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Video. Dartmoor National Park

Watch the film and be ready to do the assignments.

Dartmoor is one of eleven National Parks in England and Wales. The Dartmoor National Park Rangers work together with local residents and farmers protect the delicate balance of the environment so that ten million day visitors a year cn enjoy the beauty of the area. Willem Montagne, the Education Ranger, talks about the landscape and history of Dartmoor and explains why conservation is so important.

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous novel was first published in 1902 and has been a best-seller ever since. In the story, the Baskerville family is said to be haunted by a large black dog that roams Dartmoor. The detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Doctor Watson go the moor to investigate the mysterious death of Sir Charles Baskerville.

H.M. Prison Dartmoor

Dartmoor Prison at Princetown was built in the 19th century house French prisoners of war. It became a top security prison for Britain’s most dangerous criminals. Today the prison houses around 600 prisoners.

1 – 3 The landscape (In Clips 1 to 3 Willem introduces Dartmoor and its scenery).

Comprehension Tasks

Clip 1.

Willem talks about the popular image of Dartmoor. Which of these things does he mention?

the prison


the Hound of the Baskervilles

the scenery

Sherlock Holmes

Clip 2.

Willem talks about the landscape. Tick (V) the points that he makes in this section.

      1. Dartmoor looks bare and empty at first sight.

      2. Some background knowledge helps you to appreciate Dartmoor better.

      3. People enjoy discovering Dartmoor without a guide.

      4. In the summer it’s difficult to get away from the crowds on Dartmoor.

Clip 3.

Willem talks here about the size of Dartmoor. Tick (V) the statements that are true:

      1. Dartmoor is the largest open area in England.

      2. Dartmoor was created national park because it is popular with tourists.

      3. It would take more than a day to cross Dartmoor on foot.

      4. Dartmoor has always been a wild, deserted place.

      5. The landscape of Dartmoor has not been changed by the people living there.


Match these words you heard in Clips 1 to 3 to the word or phrase with the closest meaning on the right.

  1. superficially

  2. remains

  3. natural history

  4. subtle

  5. solitude

  6. major (adj.)

  7. appreciate

  8. venture (v)

  9. wilderness

  10. influencing

  11. landscape (n)

    1. on the surface, unimportantly;

    2. what is still left, clues;

    3. plants and animals, ancient monuments;

    4. not obvious, invisible, impossible to find;

    5. loneliness, being alone;

    6. important, grey, serious;

    7. understand, increase, admire;

    8. go to a dangerous place, walk, drive;

    9. desert, wild area, empty area;

    10. affecting, damaging, enhancing;

    11. view, nature, scenery

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