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Cisco Secure VPN Exam Certification Guide - Cisco press

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CCSP Self-Study

CCSP Cisco Secure VPN

Exam Certification Guide

John F. Roland

Mark J. Newcomb

Cisco Press

Cisco Press

201 West 103rd Street

Indianapolis, IN 46290 USA


CCSP Self-Study

CCSP Cisco Secure VPN Exam Certification Guide

John F. Roland and Mark J. Newcomb

Copyright © 2003 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Published by: Cisco Press

201 West 103rd Street Indianapolis, IN 46290 USA

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

First Printing April 2003

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Number: 2002108141

ISBN: 1-58720-070-8

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This book is designed to provide information about selected topics for the CCSP Cisco Secure VPN exam. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no warranty or fitness is implied.

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About the Authors

John F. Roland, CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, CCDP, CSS-1, MCSE, is a security specialist who works for Ajilon Consulting. John has worked in the IT field for more than 22 years, from COBOL programming on IBM mainframes to LAN/WAN design and implementation on United States military networks and, more recently, to the development of Cisco and Microsoft certification training materials. John’s current assignment has him designing and implementing enterprise network certification testing at one of the largest banks in America.

John holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Tiffin University, Tiffin, Ohio, with minors in math and electrical engineering from General Motors Institute, Flint, Michigan.

Mark J. Newcomb is the owner and lead security engineer for Secure Networks in Spokane, Washington. Mark has over 20 years of experience in the networking industry, focusing on the financial and medical industries. The last six years have been devoted to designing security solutions for a wide variety of clients throughout the Pacific Northwest. Mark was one of the first people to obtain the CCNA certification from Cisco and has since obtained CCDA, CCNP, and CCDP certifications. He is the co-author of Cisco Secure Internet Security Solutions, published by Cisco Press, and two other networking books. He has been a technical reviewer on over 20 texts regarding networking for a variety of publishers. He can be reached by e-mail at mnewcomb@wanlansecurity.com.

About the Technical Reviewers

Scott Chen has worked in the IT field for the past seven years holding various positions, including senior NT engineer, senior network engineer, and lead network engineer/network manager. Scott is currently a lead network engineer/network manager at Triad Financial Corporation, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ford Motor. He has implemented VPN solutions for remote access and LAN-to-LAN for several enterprises. Scott has extensive experience designing, implementing, and supporting enterprise networks and working with various technologies that Cisco offers, including routing, switching, security, content switching, wireless, BGP, EIGRP, and NAT. Scott graduated from the University of California, Irvine, with a bachelor’s degree. He also holds several certifications, including MCSE, CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE Written/Qualification. Scott can be reached through e-mail at scottchen@cox.net.

Gert Schauwers is a triple Cisco Certified Internet Expert (CCIE No. 6942)—Routing and Switching, Security, and Communication and Services. He has more than four years experience in internetworking and holds an Engineering degree in Electronics/Communication. Gert is currently working in the Brussels CCIE lab where he’s a proctor and content engineer for the Routing and Switching, Security, and Communication and Services exams.

Thomas Scire has been working in the network infrastructure industry since 1996. Thomas specializes in LAN, WAN, security, and multiservice infrastructure from Cisco Systems, Checkpoint, and Nokia. Thomas works for Accudata Systems, Inc., an independent IT professional services and solutions firm that specializes in enterprise network and security infrastructure. Some of his more notable projects include enterprise VPN and IP telephony deployments and an international Voice over Frame Relay network deployment. Thomas holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Polytechnic University and holds several certifications, including Cisco CCNA/CCDA, Cisco IP Telephony Design Specialist, Checkpoint Certified Security Engineer, Checkpoint Certified Security Instructor, and Nokia Security Administrator.



From John Roland:

This book is dedicated to my wife of 28 years, Mariko, and to our son, Michael, for their understanding and support. Their steady love and encouragement has kept me on target through some trying times during the development of this book. You’re the greatest! I further dedicate this book to my late parents, Hazel and Forrest Roland, for nurturing me, teaching me right from wrong, setting a shining example of a loving partnership, and showing me the benefits of a good day’s work. I like to believe that they will be kicking up their heels together throughout eternity.

From Mark Newcomb:

This book is dedicated to my wife, Jacqueline, and my daughter, Isabella Rumiana. Jacqueline’s patience and understanding while I am in the process of writing never fails to amaze me.



From John Roland:

Writing this book has provided me with an opportunity to work with some very fine individuals. I want to thank Brett Bartow from Cisco Press for believing in the project and for getting the ball rolling. I would also like to thank him for turning this project over to Michelle Grandin, Cisco Press, for editorial support. Michelle helped me in many ways during this project and was always there to lend an encouraging word or a guiding hand. Dayna Isley, Cisco Press, provided developmental guidance and feedback and was way too easy on my less-than-perfect submissions, and I want to thank her for turning the work into a professional document. It has been a real pleasure to work with you three over these several months.

