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«Воля и видение» [2005] - Джерард Теллис, Питер Голдер.doc
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  1. Harry Tecklenburg, "A Dogged Dedication to Learning", Research Technology Management, July-August 1990, p. 14.

  2. "Disposable Diapers", Internal Report and Planning Document, Johnson & Johnson Archives, New Brunswick, NJ, 1969, p. 3.

  3. Другие источники: "Diapers", Consumer Reports, August 1954, pp. 160-164; "Disposable Diapers", Consumer Reports, March 1961, pp. 151-152; "For Babies Only-Chux Throw-Away Diapers", Delineator, August 1935, p. 6; "The Great Diaper Rash", Forbes, Dec. 15, 1970, p. 24; "All Those Leaky Diapers", Forbes, Feb. 15, 1975, pp. 49, 50; Lawrence G. Foster and F. Robert Kniffen, Press Release 81B11, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, NJ, 1981; Michael E. Porter, "The Disposable Diaper Industry in 1974", Harvard Business School Case 380-175 (1980); Procter & Gamble, Annual Report, 1977; Tecklenburg, op. cit., pp. 12-15; "The Great Diaper Battle", Time, Jan. 24, 1969, pp. 69-70.

  4. Источники: Brian Сое, Cameras: From Daguerreotypes to Instant Pictures, Crown Publishers, New York, 1978; "Polaroid Cameras", Consumer Reports, January 1968, pp. 44—46; Vrinda Kadiyali, "Eastman Kodak in the Photographic Film Industry: Picture Imperfect?" in David I. Rosenbaum, ed., Market Dominance: How Firms Gain, Hold, Or Lose It and the Impact on Economic Performance, Praeger, Westport, CT, 1998, pp. 89-108; Eaton S. Lothrop, Jr., A Century of Cameras, Morgan & Morgan, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 1973; Beaumont Newhall, The History of Photography, Little, Brown, Boston, 1982; J. Utterback, Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1994.

  5. Nick Lyons, The Sony Vision, Crown Publishers, New York, 1976.

  6. Ibid., pp. 150-151.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Richard S. Rosenbloom and Michael A. Cusumano, "Technological Pioneering and Competitive Advantage: The Birth of the VCR Industry", California Management Review, XXIX: 63 (Summer 1987).

  9. Другие источники: "Agencies Eye Sony Home TV Recorder for Storyboard Uses", Advertising Age, June 21, 1961, p. 101; "Agency Dilemma: Kin Sue Clients", Advertising Age, July 18, 1966; "RCA Select Vision Bows; Home Sports Fans Become TV Producers in Early 70s", Advertising Age, Oct. 13, 1969, p. 57; Ampex, Annual Reports, 1969-1976, 1980; "More Gear for Home Movie Fans", BusinessWeek, July 16, 1966; "Hotter Competition in Video Recorders", Business Week, Apr. 25, 1977, p. 36; "A Flickering Picture for Video Recorders", Business Week, Aug. 21, 1978, p. 28; "Color TV", Consumer Reports, November 1961, pp. 612-613; "Home Video Tape Recorder", Consumer Reports, June 1966, p. 280; "The Betamax:

