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  1. Complete the sentences. Answer the questions.

  1. Columbus named the inhabitants of the place he discovered Indians because he thought he had found ______________.

  2. The island Columbus called Juana is today called ___________.

  3. What year did Christopher Columbus finally set sail with his three ships and crew? _________.

  4. In what direction did Christopher Columbus sail? ______________

  5. When did Columbus spot land on his first voyage? ________________

  6. When Columbus returned to Spain he was given the title ____________.

  7. How many voyages did Columbus make to the New World? ___________________

  8. Columbus's voyage to the New World would not have been possible if it were not for _______________________.

  9. Columbus had three ships. They were the Nina, Pinta, and __________.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. В Средние века основной целью путешественников было паломничество.

  2. Европейцы пытались открыть торговые пути на Восток.

  3. Бродячие актёры и музыканты перемещались из одной страны в другую со своими выступлениями.

  4. Монголы совершали увеселительные поездки в Индию.

  5. Многие географические открытия были сделаны в Средние века.

  6. Христофор Колумб пытался найти кратчайший путь из Европы в Азию через Атлантический океан.

  7. Знаменитым путешественником Средневековья был Марко Поло. Он подробно описал в своей книге путешествие в Китай.

  8. Испанский король Фердинанд и королева Изабелла дали Колумбу 3 корабля и команду для путешествия на Восток.

  9. Однако он не нашёл тех богатств, которые хотел.

  10. Колумб открыл все важнейшие острова вокруг американского континента и саму Америку.


Compare travel in the Ancient Times with travel in the Middle Ages. What changes took place? What was unchanged? Use the following expressions:

to begin

to compare, to add an idea or to enumerate facts

to summarize and conclude

to give your personal opinion



To begin with

It's evident

First of all


Besides; moreover



By the way

To sum it up

To crown it all

To cut a long story short

In any case; anyway

In general

I expect

To be quite frank

As far as I know

In my opinion

Frankly speaking

I can't say for sure

Part 3 the grand tour


Read and memorize the following words

outcome n

under the reign

court n

to encourage

custom n

to accompany


pleasure n

gentry n

to displace

advent n

to inhibit

decline n

awareness n

cure n

to take the cure

to acquire

to change

society n

seaside resort n

sand n

benefit n


to spring up

to immerse

to overcrowd

overcrowding n


to grow (in popularity)

steam n

steamboat n

to introduce

circuit n

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