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1. Make up ten questions on text «Shopping in the USA».

2. Make up a shopping list for John and his father.

3. Write a recipe of any meat salad.

4. Speak about your meals. What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner? What are your favourite dishes?

5. Answer the following questions.

1. Who does the shopping for food in your family?

2. You like shopping, don't you? What types of stores do you like?

3. What food stores are there in your location?

4. Describe the nearest grocery store or supermarket. Are there many departments? What are they like? Is it a self-service store?

5. How often do you go shopping for food?

6. What items do you usually buy when you go shopping for food?

7. What are your favourite dishes? Can you cook them?

8. Who cooks in your family?

9. Describe how to cook one of the dishes you like.

10. What things do you buy before your birthday party?

6. Translate the following dialogue into English.

– Мама, я иду в магазин. Что надо купить?

– У нас кончилось молоко. Зайди, пожалуйста, в молочный отдел и купи два литра молока.

– Что-нибудь еще?

– Можно купить двести граммов масла и граммов триста сыра. Да, кстати, можешь взять еще килограмм помидоров для салата и огурцов, если будут свежие.

– Можно взять маринованных огурцов?

– По-моему, у нас еще остались. Посмотри в холодильнике.

– Да, ты права. Но у нас нет майонеза. Пожалуй, я куплю немного.

7. Fill in each gap with a suitable form of the verbs to be or to have.

Oxford street … the main shopping street in London. It … a lot of nice shops and department stores. In the shops you can see things for men, women and children.

The shops … usually open six days a week. They … usually closed at 5.30 or at 6 o'clock in the evening. On some days they … open later.

Smaller Oxford street shops … all kinds of things for shoppers. They … dresses, coats, suits, shirts, blouses, hats, ties. In bigger ones people can buy more things: cameras, TV sets, mobile phones. In smaller shops things sometimes cheaper than in bigger ones but the quality … not always good.

Some chain shops … well-known in the country. Branches of the shops … open in a lot of towns and cities of the world. These shops are Marks & Spencer, C&A, Littlewoods, British Home Stores. Some chain shops … their branches in Moscow too.

Department stores … a lot of departments. They sell clothes, shoes, furniture, TV sets, video cameras, computers. Department stores sometimes … sales. Then the prices … lower because the stores want to sell their goods.

Shop assistants … usually very kind and friendly to shoppers. They can advise shoppers on the size, colour and fashion.

8. Read and translate these dialogues.

A. Seller: What can I do for you?

Customer: I'd like to buy a light suit, please.

S.: What's your size, sir?

C.: I think it's medium, but I'm not sure.

S.: What colour would you like?

C.: Grey or dark blue.

S.: Here you are. You can try it on. The fitting room is over there.

C.: Thank you. (10 minutes later). I'm afraid this one is too small, but I like the colour and the style. Can I have a larger one?

S.: Certainly. Is this one all right?

C. (from the fitting room): Yes, that's my size.

S.: I think it fits you. And this style is in fashion now.

C.: I'll take it. I like it. How much is it?

S.: It's 50 pounds. Will you pay in cash?

C.: Yes, please.

S.: The cash desk is over there. Thank you very much, sir.

B. Seller: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes, I'd like a pair of black shoes.

S.: What size and what style?

C.: Size five and a half, low heel, please.

S.: Here you are, madam. Will you try them on?

C.: I'm sorry. They are not for me. But I like the style and the quality. I'll take them.

S.: Would you like to have a box?

C.: Yes, please. I'll pay in cash. By the way, can I get a refund on them or exchange the pair?

S.: Any time, madam. Just keep your receipt.

C.: Thank you very much.

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