How Well Does It Work?" Consumer Reports, May, 1977, p. 291; "The Greatest Thing Since the Nickelodeon?" Forbes, July 1, 1970; James P. Forkan, "Video Cassette Man Prognosticate Unit Sales Up to 60,000 in 72", Advertising Age, Oct. 2, 1972; James P. Forkan, "Sony Begins Roll of Video Cassette Unit in N.Y. Market", Advertising Age, Nov. 3, 1975; Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher A. Bartlett, "Matsushita Electric Industrial (MEI) in 1987", Harvard Business School Case 9-388-144 (1988); Masaru Ibuka, "How SONY Developed Electronics for the World Market", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 22(1): 15-19 (February 1975); Lawrence Lessing, "Stand By for the Cartridge TV Explosion", Fortune, June 1971, p. 80; Mark R. Levy, "The VCR Age: Home Video and Mass Communication", Sage Publications, Newberry Park, CA, 1989; Ralinda Young Lurie, "The World VCR Industry", Harvard Business School Case 9-387-098 (1987); Lyons, op. cit; Matsushita, Annual Reports, 1971-1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1985; Peter Nulty, "Matsushita Takes the Lead in Video Recorders", Fortune, July 16, 1979, pp. 110-116; Richard S. Rosenbloom and Karen Freeze, "Ampex Corporation and Video Innovation", in Richard S. Rosenbloom, ed., Research on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy, Vol. 2, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, 1985; Richard S. Rosenbloom and Michael A. Cusumano, op. cit., pp. 51—76; Scott R. Schmedel, "Sony TV Tapes Stir U.S. Firms to Act; Separation Spreads to Canada's West", The Wall Street Journal, Mar. 28, 1977, p. 6; Sony, Annual Reports, 1973-1974, 1976-1982, 1984; "VCR Owners", The Wall Street Journal, May 1, 1986, p. B5; David B. Yoffie, "The World VCR Industry", Harvard Business School Case 9-387-098, rev. Jan. 23, 1990.

  1. Robert Slater, Portraits in Silicon, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987, p. 178.

  2. William Aspray, "The Intel 4004 Microprocessor: What Constitutes Invention?" IEEE Annalsof the History of Computing, 19(3):10 (1997).

  3. Ibid.

  4. Ibid., p. 179.

  5. И Фаггин, и Хофф заявляют о своей роли в отвоевании прав на 4004 и побуждении Intel к маркетингу чипов. Правда Фаггин при это утверждает, что Хофф был против маркетинга чипов. William Aspray, op. cit., 1997.

  6. "The History of Intel, 30 Years of Innovation", http://www.intel.com/press-room/ archive/backgrnd/cn71898a.htm

  7. Tim Jackson, Inside Intel, Dutton/Penguin Putnam, New York, 1997, p. 73.

  8. Другие источники: Robert A. Burgelman, "Fading Memories: A Process Theory of Strategic Business Exit in Dynamic Environments", Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 39, 1994, pp. 24-56; Gene Bylinsky, "How Intel Won Its Bet on Memory Chips", Fortune, November 1973, pp. 142-147,186; Dennis Carter and Robert Burgelman, "Intel Corporation: The Evolution of an Adaptive Organization", Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, August 6-11, 1999, http://www.aom.pace.edu/meetings/1999/INTELl.htm; Paul E. Ceruzzi, A History of Modern Computing, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999; George W. Cogan, "Intel Corporation (A): The DRAM Decision", Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 1989; Robert X. Cringley, Accidental Empires, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1993; Elvia Faggin, "Faggin Contributed to First Microprocessor", San Jose Mercury News, Oct. 3, 1986, p. 6B; Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine, Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer, Osborne/McGraw-НШ, Berkeley, CA, 1984; Andrew S. Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company and Career, Currency/Doubleday/ Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, New York, 1996; Amar Gupta and Hoormin D. Toong, "The First Decade of Personal Computers", in Amar Gupta and Hoormin D. Toong,

eds., Insights into Personal Computers, IEEE Press, New York, 1985; Marcian E. Hoff, Jr., "Patents Don't Tell Whole Microprocessor Tale", San Jose Mercury News, Oct. 12, 1986, p. 10B; Gerald E. Nelson and William R. Hewlett, "The Design and Development of a Family of Personal Computers for Engineers and Scientists", in ibid.; Joel N. Shurkin, Engines of the Mind: A History of the Computer, Norton, New York, 1984; Albert Yu, Creating the Digital Future: The Secrets of Consistent Innovation at Intel, Free Press/Simon & Schuster, New York, 1998; Rob Walker, Interview with Marcian (Ted) Hoff, Oral Histories of Semiconductor Industry Pioneers, Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Department of History, Stanford University, March 3, 1995.

18. Theodore Levitt, "Marketing Myopia", Harvard Business Review, September-October, 1975, pp. 1-13.