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Reflexivo/ reflexive

Reflexive verbs express that the subject of the sentence does the action to himself/herself (e.g., I introduced myself to the class.) In Spanish, -se at the end of an infinitive indicates that the verb is reflexive (levantarse/ to get up). When conjugated, the verb is followed by a reflexive pronoun.

Note that each subject of the verb has a corresponding reflexive pronoun as follows:


Yo me visto./I get dressed, I dress myself.

te vistes./ You get dressed, you dress yourself.

Usted se viste./ You get dressed, you dress yourself.

Él se viste./ He gets dressed, he dresses himself.

Ella se viste./ She gets dressed, she dresses herself.

Nosotros nos vestimos./ We get dressed, we dress ourselves.

Vosotros os vestís./ You get dressed, you dress yourselves.

Ellos se visten./ They get dressed, they dress themselves.

Uds. se visten./ You get dressed, you dress yourselves.

I. Reflexive pronouns are positioned in a sentence in the following manners; keep in mind that in English, many verbs have reflexive meanings that are not expressed, but understood:

1. Before a conjugated verb

  • Juan se queda en la reunión./ Juan stays in the meeting.

2. Before a verb in negative command

  • No te quedes en la reunión./ Don't stay in the meeting.

3. After a gerund or before the verb estar

  • Juan está comiéndose una manzana./ Juan is eating an apple.

  • Juan se está comiendo una manzana./ Juan is eating an apple.

4. After an infinitive or before the main verb

  • No quería levantarme esta mañana./ I didn't want to get up this morning.

  • No me quería levantar esta mañana./ I didn't want to get up this morning.

5. At the end of the verb in an affirmative command

  • Siéntense, niños./ Children, sit down.

NOTE: In commands addressed to nosotros, the final -s is omitted and -nos is added.

  • Alegrémonos./ Let's rejoice.

  • No nos alegremos./ Let's not rejoice.

6. Before a direct object pronoun:

  • Te lavaste las manos? Sí, me las lavé./ Did you wash your hands? Yes, I did wash them.

II. In a reflexive construction, since the reflexive pronoun identifies who does the action, possession is understood; therefore, the definitive article is used rather than the possessive adjective, which is the case in English.


  • Tienes que cortarte el pelo./ You need to get cut your hair (You need a haircut).

  • Mi esposo se baña y se lave la cara./ My husband bathes (himself) and washes his face.

III. Sentir (se)/ to feel is reflexive when used with an adjective and non-reflexive when used with a noun.


  • Mi madre se siente aburrida./ My mother feels bored.

  • Mi madre siente aburrimiento./ My mother feel boredom.

IV. The following verbs are typically used in a reflexive construction:


Acostarse/ to go to bed

Afeitarse o rasurarse/ to shave

Bañarse/ to bathe

Callarse/ to stop talking

Despertarse/ to wake up

Ducharse/ to take a shower

Levantarse/ to get up

Peinarse/ to comb one's hair

Ponerse/ to put on

Probarse/ to try on

Quedarse/ to remain, to stay

Quitarse o sacarse/ to take off

Sentarse/ to sit down

V. The following verbs have slightly different meanings when used in their reflexive form:



Abonar/ to pay

abonarse/to subscribe

Acordar/ to agree to

acordarse/ to remember

Acostar/ to put, to bed

acostarse/ to go to bed

Alegrar/ to cheer up

alegrarse/ to be glad, to rejoice

Burlar/ to deceive

burlarse/ to make fun of

Casar/ to marry

casarse/ to get married

Conducir/ to drive

conducirse/ to behave

Despedir/ to dismiss

despedirse/ to say goodbye

Detener/ to detain

detenerse/ to stop

Dirigir/ to direct

dirigirse/ to address

Dormir/ to sleep

dormirse/ to fall asleep

Encontrar/ to find

encontrarse/ to be located, to meet

Hacer/ to make

hacerse/ to be

Ir/ to go

irse/ to leave

Levantar/ to lift

levantarse/ to get up

Llamar/ to call

llamarse/ to be named

Llevar/ to carry, take

llevarse/ to take away

Negar/ to deny

negarse/ to refuse

Parecer/ to seem, appear

parecerse/ to look like

Poner/ to place, to put

ponerse/ to wear, to put on, to become

Probar/ to taste

probarse/ to try on

Quitar/ to take away

quitarse/ to take off

Volver/ to return

volverse/ to become, to turn around

VI. The following verbs are used with a reflexive pronoun but do not have a reflexive meaning:


Arrepentirse (de)/ to repent

Asomarse / to look out of

Atreverse (a)/ to dare

Darse cuenta (de)/ to realize

Empeñarse (en)/ to insist on

Enterarse (de)/ to find out (about)

Equivocarse/ to make a mistake

Portarse bien/ to behave

Portarse mal/ to misbehave

Quejarse (de)/ to complain

Tratarse (de)/ to be related to an issue (This is only for the 3rd person)

Resignarse/ to resign

VII. In Spanish there are 3 different ways of expressing the English to become or to be.

1. Volverse/ to become is used to refer to a change in physical or emotional state, but it denotes a sudden change.


  • La madre se volvió loca cuando el hijo fue asesinado./ The mother (became) went crazy when her son was killed.

  • El cielo se volvió negro antes de llover./ The sky (became dark) darkened before raining.

2. Ponerse / to be, to become is used refer to physical or emotional changes.


  • Nos pusimos contentos cuando ganamos el partido./ We (became) were happy when we won the game.

  • Sofía se puso triste cuando el novio se fue a la Argentina./ Sofía (became) was sad when her boyfriend left to Argentina.

3. Hacerse/ to be, become is used to indicate personal effort.


  • Me haré famoso después de esta película./ I'll become famous after this movie.

  • Liliana se hará doctora después de tanto estudiar./ Liliana will (become) be a doctor after so much studying.

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