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M. G. Lewis’s The Monk

The Gothic novel is traditionally divided into two main branches, “terror” and ”horror”, and it is in the latter that The Monk is to be placed. It is one of the most extreme examples of horror Gothic, dealing as it does with such shocking topics as rape, matricide, and incest. In The Monk we see Gothic being taken to its limits – both in terms of subject matter and public acceptability. The storm of controversy the novel created on its publication in 1796 indicates that Lewis had gone well beyond the more sedate story-lines of his avowed inspiration, Anne Radcliffe, the major representative of terror Gothic. Where Radcliffe always provides a natural explanation for ostensibly supernatural phenomena, Lewis revels in the use of the supernatural as a plot device.

The Monk concerns itself with the career of the Capuchin monk Ambrosio, an apparent orphan who has been brought up under the care of his monastic order to become a charismatic preacher, idolised by the population of Madrid. At the start of the narrative Ambrosio is a model of piety, but he proves to be a very brittle character who only too easily succumbs to the temptations of the devil. The devil's chosen instrument is the young monk Rosario, soon revealed to be a female in disguise (and then later a demon). As Matilda she seduces Ambrosio and becomes his accomplice in the career of sin that he proceeds to embark upon. Even before the seduction Ambrosio reveals himself to be motivated less by piety than pride and vanity, and in the first instance of the narrative's obsession with perverted sexuality, expresses erotic longings towards a painting of the Virgin Mary (which turns out to be a likeness of Matilda).

Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey

Northanger Abbey is a parody of the Gothic novel, and for that reason ETS loves to use it.  The story centers around the character of Cahterine Morland, who is an avid devotee of the genre. Invited to spend some time at the Abbey home of the Tilney family, Catherine hopes for and fears all the cliches of the Gothic novel, only to appear foolish before her hosts.

Names to associate with Northanger Abbey: Cahterine Morland, the Allens, Henry Tilney, and John Thorpe. Catherine Morland is also a fan of Anne Radclife's The Mysteries of Udolpho, and Austen novel uses Radcliffe's for parodic effect.

!9th Century Novel

Jane Austen

Let's face the facts: there is just far too much Jane Austen that could appear on the exam, and you can be certain that at least one of her books will show up. Again, it's a name game; concentrate on learning the names of the primary characters, and take a brief look at the plots of the novels, but don't attempt to memorize every little detail, and certainly don't waste your time reading the novels. I have listed here only the names of the main characters, and in some instances, the opening lines. Check out Spark Notes for more in-depth treatment of Jane Austen. Also, the GRE study books that are out there give concise summarsies of all Austen's work.

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