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Настольная библиотека аспиранта





Министерство образования Российской Федерации Уральский государственный университет

им. А.М.Горького

Настольная библиотека аспиранта


Практическое пособие

Выпуск 2


Екатеринбург Издательство Уральского университета


Практическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков

Научный английский язык: Практ. пособие. / Сост. Т.Я.Андреева, З.А.Корлыханова. Екатеринбург: Изд-во Урал, ун-та, 2000. Вып.2: Речевые образцы. 32 с. (Настольная библиотека аспиранта).

© Т.Я.Андреева, З.А.Корлыханова, составление,2000


Пособие представляет собой второй выпуск серии "Настоль­ ная библиотека аспиранта".

Целью пособия является развитие навыков устной и пись­ менной научной речи, основу которых составляют лексико­ грамматические структуры, характерные для научного стиля. Пособие построено на материале научной тематики и включает языковые средства, характерные для языка научной литературы - статей, докладов, тезисов к докладам и т.д. Наряду с этим ста­ вится задача подготовить обучаемых к таким формам устного общения среди ученых, как сообщение ьа конференции, доклад, дискуссия или неформальная научная беседа. В процессе обще­ ния большое значение имеет умение выразигь свою точку зрения на обсуждаемую научную проблему, дать ей адекватную оценку. Пособие состоит из двух частей. Первая часть "Scientific English in Oral and Written Forms" представляет собой своеобразный справочник, ключевыми словами которого являются 12 наиболее широко используемых в научной литературе существительных. Каждое существительное представлено набором структур - своеобразным минимальным научным контекстом. Вторая часть "Exercises with Speech Patterns for Scientists" посвящена упражне­ ниям, способствующим активизации структур для использования в практике речевого научного общения.

Пособие предназначено для аспирантов, а также соискателей и магистрантов. Оно может быть использовано на занятиях под руководством преподавателя, а также при самостоятельной под­ готовке тезисов, докладов, статей, резюме.

Устойчивые синтаксические структуры заимствованы из кни­ ги С.М.Капиной "О науке языком науки" (JL: Наука, 1977), а также из научной литературы различного профиля (моногра­ фий, статей, тезисов), деловой переписки, выступлений на кон­ ференциях.


Part I



Speech Patterns for Scientists


The problem is concerned mainly with the study o f...

This is a problem concerned with the role of ...

The problem deals chiefly with the determination of...

This is a problem dealing with the nature o f...

This is a problem which deals with the influence o f...

This is a problem bearing on the effects o f...

This is a problem relating to the measurement o f ...'

The main aspect of the problem is the origin o f...

The essence of the problem is the connection between ...

The problem, as can be seen, is how to obtain further in­

formation ...

The problem presents considerable difficulties ...

The problem of... presents a great deal of difficulty .

The problem I am studying now presents certain diffi­


The problem under investigation seems difficult to dis­

cuss in detail.

The problem, as has been outlined, is too broad to de­

scribe in details.

It is not easy to present the problem in every detail.

It is possible to discuss the problem in all its complex­



It is difficult to analyse the problem concerning with ...

It is impossible to solve the problem now because we know little about...

It was difficult to obtain knowledge of the problem now because we know nothing about...

It will be rather difficult to solve the problem at present. It would be extremely difficult to resolve the problem


It would seem quite possible to try to obtain knowledge of the problem in the near future.

It has proved quite realistic to try to obtain knowledge of the problem using the new methods.

This problem was first brought up by the beginning of the XXth century.

The problem as such was first put forward by K.

The problem as is outlined now was raised as early as the 1870's.

The problem under discussion was first formulated as far back as the mid XlXth century.

Since then the problem has attracted many scientists. Since then the problem has been referred to in a number

of investigations.

This problem is briefly described as follows.

The problem o f... can be briefly formulated as follows. The problem is within the range of the existing theory ...

This problem lies beyond the range of our present knowledge o f...

The problem o f ... is looked upon in the light of current concepts.

The problem o f... is regarded as the main one.


The problem o f ... can be regarded in the light of recent findings in this area.

This problem was solved only recently.

This problem will be clarified in the near future.

This problem can be clarified in the experiments with ...

This problem which seemed to be so complicated until recently has now been solved.

The above problem as we can see is still poorly exam­ ined.

The problem o f ... as is known still remains not suffi­ ciently studied.

The problem requires a great deal of further research ef­ fort in this area.

The problem demands much investigation in this field. Much further research is needed to reveal some facts


A great deal of further work is wanted to discover cer­ tain details of...

It will take much time to clear up this aspect of the problem...

It is, indeed, not an easy task to gain an insight into the structure of...

It is not an easy task to disclose the mechanism of...


There is a great deal of information at present concern­

ing the use of...

There is a lot of information nowadays about the appli­

cation of...

There is reliable information regarding the action of...


At present we have some information about the nature of...

At present we have enough information on the influence of...

There is little reliable information at present about the changes in...

We still have no reliable information regarding...

Until recently we had little information on the evolution of...

We do not possess yet sufficient information regarding this subject.

No reliable information about these changes is available at present.

The information we have is very incomplete.

We want some further information on the origin of...

Some further information is wanted on this subject. More detailed information is required on this subject. Most of the recent information has been obtained from

recent investigations.

We have obtained this information using the newly de­ veloped method.

The information obtained from recent studies shows that the theory is incorrect.

This information provided by the experiments suggests that...

Our information seems insufficient to suggest that...

This information is not sufficient to allow such conclu­ sions.

The information the author has reported can be used in studies of...



There is now some knowledge of...

At present we have detailed knowledge about...

Until recently we had little knowledge of...

There are still certain gaps in our knowledge

We still know very little about...

Our knowledge o f... is still incomplete.

At present our knowledge of... still remains insufficient.

No complete knowledge has been obtained from studies


Our present knowledge comes from the studies of...

Some of our knowledge has been provided by experi­

ments with...

Most knowledge o f... can be based on current concepts


Our knowledge must be further improved.

Out knowledge must be further obtained from...

Knowledge of this phenomenon will be used to demon­


Knowledge of this can be used for...

Knowledge of it could be used to establish...


The method I described seems very effective in the study of...

This method is most widely applied in laboratory con­ ditions

This method is very frequently used in studies of...

This old technique is no longer used at present.


Most workers seldom use this method nowadays.

Most authors often apply this method in their experi­ ments.

The method used is known as X-ray diffraction.

With this method we made several sets of experiments. As a result...

With this method we have obtained certain results which...

N ... first developed the method of...

The method o f... was first used in the 1920's. The method has been greatly improved since then.

The method o f ... does not differ greatly from the one used earlier.

The new technique differs greatly from the existing techniques.

The new method has nothing in common with the old one.

The new method has several advantages as compared with...

This method allows us to demonstrate...

This method makes it possible to observe.,.


We carried out these experiments in order to show...

Their experiments were carried out in order to examine

certain question concerning...

Experiments on this topic have been performed to an­

swer the question whether...

These experiments were designed to answer some ques­

tions about...