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4 Section IV

4.1 Read the text. Give good translation

Moscow, the Heart of it All.

I had used to think Rome the loveliest city in the world until I came to Moscow. But the beauty of Rome is the beauty of “ a rose-red city, half as old as Time “, all that is new in it is vulgar, whereas Moscow’s beauty is not that of ruin or romantic memory, but something living and ardent in every street and stone. The Kremlin has its rose-red antique loveliness, yet it is the vital heart of Russia, the soul of the new country as it was the soul of the old, the monument of enduring Russianness.

The wide streets and boulevards, the palaces and dignified grey stone buildings, the broad magnificence of the Theatre Square, each is an interdependent part of the lovely whole.

The Kitaiskaya Wall is still a part of the Russian character, but the Colosseum has no part in the Rome of today. All the ruins of Rome are only lonely exiles that do not fit in, like the Gothic towers and churches of Paris. But the Cathedral of St. Basil, the red walls and exotic blue domes with their golden stars, the gold and silver of the other great churches, these are in no way strangers in the city.

Moscow is a perfect whole, the heart of it all, the capital of the great union of republics that covers half Europe and half Asia.

Ralph Fox “People of the Steppes”

Boston, 1945

4.2 Give back translation of any part of the text

5 Section V

5.1 Read the story about Matryoshka. Retell it using the support words and expressions:

the appearance, is associated with, an art patron, a manufacturer, a set of wooden dolls, could be inserted( to insert- вкладывать, вставлять), when assembled, when taken to pieces, looked like each other and differed, the joiner’s workshop (столярная мастерская), at the World Art Exhibition in Paris, won the Gold Medal, design, got its second birth, folk( народный).


The appearance of the popular Russian toy “matryoshka” is associated with Elizaveta Mamontova, the wife of Mamontov, a famous Russian art patron and manufacturer. She kept a toy shop. Once she ordered a set of wooden dolls of different sizes so that they could be inserted into each other. When assembled, they made one toy. When taken to pieces, they made a line of dolls which looked like each other and differed only in size. The joiner’s workshop at Abramtsevo was the first to do that job. Matryoshka attracted everybody’s attention at the World Art Exhibition in Paris in 1990. The doll impressed the visitors so much that it won the Gold Medal for its original design and colourful painting. In Sergiev Posad it got its second birth at the folk arts workshop.

5.1.2 Make up a dialogue based on this information. Participant №1 is a Russian-speaking person, participant № 2 –a foreigner

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