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PS-2020a / part17

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DICOM PS3.17 2020a - Explanatory Information​

Page 321​

GG JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer​

Syntax Negotiation (Informative)​

The JPIP Referenced Pixel Data transfer syntaxes allow transfer of image objects with a reference to a non-DICOM network service​ that provides the pixel data rather than encoding the pixel data in (7FE0,0010).​

The use cases for this extension to the Standard relate to an application's desire to gain access to a portion of DICOM pixel data​ without the need to wait for reception of all the pixel data. Examples are:​

1.​Stack Navigation of a large CT Study.​

In this case, it is desirable to quickly scroll through this large set of data at a lower resolution and once the anatomy of interest​ is located the full resolution data is presented. Initially lower resolution images are requested from the server for the purpose of​ stack navigation. Once a specific image is identified the system requests the rest of the detail from the server.​

2.​Large Single Image Navigation.​

In cases such as microscopy, very large images may be generated. It is undesirable to wait for the complete pixel data to be​ loaded when only a small portion of the specific image is of interest. Additionally, this large image may exceed the display cap-​ abilitiesthusresultinginadecimationoftheimagewhendisplayed.Alowerresolutionimage(i.e.,onethatmatchestheresolution​ of the display) is all that is required, as additional data cannot be fully rendered. Once an area of interest is determined, the ap-​ plication can pan and zoom to this area and request additional detail to fill the screen resolution.​


It is desirable to generate thumbnail representations for a study. This has been accomplished through various means, many of​ which require the client to receive the complete pixel data from the server to generate the thumbnail image. This uses significant​ network bandwidth.​

The thumbnails can be considered low-resolution representations of the image. The application can request a low-resolution​ representation of the image for use as a thumbnail.​

4.​Display by Dimension.​

Multi-frameImagesmayencodemultipledimensions.Itisdesirableforanapplicationtoaccessonlythespecificframesofinterest​ in a particular dimension without the need to receive the complete pixel data. By using the multi-dimensional description, applic-​ ations using the JPIP protocol may request frames of the Multi-frame Image.​

Theassociationnegotiationbetweentheinitiatorandacceptorcontrolswhenthismethodoftransferisused.Anacceptorcanpotentially​ accept both the JPIP Referenced Pixel Data transfer syntax and a non-JPIP transfer syntax on different presentation contexts. When​ an acceptor accepts both of these transfer syntaxes, the initiator chooses the presentation context.​


For the following cases:​

•​AE1 requests images from AE2​

•​AE1 implements a C-MOVE SCU, as well as a C-STORE SCP. AE2 implements a C-MOVE SCP, as well as a C-STORE SCU​

Case 1:​

•​AE1 and AE2 both support both a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax and a non-JPIP Transfer Syntax​

•​AE1 makes a C-MOVE request to AE2​

•​AE2 proposes two presentation contexts to AE1, one for with a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax, and the other with a​ non-JPIP Transfer Syntax​

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•​AE1 accepts both presentation contexts​

•​AE2 may choose either presentation context to send the object​

•​AE1 must be able to either receive the pixel data in the C-STORE message, or to be able to obtain it from the provider URL​ Case 2:​

•​AE1 supports only the JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax​

•​AE2 supports both a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax and a non-JPIP Transfer Syntax​ •​AE1 makes a C-MOVE request to AE2​

•​AE2 proposes to AE1 either​

•​two presentation contexts, one for with a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax, and the other with a non-JPIP Transfer​ Syntax, or​

•​a single presentation context with both a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax and a non-JPIP Transfer Syntax​

•​AE1 accepts only the presentation context with the JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax, or only the JPIP Referenced Pixel​ Data Transfer Syntax within the single presentation context proposed​

•​AE2 sends the object with the JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax​ •​AE1 must be able to either retrieve the pixel data from the provider URL​ For the following cases:​

•​AE1 requests images from AE2​

•​AE1 implements a C-GET SCU. AE2 implements a C-GET SCP​ Case 3:​

•​AE1 and AE2 both support both a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax and a non-JPIP Transfer Syntax​

•​In addition to the C-GET presentation context, AE2 proposes to AE1 two presentation contexts for storage sub-operations, one for​ with a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax, and the other with a non-JPIP Transfer Syntax​

•​AE2 accepts both storage presentation contexts​ •​AE1 makes a C-GET request to AE2​

•​AE2 may choose either presentation context to send the object​

•​AE1 must be able to either receive the pixel data in the C-STORE message, or to be able to obtain it from the provider URL​ Case 4:​

•​AE1 supports only the JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax​

•​AE2 supports both a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax and a non-JPIP Transfer Syntax​

•​In addition to the C-GET presentation context, AE2 proposes to AE1 a single presentation context for storage sub-operations with​ a JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax​

•​AE2 accepts the storage presentation context​ •​AE1 makes a C-GET request to AE2​

