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Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Сибирский государственный автомобильно-дорожный университет (СибАДИ)»

Е.В. Максимюк



Учебное пособие

2-е изд., деривативное

Омск 2019

УДК 811.111

Согласно 436-ФЗ от 29.12.2010 «О защите детей

ББК 81.432.1

от информации, причиняющей вред их здоровью и


развитию» данная продукция маркировке не подлежит.



д-р филол. наук, проф. Л.О. Бутакова (ОмГУ им. Ф.М. Достоевского);

д-р филол. наук, проф. Н.В. Орлова (ОмГУ им. Ф.М. Достоевского)

СибАДИобучающего демонстрационного характера, которые воспроизводятся с помощью проигрывателяWindowsMedia.

Работа утверждена редакционно-издательским советом СибАДИ в качестве

учебного пособ я.

Макс мюк, Елена Валентиновна.

М17 Теор я практ ка делового сообщения = Theory and practice of business report

[Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / Е.В. Максимюк. – Электрон. дан. – Омск :

ибАДИ, 2019. – URL: http://bek.sibadi.org/cgi-bin/irbis64r plus/cgiirbis 64 ft.exe. - Режим

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Направлено на разв тие языковых, аналитических и коммуникативных навыков в сферах соц ально о условленного и профессионально-ориентированного общения.

Пособ е состо

т з 9 глав, каждая из которых состоит из теоретической и практической



ческая часть носит комплексный характер и содержит в себе задания по


анал зу текста (Reading), по индивидуальному и групповому обсуждению и

размышлению над представленным материалом, над способами и методами его реконструкции, над возможными видами и типами языковой и визуальной презентации материала (Speaking, Discussing). Сектор (Language practice) содержит в себе задания,

направленные на о огащение лексической базы (по профилю) и формирование языкового чутья. В подразделе (Writing) суммируются все знания и навыки, накопленные по мере освоения материала, содержащегося в главе, и учащимся предлагаются несколько видов заданий для самостоятельной подготовки, в рамках которых они могут продемонстрировать уровень владения информацией и проявить собственный креативный подход к его реализации. Содержит гиперссылки на первоисточники текстовой

информации интерактивный тест, который позволяет студентам самостоятельно

оперативно оценить уровень и глубину освоения материала.

Имеет интерактивное оглавление в виде закладок. Содержит видеоматериалы

Предназначено для обучающихся (всех форм обучения) всех технических направлений подготовки магистратуры и всех специальностей.

Подготовлено на кафедре «Иностранные языки».

Мультимедийное издание (2,8 МБ)

Системные требования : Intel, 3,4 GHz ; 150 МБ ; Windows XP/Vista/7 ; DVD-ROM ; 1 ГБ свободного места на жестком диске ; программа для чтения pdf-файлов :

Adobe Acrobat Reader; Google Chrome ; Windows Media Player ; колонки

Редактор И.Г. Кузнецова

Техническая подготовка Н.В. Кенжалинова Издание второе, деривативное. Дата подписания к использованию 19.03.2019

Издательско-полиграфический комплекс СибАДИ. 644080, г. Омск, пр. Мира, 5 РИО ИПК СибАДИ. 644080, г. Омск, ул. 2-я Поселковая, 1

© ГОУ «СибАДИ», 2010 © ФГБОУ ВО «СибАДИ», 2019

Ссылки внутри текста кликабельны

Unit 1

Section A. Purpose of Business Report


A business report conveys information to assist in business decision– making. The business report is the medium in which to present this information. Some reports might present the actual solution to solve a business problem; other reports might record past business information that is used toward future business

planning. More traditional reports, such as business plans, serve to communicate

the Business Concept, business management model, commercial objectives,

operational procedures and the perceived viability of the enterprise. Many people

consider business report as dry, uninteresting documents which take a great deal of




time and effort to prepare. The reality is that they are an essential part of doing

business and one’s ability to be proficient in this area is critical to the ability to

pursue commercial success.



Although much of the research and analysis that supports the business report

иis derived from a systematic process, the actual preparation of the report is more

reliant on art than on a proven business template. Although for the most business

reports templates are readily available, they are only a guide and the reports needs

to be developed to best fit their intended application. In order for the reader to have

a clear understandingбof why a report is written, a written purpose theme must exist

through the report. This theme could be represented as either a statement or a

question. In generating a business report, the following steps should be considered:

determine the scope (purpose) of the report;

consider the target audience (readers);




gather and organize the supporting information (research);

analyze and weight the supporting information;

determine the solution, findings and recommendations;

determine the report format.







What are the main purposes of business report?


What does it mean to prepare a business report?


What should be taken into consideration?


How can we represent a theme of the business report?





Enumerate the steps of making the business report.


