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2. Use the nouns in the right form (singular or plural).

1. The population of New York City is more than eight million (people).

2. Chicago with a (population) of more than three and a half million is the second largest (city) in the US.

  1. Chicago deals in wheat and other (grain).

  2. Other big (city) are Huston, New Orleans and Los Angeles.

  3. Huston is an oil refining and NASA space research (centre).

  4. By the way, (Englishman) spell the name of the city as Houston.

  5. Its (population) is about 1.213.000 (people).

3. Form the words as in the example.

to process meat – meat processing

to process milk

to produce cars

to refine oil

to raise livestock

to grow grains

to build ships

to build machines

to build bridges

4. Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in italics.

a highly developed industrialized country

fruit raising area

an advertising business centre

the second largest city

cattle meat processing

a cotton industry centre

a shipping commercial centre

a world leading motor car producer

NASA space research centre

a flour milling centre

5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Благодаря различиям в климате, природе и географическом положении каждый регион США имеет свои специфические черты.

  1. Земли здесь плодородны и хорошо орошаемы.

  2. Выращивают в основном кукурузу и пшеницу.

  3. Также разводят много скота.

  4. Большие площади заняты фруктовыми садами.

  5. Фрукты и овощи Калифорнии вывозят в другие штаты и страны.

  6. Значительная часть территории – это равнина с большим количеством ферм и маленьких городов.

6. Match the cities and their main characteristics and make sentences of your own.

New York

the first biggest city of the States

New Orleans

the second largest city


an oil refining and space research centre


a cotton industry centre



Los Angeles

a shipping commercial centre


the world's leader in car producing

7. Sum up what the text says about:

the look of a modern big city and its downtown;

the look of a town and its Main Street;

mineral resources f the country;

the Corn Belt;

the state of California.

8. Say what else do you know about the states and cities of the usa. Unit 7. Our institute

In the system of the consumers' cooperatives there are several higher educational establishments. The Saransk Cooperative Institute is one of them. It came into existence as the Saransk branch of the Moscow University of Consumers' Cooperatives in 1976 and in 1995 it became the Institute. Now it is a branch of the Russian University of Cooperation.

The Institute trains specialists for the consumers' cooperatives.

There are several faculties in the Institute:

1) the Faculty of Foreign Economic Affairs trains managers, economists speaking two foreign languages;

  1. the Faculty of Law trains lawyers;

  2. the Faculty of Finance and Goods Expertise trains financiers, specialists of banking system and goods experts;

  3. the Faculty of Accountancy and Information Technologies trains book-keepers, auditors and economists in the sphere of Informational Technologies.

Each Faculty has its own dean's office. The training course runs for five years for full-time students and for six years for extra-mural students.

The first and the second-year students take mostly general scientific subjects and have lectures and seminars in special subjects. From the third year the students are taught various professional subjects. The fifth-year students do their practical training at different enterprises.

The Institute has all the necessary modern accommodations – classrooms, laboratories, several computer classes and various technical equipment.

The students are also provided with hostels, a library, some reading halls, a gymnasium and a clinic.

There are many different clubs and societies at the Institute.

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