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Некоторые варианты для теста по Английскому языку за 4 семестр

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1 вариант. Задание 1

1. activity – деятельность, 2. head – голова, 3. to connect – соединять,

4. cough – кашель, 5. to develop - развивать(ся), 6. to distribute – распределять,

7. exercise - физическая нагрузка, 8. external - наружный, внешний,

9. fracture –перелом, 10. improvement – улучшение, 11. male – мужской,

12. rate – частота, 13. surface – поверхность, 14. to treat – лечить,

15. wastes - продукты жизнедеятельности

Задание 2.

1. Muscles usually ...... act alone but in groups (с - do not)

2. The skin ...... of two main layers (a - is composed)

3. Muscles are machines that ...... chemical energy (b – convert)

4. The inner ear ...... the canals which are essential to the sense (b – contains)

5. There ...... five kinds of white blood cells (с – are)

6. The arterial system is the network of arteries which ...... blood to (с – supply)

7. Three separate research teams have ...... the discovery of the (a – announced)

8. Interaction of various muscles ...... the smooth, coordinated (b – allows)

9. Cardiac output can ...... more than five times (b – rise)

10. A sedative has been ...... to the patient (b – administered)

Задание 3.

1. If more material were introduced into the program, the course of studies would be longer (В - продлился бы )

2. Lung cancer being caused by smoking tobacco, death from lung cancer is the commonest in people (С - Поскольку рак легких вызывается курением табака)

3. Food entering from the mouth and air entering from the nose(В - поступающий )

4. Basing on anatomic principles, the professor discussed the (А – основываясь)

5. То maintain the necessary level of calcium in the blood (В - чтобы поддержать)

6. The doctors considered the number of patients with drug abuse or addiction to increase (В - считали количество пациентов)

7. Some cases of asthma are said to be chiefly due to nervous (В - говорят, что)

8. Radiation, chemicals and drugs are likely to cause cancer (В - вероятно, вызывают)

9. The aorta divides into numerous branches called arteries (A - называемые )

10. The kidney maintains (поддерживает) the proper balance of water, salts and acids in the body fluids by secreting some substances into the urine (А - посредством выделения )

Задание 4.

1. Since mayonnaise is a fatty food, it is excluded from the diet of (В - так как)

2. Zinc is essential for protein synthesis. It also helps in the formation (В – он)

3. It is interesting to note that warm-blooded animals are able (С - не переводится)

4. Both drugs acting on the stomach reduce the amount of sugar in the (В - оба )

5. Pediatrics did not exist as a science before the 19th century (A – как)

6. Because of its broad antimicrobial activity ampicillin is effective as(A - из-за)

7. A lot of people think that protein can burn up fat (В - что )

8. There are many ways of preventing allergic attacks (А - не переводится )

9. То prevent allergic symptoms in a child the mother should give only one new kind of food at a meal (С – один)

10. The rash (сыпь) either appears with the first symptoms or may be (В - или ... )

2 вариант. Задание 1

1. acute – острый, 2. breastbone – грудина, 3. to change – изменять(ся),

4. data – данные, 5. estimate – оценивать, 6. level – уровень, 7. growth – рост,

8. ???, 9. mucus – слизь, 10. pelvis – таз, 11. recovery – выздоровление,

12. smooth – гладкий, 13. trunk – важный, 14. vital – важный,

15. to influence – влиять

Задание 2.

1. The bones of each upper extremity … the clavicula, scapula (B – include)

2. There … 14 phalanges, three in each of the four fingers and two in (C – are)

3. Muscles may … to other muscles by connective tissue (B – attached)

4. Blood … of formed elements and plasma (B – is composed)

5. The red blood cells carry the hemoglobin which … oxygen to the (B – carries)

6. Unlike veins , arteries … have valves. (C – douse not)

7. Scientists have … many vaccines to use in the prevention of (B – developed)

8. One nerve fiber may … from one to 200 muscle fibers. (A – supply)

9. The scull can be … into the cranium and the face. (C – devided)

10. A cell contains genetic material which … the functioning and (A – determines)

Задание 3.

