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23 Nelson Square


Basingstoke 46450

FD/CH 30th June, 200...

The Manager,

Accounts Department,

Messrs Dalton & Chapman Ltd,

Heatherfield Works,


Dear Sir,

According to your latest catalogue the retail price of the GOLDEN-TOAST electric toaster is $2.80. According to the invoice we have just received, however, this is the wholesale and not the retail price. Since we have received no notification of a price increase, we can only assume that these toasters have been incorrectly invoiced.

We should be obliged if you would inform us which is the correct price so that we may put them on sale. In the event of $2.80 being the correct wholesale price, please indicate the new retail price.

Yours faithfully,




*** *** ***

(b) A reply apologising for an error

Dalton and Chapman Ltd

Heatherfield Works


tel.Maidstone 8725


Your Ref. FD/CH

Messrs W. Williams & Sons Ltd,

23 Nelson Square,


Dear Sirs,

We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 30th June, in which you query the invoiced price of GOLDEN-TOAST electric toasters.

We regret that you have had to draw our attention to this error and we ask you to accept our apologies. The invoice should have read $2.20, since $2.80 is the retail price.

We enclose our credit note for the difference in price, and we trust that you have not been caused any undue inconvenience.

Yours faithfully,



(a) A circular introducing a new furnishing fabric

Velkotex Ltd

Bailly Mills


BOLTON 94312


Dear Sirs,

For some time now there has been a growing demand for furnishing fabrics that combine elegance and high quality with resistance to everyday wear and tear. It is in order to meet this demand that we are bringing out VELVEEN, a truly remarkable fabric in which we have succeeded in blending cotton and polyester for the first time to obtain a hard wearing material with all the qualities of soft cotton velvet.

VELVEEN will be launched on the 1st May with displays in all the important stores throughout the country. These will be backed up with nationwide press and television advertising. Our representative will be calling on you with samples of VELVEEN so that you may see for yourselves the extraordinary quality of this outstanding new fabric in fifteen delightful colours.

Having once seen and handled VELVEEN you will be able to place your order on the enclosed order form, valid until 15th May, and so take advantage of the exceptional terms we are offering to coincide with the launching. As you see, the discount increases in proportion to the size of the order, the number of colours it includes and the promptness with which it is sent in. In addition to this, our representative has authority to grant an extra bonus on the promise of window and floor displays.

We look forward to receiving your order as soon as you have had the opportunity of examining the samples of VELVEEN, the furnishing fabric of the decade!

Yours faithfully,



C. Ewing

Managing Director


*** *** ***

(b) A customer's query

Joseph Feltin and Sons Ltd

High Street

West Ponsford


telephone Ponsford 2138

NP/WK 17th March, 200...

Velcotex Ltd,

Bailly Mills,


Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your circular of 10th March, in which you introduce your new fabric VELVEEN.

Your representative mentioned this fabric during his last visit two months ago, but at the time he did not have any samples to show us. As he is not due to call again for another two months, we should like to know how we are to see this fabric and order it in time for the 1st May.

Looking forward to your early reply, we remain

Yours faithfully,




*** *** ***

( c) The reply of Velcotex to the query in (b)

Velkotex Ltd

Bailly Mills


BOLTON 94312

ST/AJ 21st March, 200...

Joseph Feltin & Sons Ltd,

High Street,

West Ponsford,


Dear Sirs,

We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 17th March, in which you query the date of the next visit of our representative.

We are pleased to inform you that Mr West plans to call on all his customers within the course of the next three weeks solely for the purpose of showing samples of VELVEEN. He will send a card two days before he is due to call giving as near as possible the time of his visit.

We thank you for drawing our attention to what might have been an oversight on our part.

Yours faithfully,


S. Turner

Marketing Manager

*** *** ***


Write the following letters.

  1. Messrs R. W. Pelton & Sons. manufacturers' of toy cars, write to their agents in Italy, Riccardo Pozzi & Figli, complaining that sales have steadily declined in the two years in which they have been their representatives. They ask for an explanation.

  1. Messrs Riccardo Pozzi & Figli write back explaining that many foreign toy manufacturers are now exploiting the Italian market and in most cases are backing up their agents with advertising and displays. They also allow their agents sufficient commission to cover the expense of visiting every potential customer.

  1. The manufacturers write requesting a full report of the situation. They want to know the present number of customers visited, the frequency of the visits, how much they buy and whether they buy from foreign competitors. In addition they want to know what improvement they may expect if they increase the commission and allow a special discount to stores for window displays.

  1. The agents write back enclosing their report, and welcome the possibility of a higher commission. They express their confidence in obtaining better results once the recommendations in their report have been adopted. They enclose an order for an assortment of 600 toy cars, buses, lorries and tractors.

  1. The manufacturers answer agreeing to increase their commission to 15% and to give customers a 5% discount for window displays lasting a minimum of two weeks. The new terms are to take effect immediately and the new contract will be forwarded within a few days. They look forward to a substantial increase in business.

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