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finance (n) финансы

stock exchange фондовая биржа

moneylender (n) кредитор; ростовщик

banker (n) банкир

pawnbroker (n) ростовщик

loan (n) заем

interest (n) зд. процент

cannon law канон (закон) церкви

legally (adv) юридически; легально

borrowing (n) заем

domestic economy экономика страны

Text analysis

Assignment 2

Find the Russian equivalents of the following.

The strain of heavy royal borrowing; to charge interest on a loan of money; to be central to international finance; medieval cannon law; to refer to the financial world; to conquer a country; the home of the «City gent»; to receive a variety of business privileges.

Assignment 3

Look through the above text again. Suggest the English for the phrases below.

Столица империи; поселиться (обосноваться) в Лондоне; быть пустынными ночью; получать богатые подарки; играть важную роль; финансовый центр; процент с займа; быть наказуемым в церковных судах.

Assignment 4

On a separate sheet of paper, translate from English into Russian Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the text beginning with the words « A Lombard meant...» and ending with the words «…in the 16th century». When translating, please keep in mind the norms of the Russian language.

Assignment 5

Fill in the correct word or phrase from the list below. Use the words or phrases only once.

Police; moneylenders; insurance; the City; bowler; Bank; premises.

1) the ______________of England

2) force ______________

3) a black ____________hat

4) ________________from Lombardy

5) _________________of London

6) to occupy _____________

7) an _________________ company

Assignment 6

Fill in the correct preposition.

1) to be deserted ______________ night

2) dislike ___________ something

3) to be independent ______ the British domestic economy

4) to go back ______ the 12th century

5) to live ______the square mile

6) in return______ something

7) to refer _________the financial world

Assignment 7

Determine which of the following statements are true and which are false. Put T or F in the empty boxes. Rewrite false statements to make them true.

The changing of interest on a loan of money was allowed in the 12th century.

The City is only dependent on the British domestic economy.

The importance of the City as a financial centre goes back to the time when

Lombards settled in London.

The territory of the City occupies half of modern London.

There are a few residential houses in the City

Assignment 8

Circle all the words that are appropriate in answering the questions.

Is the City the financial centre of London?

Who and what were Lombards?


the Bank of England

north Italy

the Middle Ages




business privileges


insurance and finance companies

the Stock Exchange

the English Crown

substantial gifts

a native of Lombardy


the Bank of England

north Italy

the Middle Ages




business privileges


insurance and finance companies

the Stock Exchange

the English Crown

substantial gifts

a native of Lombardy

Assignment 9

Look through the text again and write down ways to describe the situation concerning the expulsion of some of the Lombards from Britain.

The expulsion of


Assignment 10

Use the information in the text to answer the questions (in written form).

1. When did the City become the financial centre of London?

2. When was it legally permitted to charge interest on a loan of money?

3. Why did the Lords Ordainers expel some of the well-known Lombards!

4. In the 11th century, William the Conqueror granted a special Charter to the City of London, didn't he? What are the consequences of that grant?

5. What was the image of the City until very recently?

Assignment 11

From the text, select those, facts and ideas concerning the role of the City of London in Britain and all over the world (in written form).

Assignment 12

Say what the text is about. Comment on the content of the text (orally).

Assignment 13

Present the general idea of the text in five-six sentences in written form.

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