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Sports Armour and Equipment. Playing Area

Area Javelin

Armour Jumping (sprint) board

Arrow Parallel bars

Asymmetric bars Pit (sandpit)

Aim/target/bull’s eye Pitch

Ball Playground

Barbell Puck

Beam Quiver

Chessboard Racket

Chessman Rings

Club Stadium

Course Stick

Court Trampoline

Discus Uneven bars

Draughtsman Wicket



Amateur/professional Judge

Athlete Opponent

Arbiter Player

Audience Referee

Boxer Shouters-for

Coach (manager; captain) Spectators

Contestant Sportsman (woman)

Crew Team

Fan Umpire

Other Terms

1) Words: Championship; champion; cup; Final Cup; compete; competition; rival (n, v); rivalry; contest (n, v); tournament; defeat (n, v); draw; goal; win; lose; winner; loser; victory; point; score; goal; penalty; time out; quarterfinal; semifinal; final; sprint; flounce.

2) Word Combinations: to win the championship; to win by 2(3, etc) goals/points; to win with the score 3 to 1 in smb’s favour; to score a goal (2 points, etc.); to end in a draw; to keep the score; to break the record; to set up a new record; record holder; to win a victory ( a prize, the Cup); to be awarded; to kick the ball; to be training for; extra time; knock-out competition; tie break; penalty shoot-out.

3) Scoring System:

Football Tennis

Spain 0-0 Italy (nil-nil) 15-0 (fifteen-love)

Spain 1-0 Italy (one-nil to Spain) 30-0 (thirty-love)

Spain 1-1 Italy (one-all) 30-30 (thirty-all)

Spain 1-2 Italy (two-one to Italy) 40-40 (deuce, pronounced like “juice”)

Spain 2-2 Italy (two-all)

b) Read the following passage, comment on it and answer the questions.

Words and Word Combinations to the Text

a) Torch; torchbearer; runup; to inspire smb; UNICEF; determination; encouragement; to retire; lifeguard.

b) Torch Relay; brand new; to blaze a trail; aquatics skills; gold (silver, bronze) medal; to be switching to (running); to reach one’s potential; to be perfecting one’s talents on sth; to make one’s debut as…; a victorious run.


More than 60 Special Olympics athletes and coaches were named official Olympic Torchbearers in the runup to the 2012 London Summer Olympic Games. Nominations were made based on each person’s ability to inspire others. Plus, they had to be able to run!

Stephanie Handojo practicing for London’s 2012 Olympic Torch Relay.

Determined to Show the World

Special Olympics athletes inspire everywhere they go, and this year, some are inspiring brand new audiences. As excitement builds for this summer’s London 2012 Olympics, several Special Olympics athletes are blazing a trail as part of the 70-day Olympic Torch Relay during the runup to the Summer Games.

Stephanie Handojo is known for her aquatics skills and won a gold medal at her first Special Olympics World Games last year in Athens, Greece. But this month, she’s switching to running, as she takes up the Olympic torch on its way through Nottingham, England. Stephanie, who has Down syndrome, has come into her own since joining Special Olympics. UNICEF nominated the Indonesian swimmer because of “her determination, and her success.” A UNICEF spokeswoman calls Stephanie “a true role model” who has “demonstrated that all children, regardless of ability or circumstances, can reach their potential when given the right opportunity, support and assistance.”

In addition to her skills as an athlete, Stephanie has been perfecting her talents on the piano. She even holds a record for playing 22 songs within 2 hours on the piano. She’s coming from half a world away to take part in the Relay, and will be accompanied on her run by Alex Eustace, a tennis player who won gold and silver at last year’s World Summer Games in Athens.

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