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1. Answer the following questions.

1. How many types of restaurants in the US do you know?

2. Does little time pass between the time a visitor orders a meal and when he receives it in fast food restaurant?

3. What should you do in a fast food restaurant?

4. Fast food is usually mass-produced, isn’t it?

5. How much does a typical dinner cost in a fast food restaurant?

6. Whom are customers of full service restaurants served by?

7. How much will you pay for dinner there?

8. What do people usually do in a full service restaurant?

9. How much time does it take people to have a meal and leave a full service restaurant?

10. Are tips for waiters customary in these restaurants?

2. Translate the following words into Russian and say how you can call a waiter's attention.


tap your wine glass


click your fingers

clap your hands

catch his (her) eye

say «Excuse me»

3. Read and translate the following dialogues:

A. Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Mom: Yes, I think so. Greg, what are you having?

Greg: A hamburger without ketchup and French fries, please.

M. : OK. And you, Stella?

Stella : A pizza for me, please. Pepperoni and extra cheese. And a diet Coke.

M.: And I’ll have a cheeseburger, salad and mineral water, please.

W.: Very good. A drink for you, sir?

G.: No, thanks. I’m OK.

W.: All right. Thank you.

B. Tom: Waiter, could you bring me a menu, please?

Waiter: Certainly, sir. Here it is.

T.: Thank you.

W.: (five minutes later) Now, what are you having, sir?

T.: I’m sorry I haven’t decided yet. Would you mind giving me a couple of minutes?

W.: All right.

T.: Thank you.

W.: (some minutes later) Have you decided yet? May I take your order, sir?

T.: Yes, please. I'd like the fish soup as a starter.

W.: OK. How about the main course?

T.: I’ll have the steak.

W.: What would you like with the steak?

T.: A cabbage salad and some mashed potatoes.

W.: Would you like something to drink?

T.: Some mineral water, please.

W.: Here is your order.

T.: (some time later) Waiter!

W.: Yes, sir. Do you want the bill?

T.: Yes, How much is it?

W.: Seven pounds twenty-five pence, sir.

4. Put the sentences in the right order to make up the dialogue.

– Do you fancy eating soup?

– I am hungry. I would like to go somewhere to have a snack.

– Yes, let’s go there. The prices are reasonable and the choice of dishes is very nice.

– Then I’ll take the same. Will you order a bottle of fizzy mineral water for both of us?

– Fish and potatoes I think.

– I’d like mushroom soup. What about you?

– Not me. I want a meat salad.

– As for me, I prefer beef with green vegetables.

– What would you like to drink?

– As a matter of fact, I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast. We may go to this café.

– I will do with mineral water.

– What about the main course? Would you like meat or fish?

– Yes, of course. So, one meat salad, one mushroom soup, beef with vegetables, fish and potatoes, and a bottle of mineral water. That’s all I think. Let’s make the order.

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