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Effects of Myocardial Hypoxia

Anginal pain occurs during exertion, following heavy meals, and with anger, excitement and other emotional states; it is not precipitating by coughing or respiratory movements. When anginal pain is induced by walking, it forces the patient to stop or to reduce the speed, it is characteristically relieved by rest and nitroglycerin. The exact mechanism of the pain stimulus is still unknown, but it is probably related to an accumulation of metabolites within the heart muscle. Anginal pain occurs most typically in the substernal region, anteriorly across the mid-thorax; it may radiate to or rarely occur alone in the interscapular region, in the arms, shoulders, and teeth. The more severe the attack, the greater the radiation from the substernal areas to the left arm.

As a rule, myocardial infarction is associated with a pain similar in quality and distribution to that of angina but of greater intensity and longer duration. The pain of myocardial infarction is not relieved by rest or by coronary dilator drugs and may require large doses of narcotics. It may be accompanied by diaphoresis, nausea, and hypotension.

In addition to chest pain, a second effect of myocardial ischemia consists of electrographic changes. Many patients with angina have normal tracings between attacks, and the record may even remain normal during the episodes of pain.

A third effect of myocardial hypoxia is an alternation in myocardial contraction. It has been shown that the left ventricular and-diastolic and pulmonary vascular pressures may arise during anginal attacks, particularly if they are prolonged. This indicates transient depression of left ventricular function, which is induced by the decreased contractility of the ischemic areas. On auscultation a fourth heart sound is also frequently heard during the anginal episode; paradoxic pulsation in the precordium may be evident on palpation and can be regarded by apex cardiography.

Another characteristic effect of myocardial hypoxia is liability to sudden death.

Ex. 21. Read the text. Write down the key sentences of it using the following speech models:

a) This article deals with…

b) It is pointed out that…

c) It is stressed that…

d) It should be remembered that…

e) There is no doubt that…


Hypertension commonly comes to light as a result of some complicating episodes, or because of some functional disorders of when a blood pressure reading is taken during a routine medical examination.

On rare occasions, hypertension is revealed by severe renal failure with raised blood nitrogen or even uremic coma. Equally exceptional are bronchial or gastrointestinal hemorrhages as indicators of hypertension whereas epistaxis ( nose bleeding) is by no means a rare sign in elderly patients. More frequently, hypertension is revealed by a neurological or a cardiac complication.

The varied neurological complications are dominated by hemiplegia, but on occasions there may be signs of meningeal hemorrhage, sudden loss of vision or a facial palsy. Cerebral edema is particularly associated with pregnancy.

The commonest cardiac accident is an episode of acute left ventricular failure with pulmonary edema. Myocardial infarction is a less common indicator of hypertension.

Taken as a whole, some complications are more specific (left ventricular failure, cerebral hemorrhage, renal failure) while others simply indicate acceleration of the arteriosclerotic process under the influence of hypertension.

The symptoms are the main reason why a hypertensive patient comes to the doctor.

Headache is very common. The headache often resembles migraine.

Hypertension may be manifested by a cardiovascular symptom such as angina or dyspnea on exertion, or diagnosed when enlargement of the heart is discovered on a routine X-ray. Attention must also be paid to complaints of physical weakness, this is an early sign of hypertension.

The diagnosis of hypertension depends on a simple clinical measurement of blood pressure. This should be done systematically.

Ex. 22. Scan this medical annotation and give instruction for Renitec usage.