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HTML 4_01 Weekend Crash Course - G. Perry

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Sunday Morning

Why isn’t a width of 100 percent used, as was used for the header table in the previous session? Problems sometime arise with percentage width measurements in tables. The left-hand table column is squeezed down to fit any other columns whose widths are specified in pixel measurements. In other words, the center column of the table must be exactly 105 pixels to ensure that enough room appears for the thumbnail pictures the Barkleys want to put before most of their announcements on the home page. Given that this column is a fixed width, the 100 percent would mean that the browser would adjust other columns if necessary. It would turn out that the browser would adjust the left column in this situation, making the navigation bar thin and squeezed and messing up the spacing of the text. By specifying all three columns by an exact pixel measurement, and by keeping the total width less than the screen size of most computers in use today, you can keep your columns an accurate size. By giving the far right table a width of 2,000 pixels,

you ensure that the heading will fill the entire Web page no matter how great the user’s screen resolution is.

Remember that this bottom table begins the body of the home page. The header section holds the table that you created in the previous session.

The Navigation Bar

This Web page’s navigation bar would have been a great use of a frame; the window with the navigation bar remains on the screen while the user scrolls the content in the large window. You already know the frame feature’s problems and limitations.

Given the problems with frames, such as the fact that some browsers still in use don’t even support frames, the Barkleys decided that their home page should stick with tables, which have been around since the first version of HTML. Fortunately, the Web page looks much better without the frame.


Except in extremely advanced sites developed by graphics and Web specialists, frames can make even a good site look amateurish. Not all sites that use frames look amateurish, but frames add an element that detracts from almost any page.

The cell on the left of the page’s bottom table will hold the navigation area for the page. The left column consists of a single cell. This cell must span three rows because the rest of the page uses three rows by design; the Barkleys want their top two messages to their friends and family to appear in the large content area of the body and other notes to appear throughout other pages on the site.

Session 24—The Web Site Home Page’s Text and Graphics


The Barkleys are wise to keep their home page text to a minimum. The rather large header already consumes much of the site. Although the header is not one that overshadows their content, the Barkleys must keep the content on the home page simple and let the navigation bar take users to more detailed points of interest.

Listing 24-1 shows the navigation bar portion of the body. The cell is the first cell in the row, so a <tr> tag must inform the browser that a new row is beginning.

Listing 24-1

Creating the navigation bar’s code


<td width=140 height=382 bgcolor=#009900 align=center valign=top rowspan=3>

<font face=Arial size=2 color=#FFFFFF> <b><i>Welcome</i>


Mom’s Corner <br>Dad’s Corner <br>Kid’s Playground <br>Family Pictures <br>Favorite Movies <hr><hr>




Family Travels</b> </font>


The <hr> (horizontal rule) tags draw a horizontal ruler line across the cell. To separate the two large sections of the navigation bar, the Barkleys used two horizontal rules. The first section, the Welcome section, will remain fairly static, and the Barkleys have no plans to change the structure. The second section, the

Special Bulletins section, may hold from one to 10 items depending on how important the family considers each new item to be. As it stands now, only one Special Bulletin, the recent family travels, appears in the navigation bar’s second section. The rowspan=3 attribute informs the browser that this cell is to extend as far

down as needed to hold its contents. Without the rowspan=3 attribute, the browser would make the rest of the navigation bar only as wide as the first cell. Figure 24-3 shows the Barkleys’ home page as it now appears.

Morning Sunday—V Part

24 Session


Sunday Morning

Figure 24-3

The navigation bar spans three rows to extend down the page.

Obviously, the navigation bar requires links to pages. In the next session, you will add hyperlink anchor tags to each of the navigation entries.

The Final Two Columns: Images and Text

The two final columns are rather simple to add. The middle column’s primary job is to hold thumbnail images the Barkleys will use next to their home page announcements. In addition, to make heading text run across the top of the center column’s graphic and into the third column where most of the text content lies, the middle column will hold the first few letters of the headings, as you’ll see here. The two columns of cells in the white, content section finish out the three columns that the bottom table displays. In other words, the large section below the heading is just a three-column table, with the first column being the navigation bar and the second and third holding content.

Listing 24-2 contains the code for the top cell in the first row of the middle column. It holds the thumbnails and some heading text.

Session 24—The Web Site Home Page’s Text and Graphics


Listing 24-2

Creating the top cell in the table’s first row

<td width=114 height=1 bgcolor=white valign=top align=right> <p align=right>

<font face=Arial size=3 color=#CC9900>

<b>Welcome to o</b><img border=0 src=”ourfamT.jpg” align=top width=105 height=82 alt=”Our Family”>




The key points to Listing 24-2 are simply that the background color is now white (bg=white) and the cell’s contents are aligned vertically to the top of the cell (valign=top) and horizontally (align=right) to the right so that the headline text can be continued into the next cell.

Finish entering the text in the third cell before viewing the page. Listing 24-3 contains the contents of the third cell.

Listing 24-3

Creating the third cell in the table’s first row

<td width=2000 height=1 bgcolor=white valign=top align=left> <p>

<font face=Arial size=3 color=#CC9900>

<b>ur family - Eight years in the making!</b> </font>

<font face=Arial size=2 color=black> <br> Thanks for coming to visit our site. <br> We want you to enjoy our family’s news.

<br> We’ll keep you up to date and provide plenty of pictures!

<br><br> (When you see a small picture, click it to see a larger version.)




