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Топик по английскому One of the greatest inventions of the mankind

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One of the greatest inventions of the mankind.

I think that the telephone is one of the greatest inventions in the world. The first electrical telephone had been described by a German inventor named Johann Philipp Reis in 1861. Other experimenters who worked on the telephone were Elisha Gray of Chicago and Alexander Graham Bell.

We use telephone every day .Nowadays if we want to connect to other people we take a telephone. We can get through to people in other countries, cities and towns.

The design of the telephone is developing now. We have models without wires, hands-free telephones and mobile ones. These new devices help us to find people if they aren't at home. People who can't leave home connect to shops, medical centers and other organizations. The telephone makes our life easier.

I'm sure that it should be included in the documentary film about the greatest inventions of mankind because everybody needs a telephone. It is a very important invention for the army, for medical centers and other state organizations.