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Vocabulary notes

all-union extra-mural forest technical institute

Всесоюзный заочный лесотехнический институт;

consultation centre — консультационный пункт;

to set up — учредить; основать, открыть;

branch 1) филиал; 2) отрасль (промышленности);

civil engineering — промышленное и гражданское строительство;

to provide education предоставлять обучение;

part-time students студенты вечерней и зaочной форм обучения;

extra-mural learners студенты-заочники;

to complete education — заканчивать учебу;

forestry higher learning school лесное высшее учебное заведение;

to gain reputation — получить, заслужить репутацию;

a major scientific and research centre — крупный научно-

исследовательский центр;

contribution into the national economy вклад в народное


to have close links — иметь тесные связи;

to enjoy independence пользоваться независимостью;

students’ dormitory — студенческое общежитие;

to seek financial independence — стремиться к материальной


to sacrifice time — жертвовать временем;

full-time education — обучение по дневной форме;

curriculum учебный план, программа;

field study — учебно-производственная практика;

зд. полевая практика;

probation practice — стажерская практика;

hobby groups зд. кружки самодеятельности,

объединения по интересам;

to manage (to do smth) суметь сделать, справиться;

to have a promising future иметь многообещающее будущее;

to train specialists — готовить, обучать специалистов.

Vocabulary exercises

I. Translate the words and word combinations into Russian

Schools of higher learning; rapid development; to reorganize into a branch; mechanical and chemical processing of wood; specialists for paper production; to provide academic and professional education; part-time learners; an extra-mural department; to complete education; to acquire a name; reputation in science and education; a natural scientist; a major scientific and research centre; enormous contribution; to enjoy a lot of independence; a major unit; the faculty of Economics-and-Management; the faculty of Forest-and-Transport; the total amount of students; to combine work and further education; to seek financial independence; a better opportunity; an applicant; to offer lecture courses; field studies; a probation practice; an art union; a hobby group; the students' theatrical society; to take part in sports competitions; to experience hardships; to survive; to have a very promising future; highly qualified teaching staff; to provide the republic with specialists.

II. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. The history of the Forest Institute goes back to the year of 1952. 2. The Consultation Centre was set up in Syktyvkar. 3. It trained engineers for forestry, mechanichal and chemical processing of wood, specialists for paper production and civil engineering. 4. In 1964 the Centre turned into a branch of the Leningrad Forest Technical Academy. 5. The students could complete their education in St. Petersburg. 6. In 1803 the first forestry higher learning school was established in St. Petersburg. 7. It acquired the name of the Forest Academy thanks to the reputation it had gained in science and education. 8. The Academy is a major scientific and research centre and its contribution into the national economy is enormous. 9. Now the Syktyvkar Forest Institute enjoys a lot of independence. 10. The Forest Institute has two main buildings with lecture-rooms and laboratories and two students’ dormitories. 11. All the five faculties provide a two-level education. 12. Part-time studies make it possible to combine work and further education. 13. Many young people seek financial independence and are ready to sacrifice their free time for better opportunities in the future. 14. The number of students who choose full-time education is constantly growing. 15. The curriculum offers a lot of lecture courses, seminars, practical classes and field studies. 16. In the last two years they have probation practices with companies and enterprises. 17. The art union «Drevo» includes different hobby groups, the students' theatrical society, KVN-teams. 18. We are experiencing hardships in all spheres of life today. 19. Our Institute manages not only to survive but it has a very promising future. 20. With the highly qualified teaching staff the Institute is capable of training very good specialists. 21. We provide our republic with mechanical, energy, transport and civil engineers.

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