Section B. History of automobile construction


1. Read the text and define the main idea of it.


There have been many inventions during the Twentieth Century – the telephone, air travel, television and the atomic bomb – are just four with universal impact. But one stands out from the crowd as having had more influence on more people in more places – the car.

The significance of the motor car to the recent history of civilization is beyond question. The cars precise date of introduction, however, will be debated for decades to come. Thats because, ever since the invention of the wheel around 4000 BC, humans have tried to design a self–propelled machine to replace the horse.

Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler may have been credited with producing the first vehicles powered by the internal combustion engine in 1885, but the origins of the car go back as far as the Old Testament. This foretold of machines propelling themselves on land and the air. The great 13–th–century scientist and philosopher Roger Bacon predicted the advent of machine–powered vehicles on land and water, while Leonardo de Vincis diagrams of a self–propelled carriage are a matter of record. In 1472, Roberto Valturio described a machinedesigned for war purposes, which was to be moved by means of large windmills transmitting their motion through cranks and gears. Clockwork and wind–assisted vehicles all played their part in the pre–history of the car but the greatest influence came from the Steam Age. In the early 1760s Frenchman Captain Nicolas Joseph Cugnot built a powerful steam–driven tractor to tow artillery hardware. Only partly successful, it was left to a group of British, American and European inventors to pursue the

development further. Of these, Richard Trevithicks London Carriage was both the most practical and effective.

The steam era saw, not only the advent of a succession of road coaches, but also the more recent railway locomotive. The former was handicapped by public resistance and government legislation, while those involved in the horse trade saw these new contraptions as a danger to their livelihood. This led not only to heavy


taxation through toll roads but also the implementation of the Red Flag Act. This ruled that all forms of road locomotivesshould have a man with a red flag walking ahead of them. This ridiculous law was not repealed until many years later.

2.Explain the difference between idea and the theme.

3.What is the theme of this story?

4.How were they (idea and theme) represented in the text?

5.Write down a plan of this text.

6.Analyze what was taken into consideration and how it was realized.


1.Change the idea of this story and rebuild (or reorganize) it according to it.

2.Give information about inventors, inventions and dates in two different ways.

3.Find the introduction in this text. What is it about?

4.Write down your own variant of introduction to this text.

5.At home prepare your own story about «History of the car».

6.Try to answer these questions. If it is not possible for you – find the answer in the text given below:

a)What were the earliest means of communication used by man?

b)What had men tried to replace manpower with?

c)Which of the mechanical vehicles has had the greatest influence upon our life?

d)How was the first self–propelled car operated? When was it built?

e)What did Thomas Savery invent? Who improved his invention?

f)Did James Watt want to use steam power to run a road vehicle?

g)Did all men accept his view?СибАДИ



In his efforts to move by means of other than his own feet, man has sat on the backs of mules, camels, horses and elephants, and has been pulled by them in wagons, carriages and sleds. He has used boats on water, skis on snow, skates on ice, and bicycles on land. Of all the devices which man has invented to carry him from here to there, swiftly and effortlessly, none has had quite as such impact on


his life as the automobile.

The influence of the automobile on our life has been so complete that few of us can remember what it was like to be – without one. Yet it was not so long ago that men first devised the means of mechanical self–propulsion which made the modern car possible. They had tried for hundreds of years to replace manpower with a mechanical device. None was found remarkable until late in the nineteenth

One of the earliest self–propelled cars was built by a clock–maker in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1649. It was operated on the same principle as a wind–up toy. Like a toy, it had to be rewound every few minutes. About fifty years after that, an Englishman named Thomas Sаvery developed a steam pump which raised water from coal mines. This was improved by another Englishman, Thomas Newcomen. In 1765, James Watt of Scotland, using Newcomen's engine as a model made a steam engine so efficient that he is generally considered to be its

generated бpower. Watt was opposed to using steam power to run a road vehicle but these and other men with vision saw the possibility of steam, power propelling

inventor. Although these early steam engines operated from a fixed position, they

vehicles on land and water. In Europe and the United States, men began to experiment with steam. The search for an automobile although it would be years

before it carried that name – was on.





7. Give a summary of this text.


8. Retell the story according to the plan given below (use the verbs in






The earliest means of communication (to use).


The first self–propelled cars (to build).





The principle of their operation (to device).



A steam–pump (to invent).



A steam–engine (to consider).



The search for an automobile (to experiment).




1.Look through the text.

2.Compare it with the previous two («History of the car» and «Man in motion»).

3.Find common and distinguishing features in its




4)structures (composition).


4.What text have you found more






5.What should be done to improve each of these texts?


The automobile as we know it was not invented in a single day by a single inventor. The history of the automobile reflects an evolution that took place worldwide. It is estimated that over 100,000 patents created the modern automobile. However, we can point to the many firsts that occurred along the way. Starting with the first theoretical plans for a motor vehicle that had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton.

