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The future perfect

"When do you think it'll be ready?" Peter asked.

"I'm sure we'll have completed a first draft by the end of the week," Ben answered.

Every Saturday I wash my car.

I start at 11 and finish by noon.


This Saturday I will wash my car.

At 11:30 I will be washing my car.

By noon I will have washed my car.

Be careful!

At ten o'clock

I'll leave for

the airport.

Is NOT the

same as

By ten o'clock

I'll have left

for the airport.

Exercise 10.

The Board usually meets at the end of March, June, September and December. Today is May 10.

  1. (has met, will have met)

The Board _____ once this year.

  1. (will meet, will have met)

The Board _____ three more times this year.

  1. (will be meeting, will have met)

By year end the Board _____ four times.

Tomorrow John will take a four-hour train trip from New York to Boston. The train leaves New York at 9 a.m.

  1. (will be leaving, will have left)

By 10:30 tomorrow morning John _____ for Boston. .

  1. (will be sitting, will have sat)

It's now noon. At this time tomorrow John _____ on the train to Boston.

  1. (will meet, will have met)

We _____ him at the station when he arrives.



It is nine o'clock (now).

I have had breakfast (already)

I will have lunch later


It was nine o'clock (then).

I had had breakfast (by then).

I would have lunch later.

Exercise 11. Fill in will or would

Example: Today is Monday. Tomorrow will be Tuesday.

It was Monday. The next day would be Tuesday.

  1. He's 30 years old. Next year he _____ be 31.

  2. The plane left New York at noon; it _____ arrive in Paris five hours later.

  3. When I get to London I _____ call you.

  4. The company is doing well this year, but how _____ things go next year?

  5. Work on the building began three years ago. A year later it _____ be finished.

  6. The director is busy now, but he _____ be able to see you later this afternoon.

  7. When I first started work as a salesman I never thought I _____ one day be promoted to vice president of the company.

  8. My son is five years old. He _____ start school next September.

  9. He had done well in school, but _____ he do well in business?

  10. The first Berlitz School opened in 1878. By 1900 there _____ be more than 150 of them.



Did the secretary type the reports?

Will, etc.

Yes, she does (did, will, etc.).

No, she doesn't (didn't, won't, etc.)

Are typed?

Were the reports typed?

Have been typed?

Will, etc. Be typed?

– Yes, they are ( were, have, will, etc.).

– No, they aren't (weren't, haven't, won't, etc.).

Who types (typed, will type, etc.) the reports?

The secretary does (did, will, etc.).

Exercise 12. Complete the following sentences.

Example: Does the rent include utilities? Yes, it does.

  1. Does this car use a lot of gas? No, it _____ .

  2. Can Hank drive? Yes, I'm sure he _____ .

  3. Who handles the training program here? The personnel director ____ .

  4. Were you hurt in the accident? No, I _____ .

  5. May I sit down? Of course you _____!


You're American, aren't you? You're not German, are you?

You speak English, don't you? You don't speak German, do you?

You can speak it well, can't you? You can't understand it, can you?


Be Careful!

I'm not late today, am I?

I'm on time today, aren't I?

Exercise 13. Complete the following questions.

A. Example: You’ll be late tomorrow, won’t you?

  1. Jean just got a promotion, _____ ?

  2. This watch can be repaired, _____ ?

  3. We should postpone the meeting, _____ ?

  4. We don’t carry that brand, _____ ?

  5. I’m expected to be there tomorrow, _____ ?

B. Example: You speak English, don’t you?

He speaks English, doesn’t he?

You’ve taken English lessons, haven’t you?

Last year you took English lessons, didn’t you?

They haven’t arrived yet, have they?

He _____ ?

Janet works for IBM, doesn’t she?

You also _____ ?

This product seems overpriced, doesn’t it?

These products _____ ?

The new secretary can take shorthand, can’t she?

But the last one _____ ?

The phone wasn’t connected yesterday, was it?

But tomorrow it _____ ?

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