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Acts labelled as state terrorism, sorted by state Chile

Chile, under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, pursued an extensive policy regarded by many as state terrorism against both civilians at home and perceived enemies abroad. On the international stage, the Chilean state's actions included the assassination of former ambassador Orlando Letelier in Washington, D.C., by means of a car bomb, the killing of Gen. Carlos Prats in Argentina in similar circumstances, and the attempted assassination of Bernardo Leighton in Italy.


The government of the People's Republic of China has repeatedly engaged in behaviors considered to violate international standards of human rights. Some of these are also considered by many as acts of state terrorism, such as the suppression of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

China has also actively suppressed movements in Tibet which support independence for the Dalai Lama. Some of these actions, such as mass imprisonment and using violence against peaceful demonstrators, would be classified by some as state terrorism.


In the Weimar Republic of the 1920s and early 1930s, the Nazi Party's paramilitary organisation (Sturmabteilung, or SA for short) terrorized political opponents and minorities. Although the SA committed their crimes in the open, they were only forbidden for short periods of time in 1924 and 1932. In 1932, power shifted from SA to the other Nazi paramilitary organisation, the SS. During Adolf Hitler's dictatorship of Germany (1933-1945) the SS played a key role in building a system of state terror. It controlled the Gestapo, and was responsible for the persecution and the extermination of the Jews, brutalities and killings in concentration camps, excesses in the administration of occupied territories, the administration of the slave labor program and the maltreatment and murder of prisoners of war.

During the 1950s in East Germany, labor revolts and labor strikes were often put down with what most would consider hugely disproportionate force, the goal likely being to terrorize workers into conforming behavior. Also, East Germany provided assistance to the Red Army Faction, a West German terrorist organization.


The United States Department of State includes Iran as a terrorist state using its definition of state-sponsors of terrorist activity. This is based mainly on allegations of financial support to terrorist organisations, including Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Islam Jihad, and PFLP-GC ; as well as "financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid" to Hizbullah.


Iraq under Saddam Hussein is widely believed to have been responsible for numerous chemical weapons attacks on its own civilian population to stem revolutionary activity and pacify ethnic groups. One of the more famous incidents is the Halabja poison gas attack.


Some hold that Israel's approach to the Palestinians is a form of state terrorism, claiming that it is using military force to attack Palestinian civilians, peaceful protesters and members of organizations that it labels as "terrorist". Israel disputes this allegation. Israel's military operations have often resulted in the deaths of civilians, leading to accusations of state terrorism against Israel. Israel counters that Palestinian terrorists use civilians as decoys and aim to maximise civilial death toll.

Israel's "targeted assassionations" of supposed terrorist leaders have been criticized as "extra-judicial execution". Its use of bulldozers, explosives, helicopter gunships, tanks, and missiles launched from drone aircraft and fighter jets into civilian areas to assassinate individuals targetted by the Israeli government, destroy the homes of suspected militants and their families and to eliminate houses in the Gaza Strip that contain tunnels Israel claims are used to smuggle weapons from Egypt have also been criticized as terrorism.

A multitude of Israeli military attacks against civilian areas and refugee camps such as the Qana Massacre and attack on Jenin have been condemned as terroristic, although Israel maintains that these are always in response to terrorist activity in these camps.

Israel's policy of mass detention without charge or trial of Palestinian civilians suspected of militant opposition to Israel and allegations of torture in Israeli prisons are also considered by some to be terroristic.

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