Next, I would like to thank my co-author, Mark Newcomb, for stepping in to author half of this book when personal problems brought me to a standstill. Thank you, Mark, for your professionalism and expertise and for helping to bring this project to fruition.

I would also like to thank the technical reviewers, Gert Schauwers, Scott Chen, and Thomas Scire for their comments, suggestions, and careful attention to detail. Without their help, this book would not be the valuable resource that it has become. Thank you all.

From Mark Newcomb:

I heartily acknowledge John Roland’s contribution to this effort and thank him for inviting me to assist in this endeavor.

No text of any size is ever truly a work of just the authors. After nearly five years of writing, technical editing, and working with a variety of publishers, I commend every employee of Cisco Press. Michelle Grandin, Dayna Isley, John Kane, and Brett Bartow are people at Cisco Press I have come to know and respect for their professional efforts. I also want to give special thanks to Tammi Ross. Within any organization, there is one individual that seems to be able to solve any unsolvable problem. Tammi has proven herself to be that person at Cisco Press.

The technical reviewers working with Cisco Press are world class. Technical reviewers are the most valuable assets a good publisher can have. They do not receive the recognition or compensation that they so richly deserve. I thank Gert Schauwers, Scott Chen, and Thomas Scire for their efforts to make this work what it is today.


Contents at a Glance







Chapter 1

All About the Cisco Certified Security Professional




Chapter 2

Overview of VPN and IPSec Technologies 15




Chapter 3

Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Series Hardware Overview 79



Chapter 4

Configuring Cisco VPN 3000 for Remote Access Using Preshared Keys


Chapter 5

Configuring Cisco VPN 3000 for Remote Access Using Digital




Certificates 215




Chapter 6

Configuring the Cisco VPN Client Firewall Feature




Chapter 7

Monitoring and Administering the VPN 3000 Series Concentrator



Chapter 8

Configuring Cisco 3002 Hardware Client for Remote Access 359


Chapter 9

Configuring Scalability Features of the VPN 3002 Hardware Client



Chapter 10

Cisco VPN 3000 LAN-to-LAN with Preshared Keys




Chapter 11






Appendix A

Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” Quizzes and Q&A Sections


Index 551







Table of Contents

Introduction xvii

Chapter 1 All About the Cisco Certified Security Professional


How This Book Can Help You Pass the CCSP Cisco Secure VPN Exam 5

Overview of CCSP Certification and Required Exams


The Cisco Secure VPN Exam





Topics on the Cisco Secure VPN Exam 8



Recommended Training Path for the CCSP Certification 10

Using This Book to Pass the Exam




Final Exam Preparation Tips 11




Chapter 2 Overview of VPN and IPSec Technologies



How to Best Use This Chapter





“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz




Cisco VPN Product Line






Enabling VPN Applications Through Cisco Products


Typical VPN Applications





Using Cisco VPN Products





An Overview of IPSec Protocols 36



The IPSec Protocols 39





Security Associations






Existing Protocols Used in the IPSec Process 47


Authenticating IPSec Peers and Forming Security Associations 54

Combining Protocols into Transform Sets



Establishing VPNs with IPSec





Step 1: Interesting Traffic Triggers IPSec Process


Step 2: Authenticate Peers and Establish IKE SAs


Step 3: Establish IPSec SAs




Step 4: Allow Secured Communications



Step 5: Terminate VPN






Table of Protocols Used with IPSec




IPSec Preconfiguration Processes




Creating VPNs with IPSec







Chapter 3 Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Series Hardware Overview


How to Best Use This Chapter



“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz



Major Advantages of Cisco VPN 3000 Series Concentrators


Ease of Deployment and Use




Performance and Scalability



Security 90





Fault Tolerance





Management Interface 94




Ease of Upgrades





Cisco Secure VPN Concentrators: Comparison and Features


Cisco VPN 3005 Concentrator



Cisco VPN 3015 Concentrator



Cisco VPN 3030 Concentrator



Cisco VPN 3060 Concentrator



Cisco VPN 3080 Concentrator



Cisco VPN 3000 Concentrator Series LED Indicators 105

Cisco Secure VPN Client Features



Cisco VPN 3002 Hardware Client 108


Cisco VPN Client





Table of Cisco VPN 3000

Concentrators 111

Table of Cisco VPN 3000

Concentrator Capabilities 112

Chapter 4 Configuring Cisco VPN 3000 for Remote Access Using Preshared Keys 125

How to Best Use This Chapter



“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz



Using VPNs for Remote Access with Preshared Keys


Unique Preshared Keys




Group Preshared Keys




Wildcard Preshared Keys




VPN Concentrator Configuration



Cisco VPN 3000

Concentrator Configuration Requirements 135

Cisco VPN 3000

Concentrator Initial Configuration


Configuring IPSec with Preshared Keys Through the VPN 3000 Concentrator Series Manager 152

Advanced Configuration of the VPN Concentrator 169