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Unit 5

Grammar: 1.Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs

2.Reflexive Pronouns

3.Zero that-clauses

Reading Exercises

1. Practise reading the following one-syllable words:


scarce, hence, home, fresh, block.

2. Practise reading the following two-syllable words with the stress one the first syllable: solar, water, process, meter, thermal, sunlight, factor, surface, blacken, cover, plastic, purpose, forward, progress, subject, prospect, power.

3. Practise reading the following two-syllable words with the stress on the second syllable: invent, device, produce, extent, extend, depend, between, prevent, effect, before, create, supply, collect, begin, immense.

4. Practise reading the following many syllable words:

generate,evaporation,application,fundamental,surrounding,absorptivity, perpendicular, horizontal, radiation, minimum, transparent, convection, distillation, refrigeration, arrangement, relatively, irrigation, inexhaustible.

5. Practise reading the following word-combinations:

earliest times, useful power, hot-air engines, solar energy, solar evaporation, sun-activated processes, surrounding air, sun’s rays, straight lines, the most effective ways, the loss of energy, glass-like material, effective prevention, transparent sheets of glass or plastic, actual applications, typical arrangements, high-pressure boilers, large block of electric power.

6. Memorize the spelling and pronunciation of the following words:

pressure-тиск; evaporation-випаровування,паротворення; applicaton-

застосовування,використання; absorptivity-абсорбцiйна здатнiсть;

precaution-обережнicть,застереження; transparent-прозо­рий; convection-

конвекцiя;distillation-дистиляцiя,опрiснювання; arrangement-розташуваня, розчищення; loss-втрата,збиток; portable-портативний,розбiрний; expensive-дорогий; inexhaustible-невичерпний; immense-величезний,неосяжний;

unit-елемент,секцiя,агрегат; to focus-збирати у фокус,зосереджувати.

Text 5 a

Solar Power

The sun’s energy manifests itself as thermal, photo-electric and photo-chemical effects. Men have tried to use solar energy since earliest times, but no means existed to generate useful power from the sun’s heat until steam and hot-air engines were invented.

Crude devices for heating water by solar energy date back many years, and production of salt by solar evaporation of sea water is probably the most ancient of man’s sun-activated processes. Photo-electricity has been known for almost a century, and millions of selenium photo-cells have been used as light-meters and in similar application.

Most fundamental of all thermal solar processes is the simple fact that, when sunlight falls upon a surface of any kind, the surface becomes warmer than the surrounding air. The extent to which the surface temperature rises depends upon many factors, most important of which are the angle between the surface and the sun’s rays, the absorptivity of the surface and the precautions taken to prevent the surface from losing the absorbed heat.

The angle effect is caused by the fact that the sun’s rays travel in straight lines. When a surface is perpendicular to the rays, their intensity is at its maximum, when the surface is horizontal, the radiation intensity drops off and reaches its minimum.

The most effective way to minimize the loss of energy from the sun heated surface is to cover it with one or more sheets of a glass-like material which is transparent to the sun’s rays but opaque to the longer wave lengths emitted by the warmed surface. The air space between the surface and the glass is an effective prevention of heat loss by convection.

A flat plate of blackened metal covered with one or more transparent sheets of glass or plastic is the simplest collector of solar energy. Once collected, heat can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some of the potential and actual applications.

Space heating is probably the most important, since nearly one-third of our energy supply is used for this purpose. Water heating can be achieved by portable solar heaters which are able to give as much as 400 litres of boiling water on a sunny day.

The distillation of the sea water is another process to be accomplished by variations the simple flat plate collector. The production of temperatures low enough for air conditioning and domestic refrigeration is a very important potential use of solar energy which is only now beginning to receive the attention it deserves.

Typical arrangements of concentrator-type solar plants with high-pressure boilers must be able to track the sun, so that its rays can be focussed upon a collection-element.

When physicists discover a new way to generate electricity directly from radiation, without going through the thermal cycles both nuclear and solar units will probably continue to be relatively small and applicable only to special purposes such as irrigation and power production in isolated locations.

Solar radiation is an immense and inexhaustible source of energy our world possesses. Up to the present time, mankind has been able to produce energy from the earth’s fuel, but the time will come when this energy will be scarce and hence expensive. Research is needed now to learn how to use solar energy cheaply and effectively to heat and cool our homes, produce fresh water from sea water, and to generate large blocks of electric power.

Notes: 1.crude device – найпростiший прилад

2.collection element – збиральний елемент

3.large block of electric power – велика кiлькiсть електроенергii

Answer the questions:

1. In what effects does the sun’s energy manifest itself? 2. Men have tried to use solar energy since earliest times, haven’t they? 3. When does the surface become warmer than the surrounding air? 4. What does the surface temperature depend upon? 5. What is the angle effect caused by? 6. What is the most effective way to minimize the loss of energy from the sun heated surface? 7. What is the simplest collector of solar energy? 8. What can water heating be achieved by? 9. When will both nuclear and solar power move forward rapidly? 10. Is solar radiation an immense and inexhaustible source of energy our world possesses? 11. How does mankind produce energy at present? 12. What is needed to learn how to use solar energy cheaply and effectively? 13. What can solar energy be used for? 14. Is the earth’s fuel an inexhaustible source of energy?


1. Translate the following words paying attention to the suffixes:

thermal, useful, evaporation, probably, absorptivity, intensity, horizontal, distillation, collector, arrangement, concentrator, boiler, physicists, relatively, inexhaustible, cheaply, effectively.

2. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the translation of the suffix-able:

1.The sun’s energy is valuable because of its thermal, photo-electric and photo-chemical effects.

2.The air space between the surface and the glass is a reliable prevention of heat loss by convection.

3.Until that time solar units will probably continue to be relatively small and applicable only to special purposes such as irrigation and power production on isolated locations.

3. Translate these words paying attention to negative prefixes:

Ineffective, ineffectively, inexhaustible, unprocessesed, unproductive, unimportant, incapable, illogical, irrational, non-conducting, discharge, underestimate.

4. Form words after the models and translate them:

1.-ment: to measure - measurement

to move; to require; to achieve; to develop; to improve; to equip.

2.-tion: to invent - invention

to produce; to compress; to evaporate; to prevent; to distillate; to concentrate.

3.-ly: bad - badly

usual, steady, probable, cheap, effective, relative, simple, experimental,

general, common, rapid.

5. Translate the following words and state their part of speech:

thermal, production, surface, absorptivity, heater, arrangement, boiler, directly,

applicable, difference, careless, resistant, workable, convertible.

6. Translate the following word-combinations:

useful power; hot-air engine, crude devices, thermal solar processes, surrounding air, the sun’s rays, angle effect, to minimize the loss of energy, glass-like material, flat plate collector, typical arrangements, high-pressure boiler, special purposes, isolated locations, solar radiations, inexhaustible source of energy, large blocks of electric power.

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