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Common Respiratory Disorders

Diseases of the respiratory system are usually divided into: diseases of the upper respiratory tract (the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea and associated structures) and diseases of the lower respiratory tract (the bronchi, lungs and pleura). This division is not strict, because diseases of one can spread and involve the other.

The most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract are - cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and laryngitis. In some cases, however they may result in serious disturbances not only of the respiratory system, but also of the whole organism.

The most typical symptoms and signs of diseases in the upper respiratory tract are found to be cough, discharge from the nose, sore throat, hoarseness, fever, bleeding from the nose and loss of voice.

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract are usually serious, for they are likely to be extensive and to impair the normal function of the lungs. Common diseases here are infections both acute and chronic, asthma and neoplasms. Symptoms and signs of the lower respiratory tract diseases are likely to be fever, cough, pain on breathing, sputum production, rapid respiration, haemoptysis and cyanosis. They are often accompanied by such general symptoms like malaise, easy fatigue and chills.

According to their nature, the diseases of the respiratory tract can be divided into infectious (pneumonia, tuberculosis, pertussis, influenza) and noncommunicable and often chronic diseases which include sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pleurisy, hay fever and asthma.

Ex.2. Read the information and speak on the diagnostic tests evaluating physiologic characteristics and pathological states within the respiratory tract.

Pulmonary function tests measure lung volumes and flow rates.

Palpation of the chest detects areas of the tenderness, masses, crepitus, (air in subcutaneous tissue).

Percussion may produce several kinds of sounds known as flat, dull, resonant, hyperresonant, or tympanic, these sounds indicate the location and density of various structures. During percussion, determining other tonal characteristics, such as pitch, intensity and quality, also will help identify respiratory structure.

Characterizing Percussion Sounds

Characteristic Pitch Intensity Quality

flat high soft extremely dull

dull medium medium thudlike(глухой)

resonant low moderate to loud hollow

hyperresonant lower than resonant every loud booming

tympanic musical

(барабанный) drumlike

plural effusions


Chest X - rays show pulmonary edema


opacification zones (помутнение, непрозрачность)

Computed tomography scan provides a three-dimensional picture that is 100 times more sensitive than a chest X-ray.

Magnetic resonance imaging identifies obstructed arteries and tissue perfusions.

Analysis of sputum specimen permits study of sputum quantity, color, viscosity, and odor.