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UNIT 1 исправленный 5.09.2011.doc
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III.Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian /Russian:

  1. There is no universally accepted definition of terrorism. According to expert Walter Laqueur, "the only general characteristic generally agreed upon is that terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence."

  2. Terrorist violence may be perpetrated by rebels in opposition to an established social order or it may be inflicted by a state upon its own citizens or those of another state.

  3. Some, particularly political conservatives, claim that only acts of "revolutionary" violence should be considered terrorist in nature; Thus, terrorism, can loosely be defined as the use of violence to bring about a change in a particular social order.

  4. The central item that distinguishes terrorism from other kinds of coordinated violence is the often-random choice of targets, giving the appearance of senselessness and chaos.

  5. The actual definition of terrorism is not as much debated as which parties and which acts of violence are to be labeled as "terrorist."

  6. Terrorism is the systematic use of terror or unpredictable violence against governments, publics, or individuals to attain a political ob­jective.

  7. Any act of violence is certain to at­tract television coverage, which brings the event directly into millions of homes and exposes viewers to the terrorists' demands, grievances, or political goals.

  8. State terrorism is defined by some as violence upon a national population committed by national governments or their proxies.

  9. Some of these actions, such as mass imprisonment and using violence against peaceful demonstrators, would be classified by some as state terrorism.

  10. Notable examples include Neo-Nazi groups, but most who engage in violence for ethnic or racial causes qualify.

  11. Revolutionary terrorism is the use of systemic, terroristic violence to bring about a revolution.

IV. Give antonyms:

  1. victory

  2. to achieve

  3. innocent

  4. deliberate

  5. to exclude

V. Give English equivalents of the following expressions:

  1. ослаблять оппозицию

  2. преувеличивать; приверженцы анархизма

  3. внутренние конфликтного

  4. дестабилизировать существующие политические институты

  5. ультралевые, ультра­правые

  6. ослаблять оппозицию

  7. преувеличивать

  8. похищение людей

  9. различные религиозные вероисповедания

  10. воздушное пиратство

  11. брать пример с кого-то, возвращаться к примеру кого-то;

  12. телерепортаж

  13. политическое убийство

  14. запугивать кого-либо

  15. захват заложников

  16. поджоги

  17. ни в чем не по­винные граждане

  18. люди, стоящие у власти

VI. Complete the text with the words and word combinations from the box:

Terrorism is a special type of.... . It is a tactic used in peace,… and war. The threat of terrorism is ever present and an attack is likely to occur when least expected, so we can call it... violence.

Nowadays terrorism is ... on a global scale in its various forms stretching from ... to bombings and perpetration of hoaxes. Techno­logical advances gave the violence even greater sophistication and ..., resulting in thousands of deaths. Moreover, modern terrorism tends to publicize its ... and goals. It often drives target selection: the greater the symbolic value of the target, the more ... the attack brings to the terrorists and the more fear it generates. Anyone can ... a terrorist situation, anyone can be a... victim.

Under totalitarianism terror is the ... of a state policy, though ... legitimately. There are no restraints to encourage ... the national ideology of the country.

hallmark, lethality; unpredictable; public impact; violence; un-acknowledged; kidnapping and assassinations; random; griev­ances; happen into; adherence to; internal conflict; practiced

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