law, but it cannot undermine the federal standard.

The Amendments to the Constitution affect law enforcement officers more than any other part of the Constitution. Their purpose is to ensure that individual rights are not infringed upon by the government.

Exercise 1. Find these words and word combinations in the text.

a)сотрудники правоохранительных органов

b)злоупотребление полномочиями

d)равны перед законом

e)поправка к конституции

f)разрешать вопросы

g)пункт о верховенстве

Exercise 2. Say if the sentences are true or false.

1.Law enforcement officers may not abide by the Constitution provisions and the case law decisions.

2.According to the U.S. Constitution, all people stand equal before the law.

3.The first six amendments to the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. 4. The decisions of the U.S. appeals courts resolve conflicts which arise under the Constitution.

5.The supremacy clause states that when laws conflict, federal law generally overrules state and local law.

6.The purpose of the amendments is to ensure that individual rights are not infringed upon by the government.

Exercise 3 .Match these words and synonyms.

1. case law

a) to abolish, annul



2. to follow the law

b) according to the Constitution



3. to secure

c) to settle



4. to resolve

d) to violate



5. under the Constitution

e) to protect



6. to overrule

f) to abide the law



7. to infringe

g) precedents



Exercise 4. Complete these sentences.



The Constitution protects individuals from



The basic people's rights are described in



The basic people's freedoms and rights are..........................

4.Their purpose of the Constitution's main body is to ………………

5. The supremacy clause states ……………………

Exercise 5. Answer these questions


What are law enforcement officers required to abide by?


What do the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, focus on?


What parameters does the U.S. Constitution set?


Can state law be more restrictive than federal law?

Total : 28

Your score :_________________


The Bill of Rights

The First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments are of particular importance to law enforcement, as they concern issues of officer liability.

The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, press, peaceful assembly, and religion. Examples of law enforcement activities that may be affected by the First Amendment include arrests for disorderly conduct and seizure of press materials such as cameras, tapes, and writing material. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms.

The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable search and seizure and generally requires a warrant signed by an independent magistrate (judge). Law enforcement activities affected by the Fourth Amendment include law enforcement's entry into homes, vehicles, luggage, purses, or other places where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, including his or her person, and interference with people's right to possess and maintain control over their property. Law enforcement stops and arrests, including the use of force on persons, are considered seizures and must meet the reasonableness requirement.

The Fifth Amendment is best known for prohibiting compelled self-incrimination. It also requires grand jury indictment for capital crimes and prohibits double jeopardy and deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law . Law enforcement activities affected by the Fifth Amendment include interviewing and arresting suspects or taking other illegal law enforcement action in violation of due process.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial, counsel, an impartial jury, to be informed of the nature of the charges, and to confront witnesses. Law enforcement activities affected by the Sixth Amendment are related to making contact with a suspect who is represented by counsel.

The Eighth Amendment prohibits excessive bails and fines and cruel and unusual punishment. Other than making a bond recommendation or request to the judge, a law enforcement officer has little to do with fines or punishment.

The Bill of Rights was originally intended to restrict actions of the federal government only. The Fourteenth Amendment expanded the application of the Bill of Rights to state and local governments as well. This was done by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction of the equal protection of the laws.

The Fifth Amendment also contains a due process clause but is limited only to the actions of the federal government. The due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments require the government to be fair when taking away someone's life, liberty, or property.

Exercise 1. Find these words and word combinations in the text.

a) ответственность сотрудника

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