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Job interview

As we all know, no one can get a job without crossing the most important hurdle – the job interview. The job interview is actually a dialogue carried out between the interviewer and the interviewee wherein the interviewer is the leader of the conversation. Job interviews have always been the most widely accepted method for selecting candidate for a specific job role. It does not last for more than an hour or so, wherein the interviewer asks the questions to get a better understanding of the interviewee. Be it through pre-screening phone interview, regular phone interview, one-on-one, face to face interview, or a panel interview. The employer interact with the prospective employee in order to learn/observe his/her qualities. Needless to say, it is arguably one way that enables an employer to dig deep into an applicant’s psyche, match his observations with the job requirement and compare it with the pre-employment screening tests observations to finally make a sound decision. Most of the times, the first round is a screening process. Employers conduct screening interviews to filter out the unwanted or ineligible candidates. Screening interviews are conducted over the phone, so it is very important to make a good impression in order to be selected for the next step: the in-person interview. In addition, if you are applying for administrative jobs, sales jobs, or customer service jobs, this is an excellent way for an employer to determine the level of your telephone effectiveness. The third step is one-on-one, face to face interview. A face to face interview is a dialogue: do not let the conversation shape into a one way street talk.

In the panel interview (also called a group interview, the candidate generally meets with an interviewing panel – the supervisors and some other team members. In most cases a group of candidates are interviewed together by the panel. The panel interview is a discussion about a situation, the most often a dilemma, which is presented to a team of candidates. The team is required to solve this situation.  In an interview in which a single candidate is interviewed in front of a panel, the questions asked may be very similar to those in a one-on-one interview. The questions are selected to check the candidate’s performance in front of people. The job interview is a turning point in our life and it always plays a key factor in the hiring process. The job interview is quite an important part of a person’s professional as well as personal life. 

interview – співбесіда

interviewer – інтерв'юер

interviewee – інтерв'юйований

conversation – бесіда, розмова

pre-screening phone interviewтелефонне інтерв'ю попереднього відбору

face to face interviewспівбесіда віч-на-віч

panel interview – групове інтерв'ю

employer –роботодавець

to interact – взаємодіяти

employee – співробітник

observation – спостереження

job requirement – вимоги, що пред'являються до робочого місця

screening process – процес відбору

to filter out – проводити вибірку, відсіювати

ineligible – що не може бути обраним (на посаду)

in-person interview – очнa співбесідa

supervisor – керуючий (відділом)

to solve – вирішувати

turning point – вирішальний момент

hiring process – процес прийому на роботу

1. Mach the sentences in column A with their equivalents in column B.



  1. Ніхто не може влаштуватися на роботу, уникнувши найважливішої перешкоди – співбесіди.

  2. Співбесіда є вирішальним моментом в нашому житті і вoна завжди відіграє ключову роль у процесі прийому на роботу.

  3. Співбесіда триває не більше години, або близько того, в якій інтерв'юер ставить запитання, щоб краще зрозуміти співрозмовника.

  4. Скринінг інтерв'ю проводяться по телефону, тому дуже важливо справити хороше враження, щоб бути обраним для наступного кроку ­ особистої співбесіди.

  5. Співбесіда насправді, є діалогом, що здійснюється між інтерв'юером і співрозмовником, в якому інтерв'юер є лідером розмови.

6. Роботодавці проводять скринінг інтерв'ю, щоб відсіяти небажаних кандидатів.

A. The job interview is a turning point in our life and it always plays a key factor in the hiring process.

B. The job interview is actually a dialogue carried out between the interviewer and the interviewee wherein the interviewer is the leader of the conversation.

C. Employers conduct screening interviews to filter out the unwanted or ineligible candidates.

D. No one can get a job having avoided the most important hurdle – the job interview.

E. Screening interviews are conducted over the phone, so it is very important to make a good impression in order to be selected for the next step, the in-person interview.

F. The job interview does not last for more than an hour or so, wherein the interviewer asks the questions to get a better understanding of the interviewee.

2. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian.

applying for a job; job application; complete an application form; to apply for; job-hunting; job interview; job fair; to offer somebody a job with; part-time job; to fire; screening interview; case interview; reference; experimental period; subordinate; job offer (offer of employment); job search agent; job-seeker; job skills; low-wage job; a position; vacancy; to be appointed to a position; previous job; probationary period; recruit employees; hire new stuff; advertise a job; appointments section; recruitment agency; job openings; full-time employment; flexible work option;

3. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.

пошук роботи; вакансія; займана посада; тимчасове призначення; заповнити бланк заяви; набирати співробітників; кадрове агентство; попереднє місце роботи; вимоги; звільняти; супровідний лист; випробувальний термін; досвідчений; з широким кругозором; заповзятливий; винахідливий; стажування; роботодавець; працівник; підлеглий; зарплата; заробляти; співбесіда; професійні навички; рекомендації; резюме; заповнювати анкету.

4. Describe the pictures using the topical vocabulary.

5. What is the difference between these words?

job market / job club / job fair

employer / employee / employment

interview / interviewer / interviewee

supervisor / superior / superintendent

job-hunting / job searching / job-seeking

salary / wage / earning

6. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

experience long-term goals promotion prospects qualifications references strengths weaknesses

1. Make a list of your ______ – it’s important to talk about what you are good at.

2. Make a list of your _____ interviewers sometimes ask what you are not good at.

3. Prepare to talk about your past _____ – you can talk about things you have done which relate to this job.

4. Make sure you know what relevant ______ you have – certificates, diplomas and degrees are important.

5. Think of two past employers to write you good ______ – the interviewers will need to know about what past employers thought of your work.

6. Show that you are interested in ______ – it's impressive to show interest in getting better jobs in the company in the future.

7. Be clear about your ______ – interviewers sometimes ask what your five-year plan is.

7. Read the dialogue and act it out.

Mr. Kristand has an interview for a job.

Mr. Lorenz has put out an advertisement to recruit salesmen and saleswomen. He received 500 applications. Mr. Kristand is one of the applicants who have been called for interview for job of salesman. Mr. Lorenz and Mr. Kiko are interviewing the candidates for the job.

Mr. Kristand: Good morning. Mr. Lorenz. I am Frank Kristand.

Mr. Lorenz: How do you do Mr. Kristand? This is my colleague Mr. Kiko.

Mr. Kristand: Good morning, Sir.

Mr. Lorenz: Mr. Kristand, we have here your application for a salesman jobs. Can you tell us something about yourself?

Mr. Kristand: I am a graduate. I am twenty-one years old. In my B.A., I had commerce as subject.

Mr. Kiko: Do you have any previous experience in sales?

Mr. Kristand: This is my first regular job Sir. I was a student before this. But I do have a little experience in sales.

Mr. Lorenz: If this is to be your first job. Where did you get the experience in sales?

Mr. Kristand: During my summer vacation, I used to work as a part time door-to-door salesman for a lady who embroidered table linen at home. I went from door to door selling her handiwork. I earned a small commission on the goods that I sold.

Mr. Kiko: That was enterprising of you. Didn’t that door to door selling interfere with your studies Mr. Kristand?

Mr. Kristand: Not really Sir. I did this work during my holidays when I had little else to do.

Mr. Lorenz: Why did you decide to take a job as a salesman?

Mr. Kristand: I think that a salesman’s job is an exciting and interesting one. It is a challenge and one would feel a great satisfaction in achieving the targets set.

Mr. Kiko: What made you apply to our company for a job? What do you know about our company?

Mr. Kristand: I know that your company was established in 1930 and is well known as a marketing organization for various electrical products like lighting systems, refrigerators, coolers air – conditioners and electric motors.

Mr. Lorenz: What do you know about lighting systems Mr. Kristand?

Mr. Kristand: I know that there are three main brands of lighting systems in the market already and that you have introduced a new brand. I am not a science graduate, but I am willing to learn whatever is necessary to sell your products.

Mr. Lorenz: Well, it was nice meeting you Mr. Kristand. We’ll be writing to you shortly to let you know result of the interview for job. Thank you for coming, good bye.

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