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Grammar review and development

Review the Grammar material «The Modal Verbs and their equivalents»

The Modal Verbs and their equivalents are used to express: order, necessity, obligation, an urgent command, prohibition, advisability; mental or physical ability; permission, necessity; an arrangement, agreement, part of a plan (see the first chart).

When the Modal Verbs and their equivalents express these notions, the main patterns of them are those presented in the sentences below. Study the patterns. Make sure you are familiar with all of them and you know how to translate the sentences from English into Russian.


order, necessity, obligation, an urgent command, prohibition

to have to

necessity / obligation (arising out of circumstances)

to be to

an arrangement, agreement, part of a plan, something thought of as unavoidable


to be able to

ability (mental / physical), capability, possibility


to be allowed to



ought to

order, necessity, obligation, an urgent command, prohibition, advisability


absence of necessity

To succeed in life, even in purely material terms, people must work together.

Each year the new car models have to be sufficiently different from the ones

You haven’t finished the report yet. So you will have to do it tomorrow.

After that Adam Smith took up another subject which he was later to proclaim to the world.

The City can be called the financial heart of the world.

In those old times, moneylenders could not charge interest.

An early as 1913, Ford's company was able to produce an astonishing 1,000 Model Ts per day.

May I join your company?

He said she might use his dictionary.

The firm will be allowed to take part in the competition.

You should (ought to) be more careful at work.

He needn’t be in such a hurry. It is 5 o'clock and the meeting will only start at 6.

Assignment 15

Think of the appropriate Modal verb (or its equivalent) and use it with the Infinitive in brackets. The hint (in square brackets after each sentence) and the italicized words will help you do it. Don't forget that the Infinitive can be either in its Active or Passive form.

Write the correct sentence in the space opposite the original one. If necessary, change the word order. The first sentence has been done for you.

The bowler rarely (to see) today.


The bowler can rarely be seen today.

She said she (to speak) English when

she was five. [ability]

Tomorrow we (to use)'the new computer. [permission]

The train (to arrive) at 6 p.m. but it

was delayed, [an arrangement]

Saturday morning is the only time

when people who are at work (to

shop). [possibility]

Though I was very busy yesterday, I

(to go) to my friend's place because

the day before I had left my notebook

there, [necessity arising out of circumstances]

In the 1960s, many American farmers

(not, to find) the necessary capital to

run their family farms. [capability]

He (not, to be) at the second interview next Monday. They think they

will offer him the job without seeing

him again. [absence of necessity]

She (to accept) the rules of the game if she wants to take part in it. [necessity, advisability]

Britain's leading pharmaceutical

companies try to find and make new

medicines that (to cure) or (to re-

duce) the effects of disease. [ability]

Interest on loans (to charge) in the

16th century. [permission]

You better (to start) your work immediately. [advisability]

Assignment 16

The Modal Verbs are also used to express: probability, supposition; doubt, astonishment; uncertainty; reproach; criticism of a past action; absence of necessity in the past (see the first chart).

When the Modal Verbs express these notions, the main patterns of them are

those presented in the sentences below. Study the patterns. Make sure you are familiar with all of them and you know how to translate the sentences from English into Russian.


probability, supposition ( должно быть)


doubt, strong doubt, astonishment (неужели, не может быть)


uncertainty (вероятно, возможно, может быть)


reproach (легкий упрек, могли бы и )

should/ought to

criticism of a past action(вам следовало/не следовало)


absence of necessity in the past (зря, не к чему, необязательно)

Somebody must know the goods produced by this company.

You must be reading a very interesting article now. You do not pay attention to anything else.

Italian bankers must have played an important part in financing the English Crown in the 13th and 14th centuries.

He must have been working for this company for ten years.

He can’t have persuaded the management to Jet him demonstrate his blend of coffee there.

He couldn’t have persuaded the management to let him demonstrate his blend of coffee.

Can he have persuaded the management to let him demonstrate his blend of coffee there?

Could he have persuaded the management to let him demonstrate his blend of coffee there?

A limited amount of money income will not permit the purchase of all the goods services the consumer may / might like to buy.

Where is he? - He may / might be going to the university at the moment.

The bank may / might have accumulated a lot of money.

He may/might have been doing economics for three years.

Two days ago, he went to the bookshop but he didn't buy me the book which I needed badly. He might have bought me the book.

You should have paid all the taxes.

She shouldn’t have behaved like that.

If there were a significantly better way of arranging the learning and working periods of life, some society ought to have long since discovered it.

He ought not to have violated the rules.

You needn’t have gone to the university yesterday. They have cancelled all the lectures.

Assignment 17

Think of the appropriate Modal verb and use it with the Infinitive in brackets. The hint (in square brackets) after each sentence will help you do it. Don't forget the Infinitive can be either in its Active or Passive form.

Write the correct sentence in the space opposite the original one. If necessary, change the word order The first sentence has been done for you.

You (to think) at that time that my firm’s profits were excessive. [uncertainty]

You might have thought at that time

that my firm's profits were excessive.


The Italian bankers (not, to expel) by

the English in the 14th century, [criticism of a past action]

She seems to be very nervous. Her

boss (to speak) to her. [probability]

Where are the children? — They (to

play) in the garden, [supposition]

You (to tell) me everything, (reproach]

You (to buy) this book. We have it in

our library. [absence of necessity]

The company (to go bankrupt). [un-


Mary (to go) to the shops. The money

on the table has gone, Mary. (to take)

it. (probability]

You walked all the way here carrying

this heavy luggage. You (to take) a

taxi. [criticism of a past action]

Is he still waiting? He (to wait) for us

for so long. [astonishment]

Long time ago, the Great Depression

(to cause) by the Stock Exchange

crash, [supposition]

We have come here to help you and

we see that you have done all the

work. You (not, to do) all the work.