•​AE2 sends the object with the JPIP Referenced Pixel Data Transfer Syntax​ •​AE1 must be able to either retrieve the pixel data from the provider URL​

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Page 323​

HH Segmentation Encoding Example​ (Informative)​

Figure HH-1 depicts an example of how the data is organized within an instance of the Segmentation IOD. Each item in the Segment​ Sequence provides the Attributes of a segment. The source image used in all segmentations is referenced in the Shared Functional​ Groups Sequence. Each item of the Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence maps a frame to a segment. The Pixel Data classifies​ the corresponding pixels/voxels of the source Image.​









Other Attributes










Shared Functional Groups Sequence











Item 1 (Shared - All Frames)

























Derivative Image Sequence


























Item 1













Reference to source image













(external object)
















Pixel Data




















Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence



Frame 1







Item 1 (Frame 1)



































Segment Identification Sequence




















Other Attributes



Item 1





Segment Sequence





Referenced Segment













Number =






Item 1 (Segment 1)










Frame 2

















Segment Number = 1



Item 2 (Frame 2)




















Segment Label = Left Ventricle



Segment Identification Sequence







Segment Property Category Code Sequence = Tissue




Item 1







Segment Property Type Code Sequence = Left Ventricle





Referenced Segment













Number =






Item 2 (Segment 2)








Frame 3


























Segment Number = 2



Item 3 (Frame 3)








Segment Label = Right Ventricle



Segment Identification Sequence




















Segment Property Category Code Sequence = Tissue




Item 1







Segment Property Type Code Sequence = Right Ventricle





Referenced Segment













Number =






Item 3 (Segment 3)








Frame 4


























Segment Number = 3



Item 4 (Frame 4)




















Segment Label = Stent



Segment Identification Sequence







Segment Property Category Code Sequence = Physical Object




Item 1







Segment Property Type Code Sequence = Stent





Referenced Segment













Number =






Item 4 (Segment 4)






































Segment Number = 4



















Other Attributes







Segment Label = Aorta

























Segment Property Category Code Sequence = Anatomical Structure



























Segment Property Type Code Sequence = Aorta



























Other Attributes










Figure HH-1. Segment Sequence Structure and References​

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II Use of Product Characteristics Attributes​ in Composite SOP Instances (Informative)​

Bar coding or RFID tagging of contrast agents, drugs, and devices can facilitate the provision of critical information to the imaging​ modality, such as the active ingredient, concentration, etc. The Product Characteristics Query SOP Class allows a modality to submit​ the product bar code (or RFID tag) to an SCP to look up the product type, active substance, size/quantity, or other parameters of the​ product.​

This product information can be included in appropriate Attributes of the Contrast/Bolus, Device, or Intervention Modules of the​ Composite SOP Instances created by the modality. The product information then provides key acquisition context data necessary for​ the proper interpretation of the SOP Instances.​

This annex provides informative information about mapping from the Product Characteristics Module Attributes of the Product Char-​ acteristics Query to the Attributes of Composite IODs included in several Modules.​

Within this section, if no Product Characteristics Module source for the Attribute value is provided, the modality would need to provide​ local data entry or user selection from a pick list to fill in appropriate values. Some values may need to be calculated based on user-​ performed dilution of the product at the time of administration.​

II.1 Contrast/bolus Module​

Table II-1. Contrast/Bolus Module Attribute Mapping​

Contrast/Bolus Module Attribute​


Product Characteristics Module Source​




Contrast/Bolus Agent​


Product Name (0044,0008)​






If Product Name is multi-valued, use the first value.​

Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence​




Contrast/Bolus Route​










>Additional Drug Sequence​




Contrast/Bolus Volume​


If contrast is administered without dilution, and using full contents​



of dispensed product:​



Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value​



(0040,A30A) where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence​



(0040,A043) value is (118565006, SCT, "Volume")​



Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code​



Sequence (0040,08EA) is (ml, UCUM, "ml")​

Contrast/Bolus Start Time​



Contrast/Bolus Stop Time​



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Contrast/Bolus Module Attribute​


Product Characteristics Module Source​




Contrast/Bolus Total Dose​


If contrast is administered using full contents of dispensed product:​



Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value​



(0040,A30A), where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence​



(0040,A043) value is (118565006, SCT, "Volume")​



Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code​



Sequence (0040,08EA) is (ml, UCUM, "ml")​

Contrast Flow Rate​



Contrast Flow Duration​



Contrast/Bolus Ingredient​


Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Concept Code​



Sequence (0040,A168) > Code Meaning (0008,0104), where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence​



(0040,A043) value is (127489000, SCT, "Active Ingredient")​






Contrast/Bolus Ingredient is a CS VR (16 characters max,​



upper case), so a conversion from the LO VR is required.​

Contrast/Bolus Ingredient​


If contrast is administered without dilution:​



Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value​





(0040,A30A), where:​

Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence​ (0040,A043)valueis(121380,DCM,"ActiveIngredientUndiluted​ Concentration")​

Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code​

Sequence (0040,08EA) is (mg/ml, UCUM, "mg/ml")​

II.2 Enhanced Contrast/bolus Module​

Table II-2. Enhanced Contrast/Bolus Module Attribute Mapping​

Enhanced Contrast/Bolus Module​


Product Characteristics Module Source​

Attribute Name​



Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence​



>IncludeTable8.8-1“CodeSequenceMacroAttributes”inPS3.3​Product Type Code Sequence (0044,0007) > 'Code Sequence​




>Contrast/Bolus Agent Number​










>Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Code​






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Enhanced Contrast/Bolus Module​


Product Characteristics Module Source​


Attribute Name​




>>IncludeTable8.8-1“CodeSequenceMacroAttributes”inPS3.3​Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Concept Code​



Sequence (0040,A168), where:​






(0040,A043) value is (127489000, SCT, "Active Ingredient")​

>Contrast/Bolus Volume​


If contrast is administered without dilution, and using full contents​



of dispensed product:​



Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value​



(0040,A30A), where:​






(0040,A043) value is (118565006, SCT, "Volume")​



Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code​



Sequence (0040,08EA) is (ml, UCUM, "ml")​

>Contrast/Bolus Ingredient​


If contrast is administered without dilution:​



Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value​





(0040,A30A), where:​












Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code​



Sequence (0040,08EA) is (mg/ml, UCUM, "mg/ml")​

>Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Opaque​


Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Concept Code​



Sequence (0040,A168) > Code Meaning (0008,0104), where:​






(0040,A043) value is (121381, DCM, "Contrast/Bolus Ingredient​



Opaque") and mapped Code Meaning is "YES" or "NO".​

>Contrast Administration Profile​






>>Contrast/Bolus Volume​


If contrast is administered without dilution, and using full contents​



of dispensed product:​



Product Parameter Sequence (0044,0013) > Numeric Value​



(0040,A30A), where:​






(0040,A043) value is (118565006, SCT, "Volume")​



Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code​



Sequence (0040,08EA) is (ml, UCUM, "ml")​

>>Contrast/Bolus Start Time​



>>Contrast/Bolus Stop Time​



>>Contrast Flow Rate​



>>Contrast Flow Duration​



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II.3 Device Module​

Table II-3. Device Module Attribute Mapping​

Device Module Attribute​


Product Characteristics Module Source​




Device Sequence​



>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro​ Product Type Code Sequence (0044,0007) > 'Code Sequence Macro'​

Attributes” in PS3.3​



>Device Length​

(0050,0014)​ ProductParameterSequence(0044,0013)>NumericValue(0040,A30A),where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043)​



value is (410668003, SCT, "Length")​



Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code Sequence​



(0040,08EA) is (mm, UCUM, "mm")​

>Device Diameter​

(0050,0016)​ ProductParameterSequence(0044,0013)>NumericValue(0040,A30A),where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043)​



value is (81827009, SCT, "Diameter")​

>Device Diameter Units​

(0050,0017)​ ProductParameterSequence(0044,0013)>MeasurementUnitsCodeSequence​



(0040,08EA) > Code Meaning (0008,0104), where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043)​



value is (81827009, SCT, "Diameter")​






Device Diameter Units is a CS VR (16 characters max, upper case), so​



a conversion from the LO VR is required.​

>Device Volume​

(0050,0018)​ ProductParameterSequence(0044,0013)>NumericValue(0040,A30A),where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043)​



value is (118565006, SCT, "Volume")​



Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code Sequence​



(0040,08EA) is (ml, UCUM, "ml")​

>Inter-Marker Distance​

(0050,0019)​ ProductParameterSequence(0044,0013)>NumericValue(0040,A30A),where:​



Product Parameter Sequence > Concept Name Code Sequence (0040,A043)​



value is (121208, DCM, "Inter-Marker Distance")​



Product Parameter Sequence > Measurement Units Code Sequence​



(0040,08EA) is (mm, UCUM, "mm")​

>Device Description​

(0050,0020)​ Product Name (0044,0008) and/or Product Description (0044,0009)​

II.4 Intervention Module​

Table II-4. Intervention Module Attribute Mapping​

Intervention Module Attribute Name​


Product Characteristics​



Module Source​

Intervention Sequence​



>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” in PS3.3​



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Intervention Module Attribute Name​


Product Characteristics​



Module Source​

>Intervention Status​



>Intervention Drug Code Sequence​



>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” in PS3.3​


Product Type Code Sequence​



(0044,0007) > 'Code Sequence​




>Intervention Drug Start Time​



>Intervention Drug Stop Time​



> Administration Route Code Sequence​



>>Include Table 8.8-1 “Code Sequence Macro Attributes” in PS3.3​



>Intervention Description​



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