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XV. Translate the following word combinations.

Володіти землею, надати землевпоряднику юридичний опис, документ про право власності, стосувався цієї ділянки землі, власність на землю, нанесені на карту результати, котрі конфліктують, вирішувати проблеми, вторгнення на власність, по відношенню до вас, право проходу по власності, з цією метою, позначений стовпами чи трубами, позначати розміри власності, відносні дані, порадити певний вил зйомки, компетентний землевпорядник, вимагати опрацювання, місцевий закон.

XVI. Fill in the prepositions.

He is responsible this survey

You should furnish the surveyor this information.

This policy concerns this pared that you want surveyed.

You should mark the comers physical monuments.

We provided him a record of survey map.

These areas are conflict.

Are there any easements the properly.

This parcel will be pointed out you.

Do you have a title land.

XVII. Find the sentences with the appropriate meaning of the word.

Title - право власності

  1. I introduced myself as the author of the three titles I had seen in the bookstores.

  2. The I-ord renounced his title.

  3. Do you have a title to land?

Easement право прохода

  1. At last I felt easement.

  2. The reparation of ways, bridges, and common casements takes much lime.

  3. My neighbours granted me an easement.

Parcel - ділянка

  1. They deliver parcels very quickly.

  2. These small parcels of land were purchased by local people.

  3. She would be acquiring a run-down house and a parcel of financial worries.

Report - офіційний документ

  1. She filed a report about the incident.

  2. My direct reports arc very responsible.

  3. We were given an important report on actual events.

Exhibit - речовий локач

  1. I The attorney showed very ini|x»rtant exhibits.

  2. They organized an art exhibit