[absence of necessity]

She was standing behind the door and

listening what we were talking about.

She (to hear) our secret. [probability]

Where is Peter? — I don't know it exactly. But he has lost a very important

document and now he (to look) for it

in his study. [uncertainty]

She is very bright. She (to fail) the examination. [strong doubt]

Before going to the party yesterday,

He (to call) us. [criticism of a past action]

Her mark for the test is «a five». She

(to learn) all Grammar rules, [probability]

Assignment 18

Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Write your translation in the space opposite the original sentence.

Многие американцы вынуждены были продавать свои маленькие семейные фермы.

Он должен сделать упражнение 8.

Им, должно быть, понравился этот сорт кофе.

Можете не (нет необходимости) ходить туда сегодня.

Вероятно, какие -то факторы замедлили рост населения в Англии.

В середине 1970-х годов один американский фермер мог производить достаточно еды, чтобы прокормить (to feed) себя, 45 других американцев и 8 иностранцев.

Неужели эта вещь могла быть роскошью (a luxury) несколько лет тому назад.

Тебе придется взять зонт и плащ. Похоже на то, что пойдет дождь.

Студентам разрешили пользоваться справочным (reference) материалом.

Ее нет на работе. Должно быть, она ушла.

Ей на следовало вести себя подобным образом. У нее была такая хорошая работа.

Для того, чтобы зарегистрироваться (to be listed), в компании должно быть (компания должна иметь) 2,000, акционеров.

Вам необязательно было (можно было и не) делать упражнение 5. Это не было нашим домашним заданием.

Он сказал, чтоона может использовать его данные в своем докладе.

Неужели так поздно?

Собрание должно было состояться в 5, но его отложили

Они все еще на работе. Должно быть, они ждут нового служащего.

Здесь нельзя курить. (Вы не должны здесь курить).

Если вы написали контрольную

работу, то можете идти домой.

Ему следует больше заботиться о

своем здоровье.

Если я выучу этот материал, я смогу

рассказать его завтра на семинаре.

Вы можете сделать это упражнение дома.

Хотя я был очень занят в прошлый

понедельник, я должен был (мне

пришлось) написать финансовый


Этой компании позволят принять

участие в тендере в следующем месяце.

Согласно расписания лекция должна

была начаться вчера в 11 часов утра.

Вам следует много заниматься, если вы хотите овладеть английским языком.

Не может быть, чтобы она вам об этом рассказала.

Вероятно, она ушла в театр.

Можно было и не повторять (review) грамматику. Вы и так ее

хорошо знаете.

В окнах нет света. Должно быть, они легли спать.

Не может быть, чтобы он опоздал

на поезд!

Вам следовало остаться дома, а не

ходить на вечеринки. У вас завтра

очень трудный экзамен.

Неужели он верит этому?

Что она делает сейчас? — Вероятно,

звонит по телефону своей подруге.

Можно было и не оставлять машину во дворе, у нас есть гараж.

Assignment 19

Open the brackets, translate the Russian verbs and/or Modal verbs into English. The Notes and Commentary will help you do it. Use the correct Tense Form. Write your English variant of the verb in the empty spacer the right-hand column.

Looking backward, future historians (увидят) the twentieth century as a century of niche competition and the twenty-first century as a century of head-to-head competition.

The late 1920s and early 1930s (начались) with a series of worldwide financial crashes that finally (привели) to the Great Depression. In order (сохранить) jobs, the dominant countries (вынуждены были) their imports. They (не следовало было делать) so because when everyone (ограничили) trade, the pressures (возросли). Fewer imports eventually (привели) to fewer exports. Ultimately, those economic blocks (превратились) into military blocks, and World War II (начались).

After World War II, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT (было заключено) in order (предотвратить) a repetition of these events. Trade restrictions and tariff barriers (были gradually сокращены). Under the rules, each country (должна относиться) all other countries in exactly the same way –«the most-favoured-nation principle». The best deal (должна быть предоставлена) to every country.

At that time America (могла выращивать) farm products that the rest of the world (не мог выращивать), and (могла поставлять) raw materials such as oil that the rest of the world (не имел), and (могла производить) unique high-tech products such as the Boeing 707 that the rest of the world (не мог строить). America's exports (не конкурировали) with products from the rest of the world: they simply (заполняли) gaps that the rest of the world (не мог заполнить). In the jargon of today's economists, each country (имела) a non-competitive niche where it (могла быть) a winner. America (развивалась) rapidly; the rest of the world (развивался) even more rapidly.

Notes and Commentary

niche (n) — ниша

cохранять — to preserve

сокращать to reduce

ограничиватьto restrict

возрастать — to magnify

превращаться (постепенно развиваться) - to evolve

the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATTГенеральное соглашение о тарифах и торговле, ГАТТ, заключенное в 1947 г. между 23 странами; каждое из этих государств в соответствии с соглашением предоставило другим равный и недискриминационныи режим торговли, сократило тарифы и со временем устранило импортные квоты

заключатьзд. to establish

относиться — to treat

the most-favoured-nation principle режим наибольшего благоприятствования

предоставлятьзд. to give

конкурировать — to compete

in the jargon of выражаясь языком; на жаргоне

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