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6.Запорука здоровя людини.doc
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3.8 Bad health habits


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words:


наркотик, медикамент




н аркоманія, схильність

to damage










to destroy



рак (хвороба)

to be cheated

бути обдуреним



to steal









самогубство, суїцид

to avoid


World Health Organization

Всесвітня організація здоров’я

prison time


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text:

T here are three main kinds of drugs – hard, soft and legal. They can cause addiction, serious illness and even death. Hard drugs include heroin, cocaine, LSD, and crack. Soft drugs are marijuana, amphetamines (speed), solvents (glue) and ecstasy. Legal drugs include tobacco, alcohol and certain tranquillizers. In New York, over 50% of all arrests are connected with drugs. The two more important drug-growing areas are Latin America and South-East Asia. People there are depend on money from their drug crops. Drugs are the second biggest business in the world. Only the arms industry is bigger. Thousands of drug-addicts die every year. Some die from drugs themselves. Others die from AIDS. This is because they use dirty needles or share needles. Everybody must know how addicts live. How they steal money, lose their friends, hurt their families, are cheated by dealers, destroy their health.

A ccording to the World Health Organization tobacco-related illness will be the world’s leading killer by the year 2020, responsible for more deaths that AIDS, tuberculosis, road accidents, murders and suicides put together. Population in developing nations face the greatest risk as 85% of all smokers will come from these countries by the mid-2020s. Smoking kills over 400,000 Americans each year. Each one of those deaths is completely preventable. Teenagers often have their first cigarette because they think they look older and more attractive if they smoke. Perhaps they won’t continue if they think it unattractive.

U sing of alcohol, even in moderation, damages brain and body cells.Alcoholic beverages generally contain chemical additives as well. Most suicides are alcohol related. Long-term heavy drinking damages the liver, nervous system, heart, and brain. It also can lead to high blood pressure, stomach problems, medicine interactions, sexual problems, osteoporosis, and cancer. Alcohol abuse can also lead to violence, accidents, social isolation, jail or prison time, and difficulties at work and home. Women who are pregnant should always avoid alcohol. Drinking during pregnancy increases the chance that the baby will have a low birth weight and fetal alcohol syndrome, which is also known as FAS.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What kinds of drugs are there?

  2. W here are more than a half of all arrests connecting with drugs?

  3. How many drug-growing areas are there?

  4. Do people in Western Asia have their drug crop?

  5. Drugs are the biggest business in the world, aren’t they?

  6. Can people die after using drugs?

  7. How many Americans does smoking kill every year?

  8. Why do teenagers smoke?

  9. What person’s organs does alcohol damage?

Exercise 4. Join the sentences and their translation:

1) It impairs your vision

а) ви втрачаєте сексуальну привабливість

2) It takes your breath away and gives you emphysema

b) воно забруднює повітря та відштовхує від вас друзів, котрі не палять

3) It causes lung cancer and cancer of the throat

c) воно ослаблює ваш зір

4) it turns your teeth and fingers yellow and gives you ugly skin

ваші зуби та пальці жовтіють та шкіра виглядає жахливо

5) It makes your breath stink and you hair and clothes smell awful

d)це пусте марнування часу та грошей

6) It wastes your time and empties your pockets

e)воно викликає рак легенів і рак горла

7) It pollutes the air around you and makes your non-smoking friends avoid you

f) ви набуваєте смердючого запаху з роту й ваші речі жахливо смердять

8) It ruins your sex appeal

g) від вас тхне, як від старої попільнички

9)It makes you smell like an old ashtray

h) воно викликає задишку та призводить до емфіземи

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Навіть легкі наркотики можуть нашкодити здоров’ю людини.

  2. Жителі Латинської Америки мають прибуток від урожаю наркотиків.

  3. Наркомании часто крадуть гроші та обдурюють свою сім’ю.

  4. К уріння – це причина багатьох захворювань.

  5. Підлітки палять, щоб виглядати старшими.

  6. Зловживання алкоголем може призвести до насилля в сім’ї.

Exercise 6. Correct the false sentences.

Drugs are one of the biggest world’s businesses.

Drug-addicts can die from AIDS.

People can die because of smoking.

Smoking kills less than 400.000 Americans every year.

These deaths are not preventable.

There are no chemical additives in alcohol.

You can have liver problems because of alcohol beverages.

Only long-term heavy drinking damages brain.

Exercise 7. Suggest which of these people are the healthiest? Explain the reasons for your ideas:


Job: computer programmer (sits at a desk all day).

Exercise: playing football for two hours every Saturday afternoon.

Smoking/drinking: drinks forty cans of beer a week.

Diet: eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.


Job: manager in advertising (sits a desk all day).

Exercise: plays ping-pong every lunchtime.

Smoking/drinking: smokes 10 cigarettes a day, drinks champaigne on her birthday and on New Year’s Eve.

Diet: fast food (pizza, cheeseburgers).


Job: air stewardess (on her feet most of the day, but quite often can’t sleep at night – in strange hotels.)

Exercise: three hours jogging twice a week.

Smoking/drinking: drinks half a bottle of wine per week.

Diet: not too bad, but eats a lot of rich, spicy foods when staying abroad; loves cakes and chocolate.


Job: teacher at a secondary school (a lot of noise and stress, standing and walking around the classroom, sleepless nights).

Exercise: 5 minutes daily physical exercises in front of the open window.

Smoking/drinking: drinks a can of beer a week.

Diet: sandwiches or chips at lunch, coffee three times a day, salad in the evening, tea and sandwiches at night.


Exercise 8. Make your composition:

B.George – heroin; Liz Taylor – alcohol; Liza Minelli – tranquillisers; Don Johnson – alcohol; Eric Clapton – heroin, M. Monroe – LSD.

“I don’t want drugs because i want to be in control of my life” Madonna.

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