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4 theoryFuture Time.doc
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Future Time

The future is normally expressed by:

  1. Future Simple with “will”+ base form :

    • for predictions about the future usually with I believe, expect, hope, think, am afraid, am sure, etc.

I’m afraid we won’t be on time for the meeting.

I think it will be a difficult game.

  • for on-the-spot decisions

All right I’ll see you at eight.

    • for promises, threats, warnings, requests, hopes and offers

I don’t understand this exercise. Will you help me?” (request)

Sure! I’ll explain it to you” (offer)

I’ll love you for ever (promise)

    • for actions, events, situations which will definitely happen in the future and which we cannot control

The temperature will reach 40º C tomorrow.

Christmas will fall on Tuesday this year.


    1. We do not normally use will in time clauses after when, as soon as, until, before, etc, to indicate the future. We use the present simple.

I’m not going to speak to her until she apologizes.

    1. We can sometimes use will and won’t with conditional clauses (after if, unless, providing, etc.) with the meaning of refusal (won’t), polite request (will) or to express annoyance at somebody’s insistence on doing something (will)

If he won’t go there is nothing you can do about it (=refusal)

If you’ll hold this end, I’ll take the other one. (=request)

If you will drive so fast, you must expect to have accidents.(=insistence)

Apart from these meanings above, we do not normally use “will’ in “if-clauses” to indicate the future.

If the weather is fine tomorrow, we can go for a walk.

NOT: If the weather will be fine tomorrow, we can go for a walk.

  1. be going to” + base form:

    • for plans, intentions or ambitions we have for the future; we have already decided to do the action in the near future

I am going to become a famous violinist one day. (ambition)

I am going to phone him tomorrow. (intention)

    • for predictions when there is evidence that something will happen in the near future

Look at the cloud1 It is going to rain.

I am going to have a baby.


      • We normally use “be going to” to talk about something we intend to do and “will’ to give details or make comments.

I’m going to have a party next week. (intention) I’ll invite all my friends” (details)

That’ll great.” (comment)

      • We normally use the present continuous rather than “be going to” with verbs of movement, especially with the verbs “go” and “come”.

Sam is going to the market in a few minutes.

Time expressions often used with future Simple and “be going to”

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tonight, soon, next week/month/year, in two days /weeks, etc.

  1. shall” + base form (with “I/we”)

  • for suggestions

Shall we go for a walk? (Why don’t we go for a walk?)

Shall I do the washing-up for you? (do you want me to do the washing-up for you?)

  • to ask for suggestions, instructions or advice

Where shall I put the vase?” “On the table” (instruction)

What shall we do tonight?” “We could go out.” (suggestion)

What shall I say if she calls?” (advice)