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Definition of management.

- Shortly, management can be defined as skilful treatment the business or enterprise.

- The collective meaning of the word management is "the persons who are in charge of a business", which is equal to the Board of Directors.

- So, management implies the personnel who have the right to make decisions which regulate company's affairs.

Hierarchy of management.

Departments of this of managers: Sales, Personnel, Chief Buyer (начальник отдела закупок), Chief Accountant (начальник финансового отдела)

Compunds and making decisions.

  1. Installing the task // постановка задачи

  2. Defining and analyses of the task // расшифровка и анализ задачи

  3. Evaluation of alternative solutions // определить альтернативные решения

  4. Choosing the most favourable one // выбрать наиболее благоприятное

  5. Implementing the choosen solution // реализовать выбранное решение

Levels of management.

Manager’s traits.

  1. Analytical ability - the ability to separate a problem into parts, to consider them separately, then to integrate the facts;

  2. Conceptual or logical ability - the ability to consider all facts, to analyse them and collect into one concept;

  3. Intuition - the ability to make an immediate decision, when it is urgently needed;

  4. Creativity - the property to generate new original ideas for reaching the best decision;

  5. Tolerance - the ability of a leader to cope with ail unclear situations;

  6. Open-mindedness - the ability to listen to the opinion of the others to their comments and suggestions.

Manager’s tasks.

  1. To set goals and to establish policies and procedures; // установить цели и установить политику и процедуры

  2. to organize, motivate, and control people;

  3. to analyse situations and to formulate strategic and operating plans;

  4. to react to changes bringing new strategies into reality;

  5. to produce significant growth, profitability and reinvestment;

Good manager’s skills.

  1. Charisma;

  2. Visionary, someone with the power to see clearly how things are going to be in the future;

  3. Drive;

  4. Dynamism;

  5. Energy;

Management styles.

Types of corporate culture.

  • company or corporate culture: the way a particular company works, and the things it believes are important.

  • canteen culture: the ways that people in an organization such as the police think and talk, not approved by the leaders of the organization.

  • long-hours culture: where people are expected to work for a long time each day.

  • macho culture: ideas typically associated with men: physical strength, aggressiveness, etc.

Clashes of corporate cultures.


  • Show an interest in, and at least an elementary knowledge of the country you are visiting;

  • Learn a few words of the language - it will be seen as a compliment;

  • Be sensitive to countries who have bigger and better-known neighbours, and try not to confuse Canadians with Americans. New Zealanders with Australians. Belgians with French;

  • Familiarise yourself with the basics of business and social etiquette. As a starting point, learning how to greet people is very important.


  • Assume you won't meet any communication problems because you speak English. You may think you are paying somebody a compliment by telling then their business is going a bomb*. Americans will infer you think it is failing.

  • Appear too reserved. As Americans are generally more exuberant* than their European colleagues, they may equate reserve with lack of enthusiasm.

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