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Chronic and Acute Gastritis

Gastritis, an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, may be acute or chronic. Acute gastritis produces mucosal reddening, edema, hemorrhage, and erosion. Chronic gastritis is common among elderly persons. Acute or chronic gastritis can occur at any age.

Acute gastritis has numerous causes, including: chronic ingestion of (or an allergic reaction to) irritating foods or beverages, such as hot peppers or alcohol, drugs, ingestion of poisons, endotoxins released from infecting bacteria.

Acute gastritis leading to stress ulcers also may develop in acute illnesses, especially when the patient has had major traumatic injuries; burns; severe infection; hepatic, renal, or respiratory failure; or major surgery. Recurring exposure to irritating substances, such as drugs, alcohol, cigarette smoke, or environmental agents, may also lead to chronic gastritis.

After exposure to the offending substance, the patient with acute gastritis typically reports a rapid onset of symptoms, such as epigastric discomfort, indigestion, cramping, anorexia, nausea, vomiting. The symptoms last from a few hours to a few days.

The patient with chronic gastritis may describe similar symptoms or may have only mild epigastric discomfort, or his complaint may be vague, such as an intolerance for spicy or fatty foods or slight pain relieved by eating. Atrophic gastritis may be asymptomatic.

Ex. 7. Read the text” Ulcer-Peptic”. Write down the key sentences of it using the following models:

1.This text is concerned with …

2. The current interest in this problem lies in …

3. … is under discussion.

4. The question of … has become acute.

5. It is generally agreed that …

Ulcer Peptic (Duodenal)

Branch or wound of the surface tissue of the first part of the small intestine (duodenum).

Symptoms: Most often a fairly constant burning, aching and gnawing pain in the stomach (generally after eating). Other symptoms may include heartburn,vomiting, blood in stools (looks black, not red); and usually no loss of appetite, but a sense of fullness after meals.

Cause: Stress, anxiety, tension, and certain foods and drugs may essentially produce a breakdown in the stomach and small intestine natural protection against acids, and/or this may occur because of an oversecretion of hydrochloric acid (a gastric acid).

Severity of problem: Peptic Ulcer may cause extremely severe pain. If serious complications occur, such as obstruction, hemorrhage or perforation, death can take place without immediate medical intervention. Also, cardiovascular disease is not uncommon in those with peptic ulcer.

Treatment: A physician’s evaluation and care are necessary. Bland foods, the use of antacids, more frequent but smaller meals, and the management or reduction of stress help to control the problem if it is diagnosed and treated early. Medications to reduce the production of stomach acid are often used. At times sedatives may be prescribed to control the stress and anxiety. Surgery is necessary if obstruction, perforation or hemorrhage occur.

Prevention: Avoidance of stressful situations; stress management, proper dietary habits, prudent use of caffeine and other stimulants found in food or drink, adequate exercise and overall fitness/wellness. Also the early recognition of symptoms of possible peptic ulcer and prompt medical attention to avoid serious complications.

Discussion: Occasionally, an ulcer may occur in the stomach itself (called a gastric ulcer). This type of ulcer has other causes, including cancer and pernicious anemia. Its medical evaluation is also essential.

Ex. 8. Read the text “Peptic ulcers”. Answer the questions.

1. What pathologic conditions are referred to peptic ulcer?

2. What symptoms are both gastric and duodenal ulcers characterized by?

3. What is the character of pain in peptic ulcers?

4. What methods of examination are used in assessing the ulcers?

5. What is revealed by each test?

6. Why is ulcer called “ seasonable" disease?

7. What are the possible complications of peptic ulcers?

Find in the text and translate into Russian the passage dealing with manifestations of the disease.