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23.The Functions of the uk’s Cabinet.(Prime-Minister)

the Cabinet is a formal body composed of the most senior government ministers chosen by the Prime Minister. Most members are heads of government departments with the title "Secretary of State". Formal members of the cabinet are drawn exclusively from either house of Parliament. the Cabinet is the key formal decision making body of the executive. Traditional cabinets of medieval England consisted of: Household, Law Courts, Military. The Prime Minister uses royal prerogative powers of patronage to appoint and dismiss members of the Cabinet and therefore requires the formal approval of the monarch for any appointment to the Cabinet. Today, the monarch's approval is merely token, and has never been denied in recent history. The Cabinet has numerous sub-committees which focus particular policy areas, particularly ones which cut across several ministerial responsibilities, and therefore need coordination. These may be permanent committees or set up for a short duration to look at particular issues ("ad ho12c committees").

24. The Labour Party now.

The LP was effectively born in 1990.the origins are important in explaining the way it makes policy; the party has no long tern political programmers, instead, it endorses current political issues containing measures which the future Labour government intends to implement. Broad areas of little disagreement I the LP: .

  • Seek change thru the established institutions of the state, rather than thru direct action

  • PL is left of centre party, mostly of social – democratic character

  • Maintains the state’s role in such areas as health, education and provision for those in need.

NOW: 1994 Tony Blair. LP becomes identical to conservatives. “Thatcherism with a human face”. 1995the drop of its historic commitment to state ownership. Current policy= buinding partnership with private industry. Generally enthusiastic about Europe. Bottom up stule in makin policy.

The Conservative Party now.

The CP was originated in 1867 on the basis of political groups of the English landed aristocracy. The major right-wing party receiving support from middle and upper class. The drop in quantity of its members=> shrinkage of irs membership money. Donations from companies make up to 65% of CP’s income. Has no official permanent program. Instituted the privatization of nationalized industries, combating inflation and unemployment, the role of welfare state, reduced the role of local government as service provider. Eurosceptic position. Openlu hostile to euro. Churchill/thatcher. Top-down organization.

The Liberal-Democratic Party.

The social and liberal democrats or simply LD P was founded in 1988 as a result of merger of 2 parties. Use a system one- member- one-vote in the election of their leader. Less top-down. Local organizations in constituencies have great initiative. A typical middle-class party. Lcks any corporate source of finance and support of national newspapers. Cuz of their financial position they are unable to compete with the Pl and CP. Its policy wae termed as “equidistance”= opposing to LP and to CP. Eurooptimistic.

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