1. The coronary arteries are two large vessels arising from the aorta (C-выходящие)

2. If the doctor were asked to treat the patient he would do this (A - сделал бы)

3. The operation having been performed in time, the patient was discharged from the hospital 10 days later (Так как операция была сделана вовремя)

4. Reading the book on anatomy the professor noted mistakes (B – читая)

5. We can use mice to find other genes that cause (B – чтобы найти)

6. A person who exercises regularly after a heart attack is less likely to experience a second one (C – менее вероятно, что испытает)

7. The surgeons thought the operation to have been (A – считали, что операция)

8. This gland is believed to secrete a substance called melatonin(A – считается, что)

9. Hemophilia is excessive bleeding caused by congenital lack of (B – вызываемое)

10. The cells of each organ receive energy from the food substances after being taken into the body (A – после того, как они попадут …)

Задание 4.

1. Since the size of the tumour is important in surgery, it must (И – так как)

2. The ileum is the longest section of the small intestine. It is about 2.5 meters long (C – она)

3. It is not known that genes should sometimes change (A – не переводится)

4. Both medicines and diet can help to improve the patient’s condition (B – и…)

5. This occurred because of the reduced temperature (C – из-за)

6. Treatment is the same as for acute hepatitis (И – как)

7. Muscles that form the wall of the abdomed may weaken (A – который)

8. There are animal and vegetables pathogenic microorganisms (И–не переводится)

9. It is impossible to prevent spreading of this infectious disease without isolating a sick child from a healthy one (A – не переводится)

10. Toxic hepatitis can cause either permanent injury or death (B – каждый)

3 вариант. Задание 1

1. cause – причина, 2. cavity – полость, 3. to depend – зависеть,

4. disorder – нарушение, 5. emergency – неотложное состояние, 6. eye – глаз,

7. frequent – частый, 8. irritation – раздражение, 9. joint – сустав,

10. motion – движение, 11. pain – боль, 12. perspiration – потоотделение,

13. to produce – вырабатывать, 14. to supply – снабжать, 15. to weigh – весить

Задание 2.

1. Mitochondria are small bodies which … the production of energy (B – carry on)

2. A chronic abscess is usually … with drugs (C – treated)

3. Nerve tissue … impulses all over the body (C – conducts)

4. The filtration of waste materials from the blood … within the (B – takes place)

5. In this disease, the teeth … develop properly. (A – do not)

6. All body cells must be constantly … with oxygen and nutrients (B – supplied)

7. The respiratory system is the system that … oxygen into the body (B – brings)

8. Skeletal muscles are called voluntary because they can be … (A – controlled)

9. There … important difference between the male pelvis and the female (C – are)

10. Researchers have recently … a connection between diseases (A – found)

Задание 3.

1. The spleen seems to have a stimulatory effect on the (A – по-видимому)

2. The doctors have found two-third of the body cholesterol to be produced by liver or in the intestine (B – производятся)

3. The endocrine system is believed to be composed of glands (C – считается)

4. In hypertensive heart disease the heart itself is affected because it has to pump more actively to overcome the increased resistance in the (B – чтобы преодалеть)

5. Presenting a complex system of specialized tissues, the skin (C – представляя)

6. Two kidneys are bean-shaped organs situated behind the (A – расположенные)

7. Muscles for controlling head movements and chewing (B – управляющие)

8. If the course of studies at the University were prolonged, more teachers would work there (C – работали бы)

9. The patient being very weak, the operation could not be performed

(B – поскольку пациент был очень слаб)

10. Bacteria causing great damage to the heart valves were (B – вызывающие)

Задание 4.

1. Since the method is used in clinical studies it is described in detail (C – так как)

2. Hodgkin’s disease attacks the liver , spleen and bone marrow. It is often fatal if not treated early. (C – она)

3. It is unlikely that such complex problems should be solved (A – не переводится)

4. Both vitamins and minerals supplements are necessary for your health (B – и…)

5. As in diphtheria and acute tonsillitis, the child often makes no (A – как)

6. Diagnosis cannot be made because not all symptoms were (B – потому что)

7. Every cigarette that is smoked by you destroys about 25 to 100 mg (B – который)

8. There are more vitamins in brown rice than in white (C – не переводится)

9. We know two types of protein and incomplete one (A – не переводится)

10. Such symptoms are usually caused either by allergy or respiratory (B – или)

4 вариант. Задание 1

1. deficiency – недостаток, 2. fever – лихорадка, 3. improvement – улучшение,

4. fat – жир, 5. to increase – увеличиваться, 6. irritation – раздражение,

7. lobe – доля, 8. network – сеть, 9. solid – твёрдый, 10. to protect – защищать,

11. removal – удаление, 12. quality – качество, 13. to swallow – глотать,

14. to involve – вовлекать, 15. urine – моча.

