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Топик по английскому The historic voyage you wish you would have taken part in

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The historic voyage you wish you would have taken part in.

I would like to take part in opening a seaway to India and Southeast Asia. Leaded this expedition, and then conquest of India Vasko da Gama. On July 8 1497 squadron of Vasko da Gama from four ships has send from Lisbon. Crews collected from the best seamen. In total there were 168 persons. Ships have passed by Canary Islands and have gathered at islands of the Cape Verde. The further way was complicated with heavy winds. But Vasko da Gama has managed the most convenient by to reach the Cape of Good Hope. The novel way opened. When have reached Malinda on roadstead have seen four ships from India. It meant that heavy navigation around of Africa has terminated, and the direct way to the desired and mysterious country has turned from dream to a reality. Since then Vasko da I Gama's name, the first European, past by sea from Portugal to India, became world-renowned. He has proved, that the seas around of the Indian peninsula were not internal, and has plotted on a map correct outlines of the African continent and India.