Morning Sunday—V Part

24 Session

Figure 24-4 shows the Barkleys’ home page as it now appears. The final cell helps fix the spacing properly for the page. The third column maintains the white background and continues the gold headline that began in the previous column.


Sunday Morning

The middle column’s align=right attribute ensures that the text, Welcome to, appears above the graphic, and the third column’s align=left attribute ensures that the remaining text, our family - Eight years in the making!, completes the headline. By the way, the align=left attribute is the default alignment, but specifying it here helps show your intention of merging the heading together and spanning two cells with the heading. The remaining text falls under the heading and uses nonbreaking characters to add some needed spacing between the thumbnail pictures and the text.

HTML programmers often break text across table cells, starting in one and completing in the next one.


Figure 24-4

The top row of the navigation bar and content area is now complete.

The remaining two rows of the content table are just more of the same. Fortunately, the same format and spacing are required, and you will format the remaining cells just as you did the cells in the first row. By keeping this structure, the Barkleys help keep their Web site consistent and familiar to users who view

Session 24—The Web Site Home Page’s Text and Graphics


the site on a regular basis. Listing 24-4 lists the rest of the page’s body. You should have no trouble understanding the rest of the code.

Listing 24-4

Creating cells in the remaining two rows

<td width=”114” height=80 bgcolor=white valign=top align=right> <font face=Arial size=3 color=#CC9900>

<b>We’re movin</b><img border=”0” src=”ourhousT.jpg” align=top width=105 height=82 alt=”Our New Home”>



<td width=2000 height=80 bgcolor=white valign=top> <p align=left>

<font face=Arial size=3 color=#CC9900> <b>g to the country!</b>


<font face=Arial size=2 color=black> <font face=Arial size=2> <br> You’ve seen the

<i>Beverly Hillbillies</i> and <i>Green Acres</i>. We’re trying <br> to outdo both. We weren’t all that good at city living and we

<br> certainly don’t know anything (uh, I mean anythun’) about

<br> living in the country. But, we’re leaving our cityslicker house

<br> to live in the sticks. We love it here! <br>   - Photo by <i>Shutterbug Mom</i></font></p> </font>




<td width=114 height=80 bgcolor=white valign=top align=right> <font face=Arial size=3 color=#CC9900><b>Write us f</b><img

border=0 src=”lettersT.gif” align=top width=105 height=82 alt=”Send us mail!”>



Morning Sunday—V Part

24 Session



Sunday Morning

Listing 24-4


<td width=2000 height=80 bgcolor=white valign=top> <p align=left>

<font face=Arial size=3 color=#CC9900> <b>or our new address!</b>


<font face=Arial size=2><br> We don’t want to be omitted <br> from your gift lists!</font></p>



Figure 24-5 shows the completed home page. Notice that each figure includes alternative text, with the alt= attribute, that appears even when the user’s browser’s graphics are

Figure 24-5

You’ve just completed the layout for the home page.

Session 24—The Web Site Home Page’s Text and Graphics


The Barkleys are not using a footer section on their Web pages.


The Barkley’s home page will contain simple colors, fonts, and graphics that are not overbearing. You may be surprised to note that the site uses only three colors — green (for the heading and navigation bar tables’ backgrounds), gold (for the heading and greeting message), and white (for the home page content table’s background) — for its primary elements and layout. Only minor exceptions here and there exist when the page’s graphic images utilize more colors.

You are keeping the fonts simple as well. The only font used is Arial, and almost all browsers that have ever been developed substitute a similar sans-serif font if Arial is not found. The logo contains rather fancy text, possibly even too fancy for the page so far, but it does not look so dominant once you finish the home page, as you’ll do in the next section. By keeping the home page simple, you do not overload the user’s eyes and you make the site welcoming.


Maintain a high contrast between text and background colors to make your site easy to read.

Use the same table background color as your Web page’s body unless you don’t mind a border appearing around your tables.

Utilize tables throughout your site to help format your Web page properly and consistently.

Once you create the home page, connect the linked pages to it.


1.What happens if the body background color differs from your table’s background color? (See “The Home Page’s Bottom Table.”)

2.What part of the Barkley’s home page best lends itself to using frames? (See “The Navigation Bar.”)

3.True or False: The more fonts you use, the fancier and more rich your Web page looks. (See “Simplicity Is the Key.”)

Morning Sunday—V Part

24 Session


Sunday Morning

4.Why is Arial a safe font to use a lot? (See “Simplicity Is the Key.”)

5.Although the center column is primarily for graphic images, why do the Barkleys store some text in that column? (See “The Final Two Columns: Images and Text.”)



Creating and Connecting

the Web Site’s Pages

Session Checklist

Get the Barkleys’ Web site noticed by search engines

Turn the Barkleys’ logo into a hyperlink to their home page

Link the Barkleys’ thumbnail images to larger images

Add hyperlinks to the Barkley home page’s navigation bar and create subsequent Web pages

In this session, you continue to hone the Barkleys’ home page by embedding meta tags to gain the attention of search engines and activating the home page’s links to the logo and navigation bar. You also learn how to create the

links from the thumbnails to larger images as well as how to create the linked pages for the Barkley Mom’s and Dad’s Web pages.

Getting the Barkleys’ Site Noticed by Search Engines

The Barkleys obviously intend that their friends and family view their site. In fact, they want their hard work to be seen by as many people as possible. Therefore,