Задание 2.

1. There … two main anatomical differences between the autonomic (C – are)

2. Muscles … in size, shape and arrangement of fibres (B – vary)

3. The heart … into two parts by a septum (B – is separated)

4. Transmission of contraction through the heart can be … (A – blocked)

5. The muscle cells have … in a very high degree the function (C – developed)

6. These cells … show striations (A – do not)

7. The mucous material in the bile … the propulsion of food through (A – assists)

8. Toxins may … the efficiency of the kidneys by their actions on (C – reduce)

9. Resistance to flow of blood through the vessels … by several (A – is caused)

10. Blood is the fluid that … through the heart, arteries, veins (C – circulate)

Задание 3.

1. If all people with high blood pressure were adequately treated, the death rate from stokes and heart attacks would decrease. (B – снизилась бы)

2. The patient having taken the new operation, his condition significantly improved. (A – так как пациент принимал новый препарат)

3. Hypertension is high blood pressure affecting the heart (C – поражающее)

4. This instrument is used to provide information about (A – чтобы обеспечить)

5. Doctors have found glycine to stimulate the (A – обнаружили, что глицин)

6. Rheumatoid arthritis is known to be a chronic inflammatory disease

(A – известно, что ревматоидный артирит)

7. Cholesterol appears to be responsible for arteriosclerosis (C – по-видимому)

8. The hard palate covered with a mucous membrane separates the (A – покрытое)

9. Lymph and blood protect the body by carrying (A – перенося)

10. Studying this phenomenon (C – изучить)

Задание 4.

1. Since ancient times people studied nature and natural phenomena (C – c)

2. Haemoglobin (Hb) absorbs oxygen in the lungs and carries it in the blood to the tissues (C – не переводится)

3. It is interesting to note that enzymes control reactions in the (C – не переводится)

4. Both overproduction and defective excretion are due to inherited (A – и)

5. The disease, also know as hepatitis A, often can be so mild, that the (B – как)

6. Because the pregnant (беременная) woman has gained (A – поскольку)

7. The condition that affects more men than woman was (A – которое)

8. There are six important nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, (B – не переводится)

9. A new bone cell forms when an old one breaks (C – не переводится)

10. Conjunctivitis is caused either by allergy or bacterial and viral (C – или)

5 вариант. Задание 1

1. to estimate – оценивать, 2. to digest – переваривать, 3. forearm – предплечье, 4. to include – включать, 5. kidney – почка, 6. female – женский, 7. origin – происхождение, 8. passage – проход, 9. provide – обеспечивать, 10. pollution – загрязнение, 11. tissue – ткань, 12. swelling – опухание, 13. vascular – сосудистый, 14. ache – боль, 15. beating – биение.

Задание 2.

1. Excessive or deficient production of hormones by the adrenal glands can ... in a variety of ways. (В - occur)

Задание 3.

1. Examining cells under the microscope, we could watch its division. (В-изучая)

2. Clinical studies have shown tyrosine to control (А – показали, что тирозин)

3. Knowledge of the duration of the incubation period of infections diseases proves to be useful in diagnostics. (А - оказывается)

4. The instrument used is very reliable. (В - используемый)

5. The kidney maintaining the proper balance of water, (С - поддерживающие)

6. The lecture having been over, we left the institute. (В – так как лекция закончилась)

7. If the experiment were successful, we should publish an article about it.

8. The method of treatment is said to be painful. (С – говорят, что)

9. After having been examined children were given treatment. (В – после того как их обследовали)

10. One tablet of aspirine every day is enough to reduce rid. (А – чтобы уменьшить)

Задание 4.

1. Vaccines may be helpful both in prognosis and treatment of infections (В – и…)

2. It is interesting to note that taking (B – не переводится)

3. If woman are infected pregnancy (беременность) there is to the (C – не переводится)

4. ……… (С – не переводится)

6. Since the child was in a vary poor condition he was taken to hospital. (А – так как)

7. Anyone who drinks chlorinated water should eat yogurt. It helps to replace the intestinal bacteria. (В - он)

8. Anemia may develop because of insufficient erythrocyte production. (А – из-за)

9. Sepsis is a generalizes disease of the body that is caused by microbes. (В - который)

10. Bronchpneumonia in children may be confused with either bronchitis or upper respirator infection. (В - или)