In 1769, the very first self–propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by French engineer and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot (1725 – 1804). Cugnot used a steam engine to power his vehicle, built under his instructions at the Paris Arsenal by mechanic Brezin. It was used by the French Army to haul artillery at a whopping speed of 2 1/2 mph on only three wheels. The vehicle had to stop every ten to fifteen minutes to build up steam power. The steam engine and boiler were separate from the rest of the vehicle and placed in the front (see engraving above). The following year (1770), Cugnot built a steam–powered tricycle that carried four passengers.

In 1771, Cugnot drove one of his road vehicles into a stone wall, making Cugnot the first person to get into a motor vehicle accident. This was the beginning of bad luck for the inventor. After one of Cugnot's patrons died and the other was exiled, the money for Cugnot's road vehicle experiments ended.

Steam engines powered cars by burning fuel that heated water in a boiler, creating steam that expanded and pushed pistons that turned the crankshaft, which then turned the wheels. During the early history of self–propelled vehicles – both road and railroad vehicles were being developed with steam engines. (Cugnot also designed two steam locomotives with engines that never worked well.) Steam engines added so much weight to a vehicle that they proved a poor design for road


vehicles; however, steam engines were very successfully used in locomotives. Historians, who accept that early steam–powered road vehicles were automobiles, feel that Nicolas Cugnot was the inventor of the first automobile.

After Cugnot Several Other Inventors Designed Steam–Powered Road Vehicles. Cugnot's vehicle was improved by Frenchman, Onesiphore Pecqueur, who also invented the first differential gear. In 1789, the first U.S. patent for a steam–powered land vehicle was granted to Oliver Evans. In 1801, Richard

Trevithick built a road carriage powered by steam – the first in Great Britain. СибАДИIn Britain, from 1820 to 1840, steam–powered stagecoaches were in regular

service. These were later banned from public roads and Britain's railroad system developed as a result. Steam–driven road tractors (built by Charles Deitz) pulled passenger carriages around Paris and Bordeaux up to 1850. In the United States, numerous steam coaches were built from 1860 to 1880. Inventors included: Harrison Dyer, Joseph Dixon, Rufus Porter, and William T. James. Amedee Bollee Sr. built advanced steam cars from 1873 to 1883. The « La Mancelle» built in 1878, had a front–mounted engine, shaft drive to the differential, chain drive to the rear wheels, steering wheel on a vertical shaft and driver's seat behind the engine. The boiler was carried behind the passenger compartment. In 1871, Dr. J. W. Carhart, professor of physics at Wisconsin State University, and the J. I. Case Company built a working steam car that won a 200–mile race.

Steam engines were not the only engines used in early automobiles. Vehicles with electrical engines were also invented. Between 1832 and 1839 (the exact year is uncertain), Robert Anderson of Scotland invented the first electric carriage. Electric cars used rechargeable batteries that powered a small electric motor. The vehicles were heavy, slow, expensive, and needed to stop for recharging frequently. Both steam and electric road vehicles were abandoned in favor of gas– powered vehicles. Electricity found greater success in tramways and streetcars, where a constant supply of electricity was possible.

Learn more about the history of electrical vehicles from 1890 to the present. However, around 1900, electric land vehicles in America outsold all other types of cars. Then in the several years following 1900, sales of electric vehicles took a nosedive as a new type of vehicle came to dominate the consumer market. The very first self–powered road vehicles were powered by steam engines and by that definition Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France built the first automobile in 1769 – recognized by the British Royal Automobile Club and the Automobile Club de France as being the first. So why do so many history books say that the automobile

was invented by either Gottlieb Daimler or Karl Benz? It is because both Daimler and Benz invented highly successful and practical gasoline–powered vehicles that ushered in the age of modern automobiles. Daimler and Benz invented cars that looked and worked like the cars we use today. However, it is unfair to say that either man invented « the» automobile.


Language practice

1. Examine the phrases and try to translate it.

A)Put down.

B)Put (stick) one's nose in.

C)Put on the Ritz/dog.

D)Put some distance between someone and someone / something.

E)Put someone away.


2. Match these phrases with the definitions given below:


interfere in someone's business;


put in prison;


criticize someone;


make everything special for someone else;


move far away from.

3. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

Jack … him ... and he hasn't been the same since. Jason was … ... for life in prison.

I wish he wouldn't … his … in where it's not wanted. They really … on … ... for us last weekend.

He … some ... between himself and his ex–wife. Mary is ...her ... in their affairs.

Let's … some ... between us and the school.

4. Match the words in two columns


a car (step on the brakes)

be alert

an accident


while driving


lanes, tires


a road


into mirror


into something




a road


1. Using phrases and word structures from section «Language practice » describe a situation which could happen with the driver

a)two hundred years ago;

b)one hundred years ago;

c)three weeks ago.

2.Write down your own variant of the report connected with the history of automobile invention.


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