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Soviet Union

Under the reign of Josef Stalin (and, to a lesser extent, under several other Soviet leaders), political opponents of the Soviet regime, as well as perceived "enemies of the people", were subject to incarceration under life-threatening circumstances and execution. Stalin was able to cement his hold on power by intimidating and executing his political opponents, real and imagined.

The assassination of dissidents in exile (such as the 1940 murder of Leon Trotsky in Mexico by agents of Stalin) might also be considered an example of state terrorism.

United States

A number of critics have labeled actions of the United States of America as terrorism. For instance, the US has taken sides in various foreign civil wars and conflicts, notably siding with Israel against other Middle East countries, often working with organizations with questionable human rights practices. The CIA, in particular, has been accused of supporting terrorist organizations in other countries. Such support has been labeled state terrorism.

Other actions have also been criticized as terroristic in intent.

The Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is considered by some as another example of mass killing of civilians which went beyond the laws of war. This has been a highly debated issue over the years.

Some, particularly critics of the US, claim the UN sanctions on Iraq, which the US helped push for, harmed the people more than the government. A response to this is that other countries in the security council, particularly France and Russia, established backdoors so that they could profit immensely through kickbacks.

Another example is the U.S. intervention in Chile. The United States' military action against Nicaragua in 1984-1985 was criticized by some commentators as terroristic after the International Court of Justice, whose authority the US does not recognize, found the US guilty of "unlawful use of force"

7. Ethnic terrorism or racial terrorism

This type of terrorism involves frequent attacks of foreign-born immigrants and may qualify as either or both racist or ethnist, xenophobic. Notable examples include Neo-Nazi groups, but most who engage in violence for ethnic or racial causes qualify.

The Order, United States

Klu Klux Klan, United States

Hammerskins, International

Kosovo Liberation Army - (KLA)

10. Domestic terrorism

It is the commission of terrorist attacks in a state by forces inside or originating from that state, as opposed to terrorist attacks by forces external to the state. Examples of domestic terrorist attacks include the Oklahoma City bombing, the pipebombing during the Atlanta Olympics, and the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway. Historical examples include the Gunpowder Plot, the Haymarket Square bombing, the Watts Riots, and Harper's Ferry.

Domestic terrorism is generally unexpected: when a terrorist attack occurs, often the first reaction is to presume that it was committed by foreigners. That presumption was made in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing. The revelation that the attack was actually committed by white American neo-nazis was a shock to the people of the United States and served as an embarrassment to the United States media.

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