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2.8 Translate into English

1.В 1156 году Москва была обнесена стеной и стала крепостью.

2.Экономическое развитие Москвы отчасти объяснялось её благоприятным географическим положением.

3.Поскольку Москва была военным, а также административным и экономическим центром, в ней продолжали строить различные укрепления.

4.Улицы Москвы были узкие и кривые, дома деревянные и маленькие.

5.Хотя в 18 веке столица была перенесена в Петербург, Москва продолжала раcти как торговый город.

2.9 Creative work

1.You live in Moscow in the 19th century. What does your town look like? Tell this to your English guests.

2.The 21 century is not a fantasy. What will Moscow look like soon? Why? Prove your answer.

3.Make up a scheme on history of Moscow according to the text. Add a few words about the history of Moscow to your topic.

3 Section III

3.1 Learn the new words

adopt принимать

turning point поворотный пункт

scattered отдельный

stipulate обусловливать

thoroughfare оживлённая улица

envisage предвидеть

surgical хирургический

maze лабиринт, путаница

inadequate не отвечающий требованиям, несоразмерный

requirement необходимое условие

launch предпринимать

stupendous огромной важности

edifice здание, сооружение

distinction отличительная особенность, индивидуальность

facilitate способствовать

prefabricate изготовленный заводским способом

full-fledged развившийся

3.2 Read the text. Be ready to add some facts from the text to your topic about Moscow

New Moscow

In 1935 the General Plan of the Reconstruction of Moscow was adopted. It was a turning point in the city’s development. All the major building projects scattered through the various districts came under a single program. The Government decision stipulated that the city’s topography shaped down the ages, should be preserved and the thoroughfares and squares radically improved.

The Reconstruction Plan, so to speak, envisaged a “surgical” attack upon the maze of narrow and crooked streets, totally inadequate to meet the requirements of a modern city.

The Plan was drawn up with an eye to the city’s future growth and work was launched on a giant scale.

The first five years after the war were highlighted by the stupendous Moscow University project on the Vorobiyovi Hills, and the erection of multi-storey buildings. The multi-storey edifices have unquestionably added a touch of distinction to the city’s architectonic.Today mass construction of dwelling houses and public and cultural establishments has top priority in the city’s development.

New houses also go up in the city’s older streets and squares. Present-day housing projects are essentially different from those of former years. Moscow today has an adequate building materials industry, which facilitates rapid building and the use of new prefabricated section assembly methods.

The building of cultural and public establishments is keeping pace with housing construction.

Now the Capital is linked with the rest of the country, and with the world, by all modern means of communication. After the construction of the Moscow Canal the Moskva River has become a full-fledged city artery.

3.3 Answer the following questions

1.When was the Plan of the Reconstruction of Moscow adopted?

2.What did the Government decision stipulate?

3.What did the Plan envisage?

4.What project were the first five years after the war highlighted?

3.4 Put questions to the following sentences

1.The Reconstruction was carried on under the General Plan.

2.New houses also go up in the city’s older streets and squares.

3.The building of cultural and public establishments is keeping pace with housing construction.

4.The Capital is connected with the rest of the country by all the modern means of communication.

3.5 Make up connected sentences with the following words and expressions

To stipulate, thoroughfare, giant, storey, to be in the highlight, to launch an attack, turning point, draw a plan, top priority.

3.6 Put in the prepositions

  1. The Plan was drawn up … an eye … the city`s future growth.

  2. The work was launched … a giant scale.

  3. Present-day housing projects are essentially different … those … former years.

  4. The Capital is linked … the rest … the country.

3.7 Fill up the blanks with the suitable words from the text

  1. The Reconstruction Plan envisages a “surgical” attack upon the … of narrow and … streets.

  2. The … edifices have added a touch of … to the city’s architectonic.

  3. The building of cultural … is keeping … with housing construction.

  4. Today mass construction of … … and cultural … has top … .

3.8 Give synonyms

Edifice, storey, facilities, to link, to draw the plan, to launch the work, means of communication.

3.9 Give antonyms

crooked, rapid, to scatter, giant, to adopt the plan.

3.10 Creative work

  1. You are the Moscow mayor, you’ve got much money for improvement of the city. What will you spend the money for? Why?

  2. There is a new monument to Peter the Great by Tseretely, the architect, in Moscow. Do you like it? What famous people would you like to erect a monument to? What famous people will you name the streets after? Why?

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