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43. Religion and church in Britain.

Every religion is represented in Britain, from Hindu and muslim to Buddhist and Zoroastrian. It is also overwhelmingly Christian. There are 2 established churches in Britain: in England –the Anglican Church of England and in Scotland- the Presbyterian church of Scotland. The monarch is the ‘supreme governor” of the church of England., which is divided into 2 provinces: Canterbury and York.The archbishop of Canterbury is the spiritual leader of the Anglican Church and resides at Canterbury Cathedral.The archbishop of York is the leader of the northern province and resides at York Minister.In England proper the highest number of Christians is found in north-east England. The Church of Scotland is still the dominant form of Christianity with 42,4 %.The highest concentration of other religions is found in London. The capital has the highest proprortion of muslims, hindus, jews,Buddhists

46. Current Trends in Britain’s Life: holidays and festivals. In Great Britain holidays established by act of Parliament are called bank holidays. They are days on which banks close and business is suspended. Bank holidays in England are New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day (first Monday in May), Spring Holiday (last Monday in May), Summer Holiday (fourth Monday in August), Christmas Day, and Boxing Day (December 26). Festivals and holidays have been celebrated since ancient times. The earliest festivals seem to have been connected with offerings to the dead. Later, people celebrated the change of seasons with festivals. Planting time and harvest time were occasions for special rejoicing.

30-31. The History of the English Language: the Old English Period.

The history of Br language begins with the invasion by Germanic tribes in the 5th c. according to venerable bede jutes invaded the isle of Thanet, the Saxons – the south of the Thames, the angles - the 5th of the 4th. There were 4 dialects: Northumbrian, Mercian, west Saxon, Kentish. In8th c Northumbrian led in literature and culture. With the Viking invasion leadership passed to the wessex=> centre of learning. Adjectives were inflected as well as nouns, pronouns, verbs. Nouns were inflected for 4 cases. 5 nouns of knship – faeder, modor, brothor, sweostor, dohtor – had their own inflecions. There were 2 demonstratives: se, seo for “that” and thes, those for “this”. but no articles. Te definite article=demonstrative “that”.(“the good man”=”se goda mon”). indefinite article =the numeral ”an”. Verbs had 2 tenses (present-future and past), 3 moods (indicative, subjunctive, imperative), 2 numbers, 3 personas. Verbs of great frequency (be, shall, will. Do, go, can, may ) had their own inflactions.Gender: masculine, feminine, neutral. Eg.: “sun”, “land” – fem, “moon” – masc. word order was freer than today. Notable fot heroic poem Beowulf (west saxon 700AD)

32. The History of the English Language: the Middle English Period.

Norman conquest placed all 4 old eng dialects more or less on a level. West saxon lost superiority. London - the center of culture and learning. The nothumbrian=>into 2- Scottish and northern.

  • Change in writing from easily readable ulsular to delicate Carolingian script which was in use on the continent.=> change in spelling_ cwen=>queen, hwaet=>what, scip=>ship.

  • Central French dialect contributed t the speech of the aristocracy(canal, catch reward, wage, guarantee)

  • Latin – the language of learning => for 3 cent the literature was trilingual.

  • The lengthening of short syllables (nama –name, mete – meat, nosu – nose, duru - door) => final e was lost in pronunciation.

  • Variations in verb inflections (-th -endind to –s –ending, past participle prefix –y from –ge)

Notable for Geoffrey Chaucer’ s the canterbuty tales (middle east dialect) – nodern usage of lanfuage:

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