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The job interview

When a job opening is advertised in the United States, there are often a lot of people interested in applying. Many job hunters send in their resumes and apply for the same position. Sometimes a company will receive hundreds of resumes for a single job open­ing. The job interview, therefore, is very important. In the inter­view, an applicant must demonstrate that he or she is the best person for the job.

Because job interviews are so critical, some job hunters read books or take courses to help them make a good first impression. These books and courses are full of advice and suggestions to help job applicants prepare for their interviews. For example, success­ful applicants dress appropriately and have a clean and neat ap­pearance. They take their resume or a sheet of paper listing their education and work experience with them to the interview. They also prepare a list of questions about the job or the company. They go to the interview alone and are always on time.

At the beginning of the interview, the applicant shakes hands firmly with the employer. The employer usually invites the appli­cant to sit down. During the interview, it is appropriate to smile often and to look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. The applicant doesn't chew gum or smoke during the interview. The applicant is prepared to answer questions about education and previous jobs. More difficult questions are possible, such as: "Why you leave your last position?" Sometimes interviewers also try get to know the applicant better. They ask questions about the applicant’s personal background, family, and hobbies. Interview-expect applicants to talk profoundly, confidently, and truthly about their work experience, skills, goals, and abilities. When interview is over, the applicant stands up, shakes hands with the interviewer, and says thank you for the time the person has offered.

Job applicants who can show they are capable, well-prepared, punctual, polite, and honest have a better chance of getting the they're looking for.

Activity 3. Put each of the following words and phrases in its correct place in the passage below.

References, application forms, short-list, interview, experience, vacancy, applicants, to apply, qualifications, to fill in

In times of high unemployment there are usually very many (1)__________ when a (2)________ is advertised. Sometimes large numbers of people (3)___________ and send off (4)___________ for a single job. It is not unusual, in fact, for hundreds of people to (5)___________ to a firm for one post. This number is reduced to a (6)____________ of perhaps six or eight, from whom a final choice is made when they all attend an (7)____________. Very possibly the people interviewing will be interested in the (8)___________ the candidates gained at school or university and what (9)_____________ they have had in previous jobs. They will probably ask for (10)___________ written by the candidates’ teachers and employers.

Activity 4. Instructions as above.

To commute, ambitious, salary, perks, prospects, increments, promotion, commission, to retire, pension

Job satisfaction is important but I have a wife and baby so I have to think about money too. If a job interests me, I need to know what (1)__________ it offers and also whether there are regular annual increases, called (2)___________. I want to know if I will receive a (3)_________ when I (4)__________ at the age of 60 or 65. If the job is selling a product, I ask if I’ll receive a percentage of the value of what I sell, called (5)____________. It is also important to know if there are extra advantages, like free meals or transport, or the free use of a car. These are called (6)___________ or fringe benefits. Are the future (7)__________ good? Foe example, is there a good chance of (8)____________ to a better job, with more money and responsibility? Is the job near my home? If it isn’t, I’ll have to (9)__________ every day and this can be expensive. I am very keen to be successful. I am very (10)____________. I don’t want to stay in the same job al my life.

If you want to get a job, you will have to invest time and effort preparing yourself for employment. There are five stages in the job research one of which is Self-evaluation. The employment process must begin with introspection, that is looking inside yourself at different angles. You should start with identifying your interests and evaluating your qualifications.

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