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1. Complete these sentences as in the text.

1. It's good that ...

2. My mother keeps ...

3. She works as ...

4. I envy people ...

5. I can't say that ...

2. Say if these statements are True or False. Correct the following statements if it is necessary.

1. Sveta Smirnova is nineteen years old.

2. She is a pupil.

3. Sveta has an elder brother.

4. Sveta is a second-year student.

5. Sveta's father is a doctor.

6. Sveta's grandmother lives in the country.

7. Sveta is fond of listening to pop-music.

8. Sveta's dream is to become an economist.

9. Sveta's grandmother is fond of listening to the music.

3. Give English equivalents.

Родной город, студент первого курса, бухгалтер, старшая сестра, миловидная, эмоциональный, спокойный, иметь много общего, общительный, вести хозяйство, убирать квартиру, мыть посуду, увлекаться чем-либо, ходить по магазинам, вязать, заботиться о ком-либо, пенсионер, мечта, трудолюбивый, искрящийся юмором, быть похожим на кого-либо, у нее не уходит много времени на то, чтобы добраться на работу.

4. Write the countable and uncountable nouns into two different columns, give the plural of the countable nouns.

Town, word, hospital, house, woman, work, man, humour, care, dish, flat, family, book-keeper, company, knee, music, dream, time, shop.

5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list below.

Lively with humour, to have much in common, to be fond of, to take after somebody, pensioner, sociable, it does not take me long to get to my work.

1. My grandmother is seventy years old. She is already retired. She is a ...

2. Mary and her boyfriend like the same music, films and food. They ...

3. My work is not far from my house. That's why ...

4. Your brother is very funny. He always jokes. He is ...

5. Do you like horror films? No, I don't. I ... of soap operas.

6. Tom likes to associate with people. He is ...

7. My mother is a teacher. I want to be a teacher too. I think I …

6. Write the words from the box under the correct headings:

Relations by Birth Relations by Marriage

parents, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, son, stepbrother, daughter, daughter-in-law, grandfather, son-in-law, stepmother, grandson, stepfather, grandmother, stepchildren, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, stepsister, stepson, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, aunt, cousin, nephew

7. Match the words on the right with the list of meanings on the left.

1. The brother of your mother or a) son

father, or husband of your aunt.

2. A girl or woman who is the child b) uncle

of two people.

3. A set of parents and children, or c) daughter

of relations, living together or not.

4. A boy or a man who is the child d) family

of two people.

5. A boy or man who has the same

mother and father as other children e) brother

in a family.

6. A child of your uncle or aunt. f) sister

7. The sister of your (uncle or aunt) g) cousin

mother or father, or wife of your uncle.

8. A girl or woman who has the same h) parent

mother and father as other children in a family.

9. A father or a mother. i) aunt

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